Start a rumour about the person above you! (Forum Game)

McIcy is the love child of the Michael Jackson and the evil monkey in my closet. Which I believe may have had a more passive appearance in the 90's. >_< U should see it now!!!
Chris Maxwell is a 40 year old balding man living with his parents, he only pretends to be woman online so the boys will talk to him

Deny it all you want Chris we know the truth
Eww gross! Apart from being obviously blind and stupid, McIcy is a closeted fascist and Hitler is his Great Great Grand daddy. And yet still denies his undying infactuation with me. XD

Ok...enough with the cheap-shot rumours, does anyone have any good rumours?? (wants a few with brains attached)
Chris Maxwell has summoned an army of zombies and other brain-eating minions.
Unfortunately for them, they're really obsessed Goths acting wierd, thinking they're pure white not from the make-up they put on, but thinking they're actually dead...

I just stand there above them, with a stick with a "brain" attached to it. These guys are easy to taunt and torment. :lol:
McIcy instigated the whole media furore around 505 Games releasing Rule of Rose months ago, by stealing Peter Mandleson's porno 'tauche.

Whilst Mandy-boy had no idea who had stolen his fuzzy face-furniture, a few weeks ago he started receiving anonymous messages constructed out of cut-up copies of Anime UK. These messages stated that unless Mandy started bigging-up Rule of Rose amongst his cash-guzzling Europals (everyone knows politicians are the most avid gamers), the tauche would be burned!

Of course, using his 'special' friend Tony 'Lying ****ard' Blair, he discovered Rule of Rose's publisher, the unsuspecting 505. Having launched a media attack, Mandy claimed that the game featured gerbil-eating, postmasters getting buried mountains of mail (for a x2 score multiplier), hunting with hounds and dressing up as a badger and prancing around Stoke-on-Trent whilst shouting curses in Chinese.

505 were preparing their well argued comeback ("um, that's total ****ocks actually") when a figure in bike leathers appeared in their midsts. It was the dreaded video-gamer and anime-fan, McIcy the McTerrible, who had come to triple their agony.

After being duct-taped to their cheap office chairs, the 505 staff were subjected to having a rat-on-a-pole shoved in their faces. Unfortunately, Horace the rat was quite friendly and licked them. The McTerrible soon changed this by duct-taping an enraged budgie named Ella to the pole, who mercilessly tore into their tear-stained cheeks and made them cry all the harder. These tears were collected in an empty Branson pickle jar, which though rinsed-out still reeked of vinegar.

His task complete, McIcy roared with laughter and cast aside the Ella-pole, storming out and leaving the still-imprisoned 505 staff to their miserable fate. Said fate being Maureen the tea lady, who discovered them half an hour later.

With 505 demoralised and unable to defend themselves, the game wasn't published, the rumours ran rampant and Mandy finished them off. His super-secret porno 'tauche recovery team 5 raided their premises and slung them in the clink.

The tauche was never found, the game was never released, the 505 game street staff were never seen alive again and a veil was drawn over the whole affair.

Some say that a figure in bike leathers and sporting a familiar face-fuzz can be seen on dark nights, standing atop an office building and waving a Branston pickle jar at passers by.

(Disclaimer: I'm just annoyed at Rule of Rose not being released and needed a vent. McIcy is in no way involved and has never been linked with the theft of Peter Mandleson's moustache. I feel a lot better now) XD
Squishee-Hippo is correct that McIcy has a lot of free time especially since I abondaned my world domination plan in order to spend the finance on anime.

Squishee-Hippo is Papa Smurfs love child