Resident Evil 5(will no doubt contain spoilers)

Saw it a few hours ago bro, I was fanboying off of it like crazy.

That scientist guy has an awesome voice, sounds like Scott McNeil though and it's obviously Jill as the Bird.
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Been playing the beta round my Brother's on his PS3. Loved the graphics and the sound however I HATED that you can't run and shoot at the same time?! What's up with that. You have to run, turn and shoot, then run away again. That's what the game was lacking for me. Everything else was good like.
It's been like that since the first Resident Evil bro, I don't think Capcom would just change it because everyone likes CoD/Halo/GoW gameplay. Though Capcom did make Chris a tank for America...
They were Zombies in the original games! Now you have climbing, jumping and running parsite controled locals. Surley you'd think that with the updated enemies you 'd have updated charaters abilites to combat them with. Besides you could still move and shoot in the original games you just had to stand still to aim. You can't run and shoot in Resi 5 tho? It just confuses me. :S
Only a few days to go now, I absolutely cannot wait, it's been my drive the past week, I'm completely serious, just the idea of me playing the full version after playing the demo countless times. Played with Arbalest before earlier on too, best player I've played with without a mic.
On chapter 5-2 at the moment, not sure how much more i have to go(bar that the last level is on 6-3) and its been brilliant so far, enjoying the story a hell of a lot, but i'll hold back on saying anything as most of you won't have it yet. There is a lot of files when you get further into the game though, which i'm glad about.
I'm up to 3-1. Could have kept on going but my friend wanted to stop for college in the morning. I've died a few times so far, first time I did was in 2-1 IIRC where the chainsaw guy is on the demo, he woke up enraged and I took him lightly, died a few times on the QTE event AFTER that but never died since then. Mining section wasn't too bad, especially since I wasn't playing with AI.

Game is amazing. Buy it now. This is coming from someone who doesn't even think RE4 is that good a game.
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Just finished the game and whoa, that was seriously amazing. I won't say anything for now though since i bet noone else has actually completed it ;p I think there maybe two endings, but i'm not sure. Probably just the one i got but there we go.
Yeah, only played through 2-2 for the moment (hoping to somehow get it finished on Mon-Tue-Wed next week as I have a hella work scehdule the rest of the week and am desperate to see how the story unfolds!) but it's been fantastic so far.
Starting going through the game a second time to get all the BSAA Emblems that are about the place, have 5 at the moment, so only need 25 more. Also completed Mercenaries as well. I say complete, i have all 10 characters now and every level, its just a case of trying to get an S rank(if you can) in it now with everyone.

Only thing i'm wondering now is, how do they continue the Resi series from here? I'm pretty sure there is a chance they'll make a new one but i do wonder how they would approach it. Specially gameplay wise, as apparently they said if they went for another game, they would need to come up with something new again.
I have six emblems so far myself, gonna try and get them all later on though. Also, Arbalest, co-op mercenaries with me, Y/N? (As long as you're not using an arcade stick.)

Arbalest said:
Only thing i'm wondering now is, how do they continue the Resi series from here? I'm pretty sure there is a chance they'll make a new one but i do wonder how they would approach it. Specially gameplay wise, as apparently they said if they went for another game, they would need to come up with something new again.

Jun Takeuchi the producer of RE5 said RE6 will be a reboot of the series, I'm not sure how though, but since Wesker DIES there's not much they can do now. SHinji Mikami refuses to play RE5 anyway.

Also, Tribal Sheva is... amazing.

EDIT: Don't highlight my spoiler if you haven't completed the game or it will ruin you if you want to play the game spoiler free. (Unlike me.)
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I have a few emblems already (four or five, from the first six chapters), but I'm just going to run through with a guide once I finished the game to get the ones I miss, I'm not the sort of person who jives on looking in nooks and crannies for **** like that (unless it's orbs in Crackdown, where simply getting to them was so much fun), but I am the sort of person who wants to be able to buy the figures to look at. :/
Finished Resident Evil 5 yesterday. It was an excellent game, but had it's problems. Altogether, it felt rushed; a forced (though satisfying) storyline, uninspired backgrounds for the most part and misplaced settings (the temple ruins resembled Aztec/Inca architecture yet it's in Africa!) and dull, laborious boss fights. There was rarely any atmosphere, but the great gameplay more than makes up for the game's shortcomings. It's not in the same league as RE4 though, not by a long shot.
CitizenGeek said:
Finished Resident Evil 5 yesterday. It was an excellent game, but had it's problems. Altogether, it felt rushed; a forced (though satisfying) storyline, uninspired backgrounds for the most part and misplaced settings (the temple ruins resembled Aztec/Inca architecture yet it's in Africa!) and dull, laborious boss fights. There was rarely any atmosphere, but the great gameplay more than makes up for the game's shortcomings. It's not in the same league as RE4 though, not by a long shot.

CitizenGeek in the RE5 thread. said:
The story of Resident Evil largely means nothing to me because I have only played the 4th one

It's a Japanese game and the RE series has always been farfetched if I was you I'd play the older games now, the jump in gameplay (and awful American action movie plotlines) happens with RE4 which is fun to play but in most cases it's extremely cringe-worthy and barely features Wesker. Some of the boss fights are pretty bad though, I'll give you that, like the N'desu fight. I wanted to see more or Irving and Excella, such a shame they both die. Or simply this game is by far better than RE4, easily. Better characters, music, dialogue (not by much though.) The atmosphere is gone but it was daylight in RE4 I've never felt scared once while playing RE4, EVER same goes for RE5.
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The absurdity of RE4's story was masked somewhat by it's brilliant atmosphere; no such atmosphere existed in RE5. I read all of the "Files" in RE5, so I have a good understanding of the story of the series and RE5's plot still seemed forced. The characters in RE5 are poor, in fairness. Sheva is largely superficial, Wesker is mind numbingly stereotypical and predictable, same goes for Excella and Irving (Ricardo Irving barely had any character to speak off, so I'm surprised you consider him any way compelling). And those 5 characters are the only characters in the game, really. RE4 had Salazar, Saddler, Luis Sera, Ashley Graham, Leon, Hunnigan, Ada, Krauser and Mendez - all of which are memorable and developed.

The music in RE5 was instantly forgettable (the same is true for RE4, I admit; but at least it done a good job of building up the atmosphere). The dialogue in RE5 actually had me physically cringing at times ("That was for our fallen brethren!"). RE4 was very inventive and original with it's enemies , many of which were recycled in RE5. The boss fights in RE4 were actually clever and enjoyable; they were dull, uninspired and more like a chore in RE5. The puzzles in RE4 prolonged the game and were immersive; there are no puzzles in RE5. The environments in RE4 were at least believably Spanish, while it's painfully obvious the RE5 knows nothing about African history.

All of this leaves me wondering how anyone could possibly prefer RE5 to RE4 :s
CitizenGeek said:
The absurdity of RE4's story was masked somewhat by it's brilliant atmosphere; no such atmosphere existed in RE5.

Nor did it exist in RE4. It's fairly dull.

CitizenGeek said:
The characters in RE5 are poor, in fairness. Sheva is largely superficial, Wesker is mind numbingly stereotypical and predictable, same goes for Excella and Irving (Ricardo Irving barely had any character to speak off, so I'm surprised you consider him any way compelling).

Sheva is African, it's a given there's going to be African characters in well... Africa, plus she's with Chris to reflect the reccuring theme of "partners" "Jill was my partner" "It seems Irving has a partner" "Aren't Excella and Wesker partners?" Of course it's nothing deep or even all that interesting but she is infact relevant. (Plus with two people playing online is just great for replay value, the unpredictability of randomers makes it more fun and compelling.) Ricardo barely had any time which was a little dissapointing, but really he was just the Luis of the game, ran into him a couple of times then dies.

Wesker is a mind numbingly stereotypical villian? Oh lawd. He's the original antagonist of the series, all this happened because of him. Without him you wouldn't even be playing RE4. Excella needed to be expanded upon a bit but she was fine, if you put two and two together unless you're completely stupid.

CitizenGeek said:
And those 5 characters are the only characters in the game, really.

I'll go over them now.


Doesn't last long, very expendable, features in the most dragged out part of the game, of course you won't forget him... or maybe you will? I don't tend to think of him when I think of RE4, anyway.


"Oh, I think you know. The american prevailing is a cliche that only happens in your Hollywood movies. Mr. Kennedy, you entertain me. To show my appreciation, I will help you awaken from your world of cliches." (Lol.)

Luis Sera

Is basically Ricardo. Researches the Las Plagas and then dies for Leon's sake. Very memorable. VERY. Not really.

Ashley Graham


You're stuck with her the ENTIRE game, of course you won't forget her.


Main character, this is a given.


... Please tell me you're not serious. Dear God.


Featured in RE2 with Leon (DID YOU KNOW THIS?)


"Leon... remember me?"

Erm, no actually, what game were you from again?


... Who? Oh yeah, the village chief. (I had to actually Google that, this is coming from someone who spent his entire Summer of 2005 playing the game over and over.)

CitizenGeek said:
The music in RE5 was instantly forgettable.

It's sublime cacophony according to IGN! I don't listen to IGN, however.

CitizenGeek said:
The dialogue in RE5 actually had me physically cringing at times ("That was for our fallen brethren!").

Actually, let's forget about this part. ALL RE games have bad dialogue. Really bad.

CitizenGeek said:
RE4 was very inventive and original with it's enemies , many of which were recycled in RE5.

Same goes for the rest of the enemies prior to RE4 from RE to RE: Code Veronica. What's your point?

CitizenGeek said:
The boss fights in RE4 were actually clever and enjoyable; they were dull, uninspired and more like a chore in RE5.
They were both pretty much the same. Some boss fights were awesome, some were just awful. Fighting Salazar in RE4 is extremely boring, when I recently replayed the game I just wanted it to end.

CitizenGeek said:
The puzzles in RE4 prolonged the game and were immersive; there are no puzzles in RE5. The environments in RE4 were at least believably Spanish, while it's painfully obvious the RE5 knows nothing about African history.

RE5 has like... two. Both in the Ancient Ruins, they're fairly easy though, but they still exist. The game is entirely action based anyway, puzzles were made redundant the minute RE4 changed the gameplay in quite an extreme fashion. But in RE6 it's going to change again anyway, so we'll see how it works out.

CitizenGeek said:
All of this leaves me wondering how anyone could possibly prefer RE5 to RE4 :s

I'd consider myself a Resident Evil veteran were as with yourself you've only played RE4.
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Lupus said:
I'd consider myself a Resident Evil veteran were as with yourself you've only played RE4.

This is pretty much what your entire arguement boils down to. I'm fairly certain having played every other RE game does not make RE5 a better game than RE4. Would the boss battles in RE5 have been less of a chore if I had played RE1, or the plain and uninspired (and downright stupid; see: Aztec/Inca ruins in Africa) if I had played RE2? Would the non-existent atmosphere have magically appeared if I'd played RE3 prior to playing RE5? The prevailing opinion among RE fans is that RE4 is by far the better game, too, so I'm inclined to doubt that being a series veteran supernaturally improves the parts of RE5 that were lacking in the quality that RE4 had in abundance.