Kanon (2006 KyoAni version)
This was an uneven series. I gave up on the 2002 version after a few episodes because the characters didn't grab me and nothing interesting was happening. The 2006 version likewise starts with several episodes where nothing of note happens, but I've enjoyed enough KyoAni shows to persist and give it the benefit of the doubt. Unlike Clannad, which quickly started focusing on the arcs of each girl in turn, Kanon gets stuck in an interminable holding pattern where the protagonist spends one or two inconsequential scenes with each girl every episode. These are often near-identical scenes each time that only exist to remind us that all of these girls exist. It barely counts as slice-of-life when we're just seeing the same slice over and over. Thankfully it's made more watchable than that part of the 2002 version by the injection of a lot of humour, which makes most of the characters more likeable. That and a handful of mysteries were the only things that kept me watching initially, in no small part due to the protagonist often being an insufferable douche who has no clue where the line sits between teasing and bullying.
Kanon does eventually get into gear around episode 8, and starts focusing on one girl's arc at a time. These arcs are also uneven. The weakest is probably Mai's, since she's the most frustrating silent-type character I've ever seen, and much of her arc involves her swinging a sword at invisible enemies. Most of the others fare better, to varying degrees, but the show is often too blunt and stretched out in its attempts to make the viewer cry. Real emotional impact requires some subtlety, but this is like someone grabbing you by the shoulders and screaming in your face, "Be sad, damn you! That's not enough! Be sadder!" It doesn't help that the series piles on a ridiculous number of tragic incidents and tragic backstories. The rates of accidents and fatal illness in that town are so high, there must be cyanide in the water.
Fortunately, the climactic arc is probably the best, so the series ends on a high note. Kanon 2006 ends up feeling like a stepping stone in KyoAni's learning process of how to adapt Key games for TV though, since the elements they struggle with here are handled far better in Clannad.