okay, after a quick think this is as blatant as i can put it;
the whole Jesus son of God, Mohammed messenger of allah and everything else is all the same story just different translations of names
in english a guys name is: ian stad
in german the same name is: john town
the places are similar, muslims heritage = in asia
christianity's heritage = in jerusalem
(come on you don't need a map to know where im going with this)
the story is the same, a messenger from this "god"
there's also in christianity mention of got being a burning bush in the desert where (forgot his name) had spent 40 days and nights without food or water. well if you put me in a desert for 40 days, im sure id be hearing things that aren't really there and the burning bush is a simple explenation.....natural forest fires are caused by intense heat and sunrays applied to a plant.
one thing i find funny, why does everything have to be 40 days?
the arc.
the guy (still can't remember his name

) in the desert
im not entirely sure but i think that when muslims fast, its for roughly 40 days.
know theres people claiming they are gods representive on earth and they kill by the will of gods.
its all to make a name for themselves.......plus, we all know if god was gunna send a message he'd use MSN
(brain is really struggling because drinking at 2am this morning with mates tends to make you knackered lol)
Outlaw, its not being big headed by typing a few paragraphs.. just means thats how much it takes for someone to feel they've gave their two pence