Neil.T has the world's biggest wine rack in his equally oversized fridge, but doesn't drink so it's filled with non-alcoholic wine and in some cases delicious frankfurters and smoked cheese!

One part of that is actually accurate: I don't drink. (Well, I don't drink anything alcoholic; if I didn't drink at all, I'd be dead by now.

On a related note, my kitchen table has a built-in wine rack. This was inherited from the previous owner and remains unused, not even for storing — I dunno — Peperamis or something, based on your rumour.
And on the subject of rumours, guess who's got another for you:
"Inside her cozy Smiggle backpack house, RadFem has barstools made from unused giant sewing machine bobbins, and a bed frame made from chunky paperless wax crayons"
She has a vivid imagination.