Just Passing Through
It’s still under £20 at Zavvi with the code at the mo.Yeah I was lucky and picked it up in a zavvi sale. But I'd happily have got it at full price. It's a great show
It’s still under £20 at Zavvi with the code at the mo.Yeah I was lucky and picked it up in a zavvi sale. But I'd happily have got it at full price. It's a great show
I don’t think it is no. The Blu-ray it’s only about £15 on Amazon though.Another to add to the watchlist - it's not streaming anywhere is it? Very interested in that director's work having started watching (and loving) cyber city oedo on screenanime and recalling watching ninja scroll from a different lifetime heh. Which other movie would you give full marks to?
Awesome, top tip and thanks! Found a whole other bunch of series on there that I've been wanting to watch with that code as well...my poor wallet..It’s still under £20 at Zavvi with the code at the mo.
I’ve often searched for a biker gang anime and only ever found Wild 7 which I hear is awful, so any suggestions let me know.
Yeah doesn’t look like my thing but thanks for the recommendatio, much appreciated. Have to say the animation does like nice on it though.Bakuon
I actually have Venus wars... I’m waiting for the Sentai Blu-ray set before I rewatch it but yeah u make a good point. That bike scene is great in that too... I actually posted somewhere on here a clip of the new dub that showed a bit of that scene.Venus Wars is worth a look - the story is kind of woolly and it feels a bit old fashioned compared to Akira, despite coming out around the same time, but it's still an impressive spectacle and the bike action scenes are well handled.
I've also seen Wild 7. It's... an experience. Not worth going to great lengths for, but if you enjoy 'so bad it's good' kind of stuff, you might get a laugh out of it.
Ah classic. I need to get a blu ray/4k version but think I'll wait given the controversy regarding the recent release...Akira - 10/10
This looks like k-on on bikes! That would be a win for me heh.Bakuon!! is a cute girls do cute things version if a biker anime so maybe not what you're looking for exactly but it is a fun show.
That's basically what it is!This looks like k-on on bikes! That would be a win for me heh.
That's basically what it is!
Hahaha even better!Yeah, but co-starring The Stig.
Think I'll watch this if they have it on screenanime or streaming somewhere at any point. Find the project Itoh stuff interesting on paper but the reviews for harmony haven't been great. Got empire of corpses off of the Christmas sales so waiting to watch that but it's genocidal organ that seems most interesting though don't know about it's UK availability/streaming...<Harmony/> This should have been better than it was. The world-building is interesting, the location designs are mesmerising, and there's a good mystery investigation plot running through it's spine. Unfortunately it's just boring. It's 40 minutes before the inciting incident happens, it doesn't do a good job of establishing its dystopian status quo because the protagonist is immune to its effects for reasons that are never explained, said protagonist is quite bland, and the pacing meanders for too long. 6/10, but I suspect I'd drop that to 5/10 if I watch it again.
Nice collection!I imported all three AL steelcase releases for the Project Itoh movies, but had to order the French version for Genocidal Organ as it wasn't releases as a steelcase in the UK - but at least I got a matching set now.
I would say I like Genocidal Organ the best, and <harmony/> almost as much - I actually thought <harmony/> was pretty good, I did not find it boring at all.
So did I the year before, having previously seen it at the cinema. I can promise you this: it's terrible.Got empire of corpses off of the Christmas sales
It does, and it's the only one of the three that I haven't seen.it's genocidal organ that seems most interesting though don't know about it's UK availability/streaming...
... it hasn't actually been released in the UK at all, unfortunately.had to order the French version for Genocidal Organ as it wasn't released as a steelcase in the UK
Heh good thing then that my expectations are far lower than the piqued interest.I can promise you this: it's terrible.![]()
Bah humbug...It isn't streaming, and...
... it hasn't actually been released in the UK at all, unfortunately.
Probably the only anime I've preferentially watched the dub of instead of sub, after reading everyone's comments. It's hilarious! Thank you screenanime for opening my eyes to this gem, before all the collector's editions are sold out.Cyber City Oedo 808 - 8/10
Love this, cyberpunk is my fave genre of anime and we got some really good ones and this is one of them.