SFX Magazine covering anime

Sparrowsabre7 said:
Cut em some slack, they're parents =P All the cartoons they knew were Looney Toons and Disney.

That's the biggest problem, innit?

I'm amazed how anime has been around for ages, and yet there's still plenty of folks who react with shock and surprise at seeing gouts of blood or hearing the odd potty word in a 'cartoon'.

My solution? BBC 1 should screen Black Lagoon in place of Neighbours, twice daily and all day on Sunday until people can get over the mind-blowingness of the concept.

(Is Neighbours even on BBC 1 anymore?)
HdE said:
Sparrowsabre7 said:
Cut em some slack, they're parents =P All the cartoons they knew were Looney Toons and Disney.
That's the biggest problem, innit?

I'm amazed how anime has been around for ages, and yet there's still plenty of folks who react with shock and surprise at seeing gouts of blood or hearing the odd potty word in a 'cartoon'.
Not really a problem as such, they'll all be dead eventually. Then we take their place, and as a generation aren't remotely shocked by anything unless they start actually murdering people for entertainment. Then society reverts to anarchy as a result of our cavalier attitudes. I just sit here grinning in anticipation.
ayase said:
Not really a problem as such, they'll all be dead eventually. Then we take their place, and as a generation aren't remotely shocked by anything unless they start actually murdering people for entertainment. Then society reverts to anarchy as a result of our cavalier attitudes. I just sit here grinning in anticipation.

That makes two of us. It'll be just like H G Wells' 'The Time Machine' with the chilled out enlightened dudes living above ground and the murderous savages hiding under it!

Actually the Morlocks were the clever, twisted ones (they had machines) and the Eloi were peaceful, but naive and not particularly intelligent.

In reality however, it seems society is evolving into clever, twisted, manipulative elite at the top and a gullible, naive twisted populace at the bottom, whose ambition is to be like the ones at the top. Except they can't be because they're not clever or manipulative enough, so they spend a lot of time ranting at them instead. I think the only way out for clever, peaceful people is to become as self sufficient as possible and not concern themselves with what the rest of the population do.

Incidentally, Stephen Baxter's official follow up to The Time Machine (The Time Ships) is mind-blowingly brilliant.

<--- Original thread that way