Berserk (2016) - 7/10
Wells lets state the obvious first, the 3d was awful. I was sat there at times thinking what have they done and on a few occasions I had to laugh at the stiffness of the movement (the head movements get met he most). I'm really not a fan and hope we don't ever see a full transition to this. I found the decision to go 3D a strange one tbh. In the movies I kinda felt ok there are some big battles so maybe that's why they used it for those but here there isn’t any, it's all smaller battles (a least there aren’t huge amounts of people on screen at the same time) so unless there's something coming up in season 2/2017 then I find this decision utterly bizarre. Is there seriously such a small budget for Berserk this is the only way we are gonna get anymore, this janky 3d madness? Maybe someone can tell me. I was under the impression Berserk was huge? Does the animated versions really not sell that well or is there another reason?
Last thing on the art style I want to mention is the manga pencil markings (or whatever you wanna call them) on the characters. I think it was a bit hit and miss sometimes they completely overdid it other times it looked ok. I didn’t mind so much when they did it when the characters facial features are in shadow I think it at times it looked quite nice but there were a few scenes where it was like they'd done it as an overlay over all the characters on screen making it look really ugly and when those characters moved it looked even worse coz it didn't move with them.
The last thing I want to mention on the negatives is how out of place most/if not all the comedic moments were. I’ve not read the Manga (something that's about to change) but Berserk to me is very serious with some absolutely horrific things happening, so Puck and Isidro suddenly changing character design for comedic effect left me a little baffled.. I’m not saying there weren't 1 or 2 times it worked but for the most part I was just scratching my head. Iirc the bits that made me laugh in the 97 series were more sarcasm or quick whit which works much better with what's happening in the story. Maybe it just wasn't very well done in this
So onto the positives. I mean it's Berserk, despite not enjoying the first ep (I thought some of the music choices were strange) I actually got into after a very enjoyable 2nd episode and enjoyed the story as it unfolded and you know it's got Gutz who is my fave character of all time. I mean see my avatar

I actually didn’t mind the new English voice actor either but he was never going to compare to Marc Diraison. I thought the rest of the dub characters were well done too tbh. The story I liked,
Gutz constant fight to get back to Casca is part of the characters charm that draws me in, he looks out for those in need and its heart warming. I really liked some of the other character too Isidro, Farnese
(although she was kinda annoying me at the end, believe it, its happening right in front of you), Serpico.. I can’t wait to see more of them.
Overall though it left me a little frustrated.. mainly with the artstyle and wishing I was mega rich and had the ability to buy the rights to the series so I could demand its animated in 2D and just throw money at it to make it look beautiful <drifts off into a dream world>..........Where was I?
One thing I just want to clarify is my love for Berserk is all based off the 1997 series which I still rate (alongside FMA: Brotherhood) as the best Anime series I’ve ever seen and that's without a proper ending. I am fully aware there are things cut out and I believe some things added in. Its something I have finally bit the bullet on and decided to order the first volume (i have a despatch confirmation, so should be here soon) so I may find some of the comedic elements happen in the Manga, I’m intrigued to see if these moments are there coz I have seen artwork where Puck's character design does change but I’d expect that it would be better done in the Manga and not put in in moments where the tension needs to be high and shouldn't be broken by...