series you wished didn't existed


i wish they didn't create the gundam seed/destiny series

its not as good as the gundam that came before and the animation isn't horrible but it doesn't stick right to me.

the plot and story is basically the same as wing.

i hate all the character.

its all forced.

sorry but i think this is the only series i hate with a passion.

sorry to fans of this series but its not for me.

its like vash with his hatred for tenchi.
I don't know if I would wish any didn't exist but Naruto would come close as I found it rather poor, slow and full of fillers. I found the manga more interesting but still ended up dropping that.
I'd probably agree on Seed. It's 17ish (I think) hours of my life I won't get back.

Saying I didn't wish it existed seems a bit harsh, but I certainly wish I hadn't bothered watching it.
I loved Seed. I sort of wish Destiny didn't exist as it was a confused let down, but Seed was great!

There aren't any shows I really hate enough to wish out of existence; I can always just not watch things that aren't to my personal taste. Perhaps bad adaptations are frustrating as they prevent a series having a decent telling, but they're remaking things left, right and centre these days, so even then...

There are some really mediocre series I wish I hadn't watched, as my time is precious, more than it was so 2 years ago or so when I first got into the habit, and I could have watched better shows in the time I used on them.

Some of whom were just poor, but I think my least favourite type is the one that shows a lot of potential early on, interesting characters etc, and then just squanders it. Some shows make no promises and are obviously light, enjoyable time fillers, other shows show promises of being much more, and its dissapointing when they don't capitalise for one reason or another (or several).

I find it hard to think of direct examples right now (I'm not feeling well, and have a busy few days) but I know that's directly how I've felt a few times, and I'm sure a few of you guys could think of examples of this.
Professor Irony said:
I'd probably agree on Seed. It's 17ish (I think) hours of my life I won't get back.

Saying I didn't wish it existed seems a bit harsh, but I certainly wish I hadn't bothered watching it.

do you think i should change the title, if so to what.........

series you hate.
series that makes you wish you had your time back.

or something else
its like vash with his hatred for tenchi.

I'm Glad to see my vendetta against Tenchi is now gaining some infamy! :wink:

This seems to be a perfect situation to drop the fully endorsed, leading motto I use in my anti- Tenchi propaganda: 'There really is no need for Tenchi' (lol). However in all honestly Tenchi's like an old foe to me, what better anime character is there to like disliking then the old mouse talied wonder himself? No, Tenchi Muyo is a perfectly fine show to enjoy despising

We could probably do without shows like Mahoromatic (which I am judging purely from the cover art and promotional materials...I don't have the time to waste) though
What? No wai, Tenchi is a cool series, especially Ryoko <3

Only thing I dislike about Tenchi is that they make new episodes reeeeaaaallllyyy slow (8 years have passed between S02 and S03).
Show I really hate and wish never existed:
- Hello Spank
- Tsurikichi Sanpei
- Ashita Tenki ni Nare!

Shows I think it was better if I did not know they existed:
- Lupin III: Part III
- Dragonball Z
- Dragonball GT
- Maison Ikkoku

I'm sure there are more, but can't remember now.

ayase said:
teonzo said:
Maison Ikkoku

Simply I can't stand that genre of shows. They can be as "great" as this one (used the "" because it's considered a masterpiece by a lot of people, myself excluded), but I get 56 different allergies when I try to watch this kind of series. The same goes for shows like Kimagure Orange Road or Ai Shite Night.
About Maison Ikkoku, I tried to persevere because some friends told me it was great, but after 20 episodes I had to drop it, simply it's totally far from my tastes and couldn't resist anymore. To each his own, I suppose, that's why I wrote "it was better if I did not know they existed": I'm happy if people love them, but I would be happier if I spent my time on other shows.

I kind of wish Maison Ikkoku didn't exist because of the obscene amounts of money I've spent on it. Dozens of monthly comics, all 15 flipped graphic novels, all 15 unflipped graphic novels, 13 VHS tapes, and 8 DVD box sets. Oh, and the op/ed/movie theme song CD.

While we're on the subject of Tenchi, everything but the first OVA could do with not existing. Ditto El Hazard.
needless it was terrible the main characters are idiots and merciless, the designs was terrible, everything but the fan service and a few jokes was ok. but it was terrible
I really liked some of the Tenchi spin off stuff. And I liked all of the Sasami shows, even the most recent TV series which had almost nothing to do with the previous universes at all.

Needless is weird, it is unashamedly terrible but I still enjoyed it. I can't even say why, because I agree with every claim that it was trash from start to finish, aside from Koyasu Takehito.

Perhaps because it was even called 'Needless' so brazenly made it easier to overlook any quibbles that it didn't really have a reason to exist. It knew it was totally stupid, and just compensated for that with more explosions and silliness. It was fun to watch and just enjoy without engaging my brain.

I don't think there's any I wish didn't exist. I would just not watch them. Hell even things I hate I wouldn't wish out of existence because some people like them. I think the only one would be Twilight, not because I take umbridge at people liking it (they can like what they want) but for the depths of human patheticity it plums in the fanbase, with stories of people dumping their boyfriends because they're "not Edward." Like it if you want, but God, seriously, some people just cream their pants at the mention of his name and it frankly appalls me. See the "MyLifeIsTwilight" for further reasons to abhor such behaviour.

But like I said, in principle there is nothing wrong with liking something I don't so I wouldn't wish it out of existence. There are also few series I'd like my time back on, because even ones I don't like give me something to hate on :p
If stupid girls are going to dump a boy for not being Edward (who isn't even cool or good looking, in the movies at least...), they were going to make up some excuse to dump them anyway. If it wasn't Edward, it would have been Brad Pitt or Justin Bieber or some other excuse. I feel sorry for Twilight for attracting so much disdain just because a vocal minority of its fans are unusually crazy thirteen year old girls.

The anti-Twilight stuff personally annoys me because relatively few series come out for girls over here and it comes off as everyone jumping on it rather than just watching something else, which is generally what I've always tried to do if I can tell from a mile away that I won't like something. It should be obvious from the summary that a vampire romance is not for everyone, but everyone seems to passionately hate it. It annoyed me so much I actually started watching the series to be perverse, though I ended up deciding Alice was the hottest one :s
