Sonia's art ^_^

Thank you, sorry for not coming here earlier to answer any questions, got bogged down with work (and will be for the next two weeks, I'll be away on a business trip to Japan)

Photoshop was used, yes.

Xelis, you're absolutely right with the hand, it was drawn even a little bit more skewed than that (pros mess up too XD) and during colouring I looked at it and went "eh?" and did a little bit of squishing (free transform tool for the win!) but I could have done a bit more, yes. But I got tired, and I had a print deadline to meet XD so I left it at that. I might squish it down a bit more in future...
Woah, it's been a while since I've posted some stuff here! So..... let's bring on some FANSERVICE!!

I did this uber-quickly for the Street Fighter IV art contest, probably not going to win anything, but I don't care! XD It was just too much fun to draw.
By uber-quickly, how fast do you mean? since there is one hell of a lot of detail in that. Its amazing. Its certainly worth a win in my opinion.
Very nice, you treated the SF subject matter with just the right level of over the top boldness. I think Sakura came off particularly well.

Sonia, you havint forgotten AUKN after all^__^
Looks like a winner to me, great detail and coloring, but particularly, the composition is excellent.
Good luck with it.
Haha, I lurk and post occasionally! Over the summer, I tend to disappear from most forums because that's when events are really heavy.

Pencils took me a couple of hours - getting the poses and composition and details of the costume correct was quite difficult. But the inking and colouring was the fast bit - I had one day to get it all done and submitted before the deadline. So this was a very quick piece considering the amount of stuff I managed to shove in there. I had to go for a simpler colouring style to get it all done on time, yet it still had to look striking and bold, so I thought cel-shading with shiny airbrush highlights and some gradients would do the trick.

Thank you very much for your lovely response *bows* I wasn't just doing fanservice for popularity, honest!

... *whistles*....


Rui - Yes, I'm particularly happy with how Sakura came out, her expression is just what I wanted ^_^

Higher resolution? Sure, I can fix one up for you, although I can't get the new SF4 logo any larger/higher quality. What screen size do you want? ^w^
I use 1440 x 900. Thank you so much! =D
I'm using it as of now, but it loses a lot when you stretch it to fit the screen. But the drawing is too awesome to be bothered by such a minor detail =)
You guys are probably not going to believe this, but still, this is awesome.

This was brought to my attention last week. Several UK manga-style artists, myself included, were contacted out of the blue by UK's Channel 4 for anime/manga illustrations to decorate Jen's office for the set of series 3 of the IT Crowd, one of my favourite comedy TV series. They couldn't confirm exactly whose artwork would be used, but it seems in that last week's episode, at least two of mine were spotted, haha!

My Angelic Descent picture and my Briony & Sueto-chan (posted earlier on this thread) picture were clearly visible in episode 3. And it seems, they will be on set for the remainder of the season, as I've just been told by a friend that they were even more visible in last night's episode!!

I attach screenshots!!

So please keep your eyes peeled this season, see if you spot any other artwork from UK artists!!
Sweet! *Wonders if Sonia got a "Special Thanks" credit at the end...*

I've not seen the show myself, but it's nice to know these things. :) Did you get any commision, or watch it just the invitation of your work being shown?
Nah, it wasn't paid - to be fair, they just wanted some pretty artwork on the walls and the staff liked my stuff in general. As it's only on the walls and not made specially, it was fine. It was all artwork I had already done in the past, so I'm more than happy to let them use it and just get the exposure ^^