Edit: Shinn cut in, this is a response to Xui, so sorry Shinn
I don't mean to be rude, but it's kind of hard to follow your arguement. You seem to switch between having header titles for the quotes, to having footer titles somewhere, but I can't tell. I wrote a long reply accusing you of basically not understanding your own quotes and the realised that perhaps you actually understood them perfectly, it just doesn't come across that way.
Most critically, where is your point about "Brainwashing"? The quote that follows is hardly telling us that Disney are going to start inserting subliminal frames into Ghibli releases forcing kids to go out and buy Totoro happy meals. It has a lot to do "reaching the masses", which then appears to header the next section... which has zero to do with "reaching the masses" and something to do with social engineering...
And when we're talking about Social Engineering, what is exactly your point? You're the first person to mention it in the thread, so what is it proving? All it proves is that Miyazaki is commited to discussing social issues in his work, and that he feels that Disney comes short in that area. The last quote is in reference to Miyazaki's utter disdain for having his work edited to suit what Disney thinks is the intended audience. This harks back to "The warriors of the wind" version of Nausicaa, which mutilated the movie in an attempt to target an audience. Again, what exactly is your point? This isn't about social engineering, it's about Miyazaki's right to have his works uncensored, and given "as is" to worldwide audiences. If anything, this helps OUR side of the arguement, because he's willing to sacrifice western understanding of Ghibli films for faithful transmission.
As for your first and last quotes, I interpret them in a completely different way, especially as they're likely to have been taken out of context. Miyazaki earning enough money to last him a lifetime? When people say that, it means that they're content. That just suggests that he made Mononoke, Spirited Away and Howl's Moving Castle for their own sakes, or his love of creating animation: anything but more money, which he freely admited to having too much of years ago. The last quote? Lets have the rest of the context:
Also he criticised the Disney's business that "Disney is disposing
videos for cheap. We aren't selling videos of our own films for
cheap." He says that "I think Tokuma sold our films for plenty of
amount already. Though I don't know whether the films sell well in
U.S., I wish we concentrate only on the film making."]
Oh the beauty of Japanese translation work. Can you follow his arguement? No, neither can I. Seems to say both extremes of the arguement. Needless to say, I think it's an extremely dodgy place to get a "fact" from.
edit2: Just to say that regardless of my views about the quotes you presented, you did well to find them