I saw that when it came out, and even then it was pretty underwhelming. The HR Giger design was striking, but its effectiveness on-screen was undone by being one of the first horror movies to present the monster in CG.Day VIII: Species (1995, Roger Donaldson)
Yeah the CGI towards the end sadly doesn’t hold up despite the solid design.I saw that when it came out, and even then it was pretty underwhelming. The HR Giger design was striking, but its effectiveness on-screen was undone by being one of the first horror movies to present the monster in CG.
31 Days of Halloween 2022!
Day VI: The Hunger (1983, Tony Scott)
An erotic-gothic horror based around a love-triangle between a vampire couple and a doctor trying to reverse ageing. Tony Scott’s direction is quite effective here. 3.5/5
I saw this at cinema with my then girlfriend and I was teasing her about how gorgeous Natasha Henstridge was31 Days of Halloween 2022!
Day VIII: Species (1995, Roger Donaldson)
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A sci-fi horror that focuses on an alien-human hybrid trying to mate and who must be stopped by a team of scientists and agents. Though the film has a great cast it’s not one of the stronger sci-fi offerings from the era. 3/5
31 Days of Halloween 2022!
Day IX: Uzumaki (2000, Higuchinsky)
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A Japanese horror film based on the Junti Ito manga of the same name that focuses on a down spiralling into madness. As it’s own story this was fairly fascinating but as a horror film the tone felt awry at times. It did make me want to explore the source materialthough, as this apparently only adapts the first two volumes or so. 3/5
I used to have the US dvd years ago when I used to buy a lot! But this I read about beforehand and thought it was a good and weird Japanese horror31 Days of Halloween 2022!
Day IX: Uzumaki (2000, Higuchinsky)
View attachment 26498
A Japanese horror film based on the Junti Ito manga of the same name that focuses on a down spiralling into madness. As it’s own story this was fairly fascinating but as a horror film the tone felt awry at times. It did make me want to explore the source materialthough, as this apparently only adapts the first two volumes or so. 3/5
I saw this years ago on video and never seen it since and I remember the video cover with Bowie standing but as for the film only the lesbian scene with Susan Sarandon and the French actress (I think) whose name I can’t think of I remember well!31 Days of Halloween 2022!
Day VI: The Hunger (1983, Tony Scott)
View attachment 26464
An erotic-gothic horror based around a love-triangle between a vampire couple and a doctor trying to reverse ageing. Tony Scott’s direction is quite effective here. 3.5/5
The Uzumaki movie was a massive disappointment. 90% of the story is based on the first chapter of the manga. Not the first volume, the first chapter. As such the movie's plodding pace is all the more frustrating, since there was so much other material it could have drawn from. Only the quick montage at the end hints at stories from the rest of volume 1, and it doesn't show anything from later on.A Japanese horror film based on the Junti Ito manga of the same name that focuses on a down spiralling into madness. As it’s own story this was fairly fascinating but as a horror film the tone felt awry at times. It did make me want to explore the source materialthough, as this apparently only adapts the first two volumes or so. 3/5
Ah it seems I read some inaccurate information regarding how much of the manga this film adapted. Will try and check out more of Junti Ito’s work in the future.The Uzumaki movie was a massive disappointment. 90% of the story is based on the first chapter of the manga. Not the first volume, the first chapter. As such the movie's plodding pace is all the more frustrating, since there was so much other material it could have drawn from. Only the quick montage at the end hints at stories from the rest of volume 1, and it doesn't show anything from later on.
The Uzumaki manga is a masterpiece. Tomie always gets mentioned first when people talk about Junji Ito, but I consider Uzumaki to be far superior.
Hmm, maybe my memory of the movie has become increasingly warped over time. That would be a very Junji Ito thing to happen.Can't say anything to the percentages but it does cover stuff from volume 2.
Yeah this is what I read when looking into the film after my viewing.Can't say anything to the percentages but it does cover stuff from volume 2.