Rate the last anime you watched out of 10


This series is about a hot chick that kills people for money, this leading her to face some troubles. I really disliked this series. End of the ranting. Uhm, no, I'm in a bad mood so I'll continue. First 4 episodes were total boredom, so I dropped the series. After awhile I forced myself to continue watching, just to end up dropping it again. Finally today I reached the ending and can put these DVDs on my personal oblivion.
I can stand the sacred rules that protect heroes: hundreds of bullets always on the verge of touching but never hitting; fair and loyal enemies that go to get slaughtered without considering to use any efficient weapons (bazookas, bombs, flames, acids...) or decent tactics (you know a professional hitman is coming to get you with her gun, and you wait in open space with just a knife... uhm, doesn't seem that smart for being a top criminal) to kill a single person.
I can stand a series that tries to depict a story that could be a bit real, but fails on a ton of real details. Mireille always wears a miniskirt, that's ok to make her cute; she also wears boots, that's ok too... but at least not boots with high heels while she's running and jumping for her life. Mireille is one of the best hitmen in the world, and while surrounded by enemies what does she do? She sits down, obviously, just to be able to be more agile and whippy. And so on and on...
I can even stand a series that looses a lot of consistence after the major turning points. Just a couple. When Kirika kills Mireille's family the 2 are about the same age, but after some time Mireille becomes quite older than Kirika... was Kirika hibernated? When Mireille-child goes towards the slaughter-hall, sometimes the door is closed, other times it's a bit open... quite a non sense for a series that re-used a good amount of footage.
But at least give me an intriguing story, or on the opposite hand something that is so boring to be helpful to cure insomnia. Nothing.
No offense intended to the fans of this series, but I really haven't found anything to enjoy here.

Score: 4 / 10

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First Squad
So i bought that half Russian half japanese anime today that just recently came out and i just wanted to say, it is one of the worst things i've ever seen in my entire life. It is so badly made a 2 year old could of made it better. The characters were ****, the plot was aload of b****x, the animation was extreamily poor, the ending was a **** load of **** and what makes me laugh is that this is supposed to be an action film. THERE IS NO F*****G ACTION!!! This anime should not exist. I paid £15 for this BS. DO NOT BUY THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@sanji no 1 i know exactly what you mean, there are cliffhangers, plotholes, unexplained things and the ending was poor i mean very poor, i might of given it a 6/10 but that was because i was being to soft ( way way way way to soft ) but its to late i brought and watched it, but at the same time i brought legend of the millennium dragon and watched it after i watched first squad

Started slow, but it got better as it went long, albeit confusing in some places. Shinjuurou Yuuki and Inga are both they interesting characters (why Shinjuurou is called the "Defeated Detective" I still haven't been able to figure out). The plot and soundtrack were pleasing enough as well.

Score: 7 / 10
sanji no 1 said:
First Squad
So i bought that half Russian half japanese anime today that just recently came out and i just wanted to say, it is one of the worst things i've ever seen in my entire life. It is so badly made a 2 year old could of made it better. The characters were ****, the plot was aload of b****x, the animation was extreamily poor, the ending was a **** load of **** and what makes me laugh is that this is supposed to be an action film. THERE IS NO F*****G ACTION!!! This anime should not exist. I paid £15 for this BS. DO NOT BUY THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I imagine you yelling this at a cringe inducing decibel level, your voice cracking as you tear the box apart in a murderous rage. This thought amuses me greatly, so thanks for that.

@Teo - Noir seems to be one of those series' that isn't holding up well to the passage of time. I didn't think it was all that great when I watched it a year of so ago, but I thought I must be missing something because so many people seemed to rave about it. I see more and more average-to-negative reviews of Noir as time goes on though.
I decided to give First Squad a wide berth when I read the plot synopsis.

When [Nadya] is the last member left standing in a brutal attack, she is returned to the unit for a special project--to bring her comrades back from the dead to fight Von Wolff, a 700-year-old spirit brought back to life to help the Nazis take over the world.
Speaks for itself, I think.

For a show I bought complete for £8 I was blown away by how much I enjoyed this. I marathoned it over the course of two days and fell in love with the characters and their designs and each episode left me wanting more, including the finale!!

A great show with a terrific score and one I envisage will be rewatched again quite a few times.

Ian Wolf said:
It's not the last anime I saw, but I thought I'd put this in here as it seemed to be the most appopriate place.

I've written the "Reader's Review" for the latest edition of NEO Magazine, covering The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya.
Very nice! But, like vash says, do you have a higher resolution scan?

animefreak17 said:
but its to late i brought and watched it, but at the same time i brought legend of the millennium dragon and watched it after i watched first squad
An important message for us all at this time of year.
haruhi suzumiya season 1

ok why are loads of people making such a big big deal with haruhi suzumiya, i mean dont get me wrong i really like the first series i find this series unique and fresh, the animations nice and clear and the characters are very well made, it has a nice charm to it and the storys are good too, but if you ask me i think everyone is overrating it or am i underestimateing it im not sure but il be watching season 2 discs 1 and 2 tomorrow.


tell me why this series is admired so much i need to know please ( is it cause i have to watch the series in a different order or something )
fabricatedlunatic said:
I decided to give First Squad a wide berth when I read the plot synopsis.

When [Nadya] is the last member left standing in a brutal attack, she is returned to the unit for a special project--to bring her comrades back from the dead to fight Von Wolff, a 700-year-old spirit brought back to life to help the Nazis take over the world.
Speaks for itself, I think.
Sounds epic. And by epic I mean if you look at it in a "so bad it's good" ironic fashion. Otherwise it sounds genuinely awful. The fact that the trailer takes itself so serious doesn't help it's cause.
vashdaman said:
Eh? Didn't you just type out the reasons.....and also give it a 9?!


it would be a 10/10 if i fully understood what orders tho.

id like to know in what orders for both seasons and the movie

i watched the dvd order 00 - 13 in order but i think theres 2 or 3 orders to watch them but im not 100% sure. il look it up, il put my findings in the where OVAs/movies/shorts go in series and you wouldn't mind checking if there right for me would ya
animefreak17 said:
i watched the dvd order 00 - 13 in order but i think theres 2 or 3 orders to watch them but im not 100% sure. il look it up, il put my findings in the where OVAs/movies/shorts go in series and you wouldn't mind checking if there right for me would ya
3 orders, original airing (Haruhi order), season 1 dvds (Kyon order) season 2 airing (chronological order).
The Movie goes after season 2, but not the last 2 eps of season 1.
ilmaestro said:
I think you misunderestimated it, af17.

i knew it

my trouble is i got the orders down first season now in where series/movies/OVAs/shorts goes in order thread but i dont know if the second season goes in different orders like the first or if the first and second are mixed together, im looking it up but im having trouble. i know the movie goes at the end of the series and i think the haruhi - chan aren't part of the series i dont know.
ilmaestro said:
Ian Wolf said:
It's not the last anime I saw, but I thought I'd put this in here as it seemed to be the most appopriate place.

I've written the "Reader's Review" for the latest edition of NEO Magazine, covering The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya.
Very nice! But, like vash says, do you have a higher resolution scan?

If you click on the image it should take you eventually to a larger version.
ayase said:
@Teo - Noir seems to be one of those series' that isn't holding up well to the passage of time. I didn't think it was all that great when I watched it a year of so ago, but I thought I must be missing something because so many people seemed to rave about it. I see more and more average-to-negative reviews of Noir as time goes on though.

About a year ago, when I decided to explore anime series from the last 10-15 years, first thing I did was a google search with the phrase "best anime series". Noir was named in most of the lists I opened randomly, so it was one of the first 10 series I bought. I'm still astonished by how highly it was/is regarded... in all honesty I can't find a single positive aspect about this show: flat characters, tedious and repetitive stories, a boatload of incongruences, bad background music (drum machine + carillon = nails on a blackboard for me). I need to complain even about the main character's cuteness, because I prefer brunettes to blondes, hehehehe. Simply it isn't the show for me, totally the opposite of what I like.
I wonder if it's the whole "girls with guns" genre that's not for me. Some time ago I caught on TV a couple of episodes from Najika and Aika, and thought both of them were crap. I need to check out Gunslinger Girls, if I won't like it neither, then I'll put a big stone on that genre.

britguy said:

For a show I bought complete for £8 I was blown away by how much I enjoyed this. I marathoned it over the course of two days and fell in love with the characters and their designs and each episode left me wanting more, including the finale!!

A great show with a terrific score and one I envisage will be rewatched again quite a few times.


Agreed even here, Britguy! On my personal appreciation scale it's an 8 and not a 9, but for sure it's a quality show from start to finish. I'm glad you bought Rin and Noein, for the price they are sold not buying them is criminal.

vashdaman said:
Eh? Didn't you just type out the reasons.....and also give it a 9?!


If I were a psychologist then coming to AUKnews and finding af17's posts would give me the same feeling of winning a lottery.

Ian Wolf said:
If you click on the image it should take you eventually to a larger version.

I have the same problems as the others. Even clicking on the image it's almost impossible to read the text, I suppose this is due to imageshack resizing the images. If you cut away the images and upload only the upper part with text, then it should be readable even after the resize.

teonzo said:
I wonder if it's the whole "girls with guns" genre that's not for me. Some time ago I caught on TV a couple of episodes from Najika and Aika, and thought both of them were crap. I need to check out Gunslinger Girls, if I won't like it neither, then I'll put a big stone on that genre.

Have you tried the Dirty Pair?

That sounded far more suggestive than was intended.
teonzo said:
Ian Wolf said:
If you click on the image it should take you eventually to a larger version.

I have the same problems as the others. Even clicking on the image it's almost impossible to read the text, I suppose this is due to imageshack resizing the images. If you cut away the images and upload only the upper part with text, then it should be readable even after the resize.

Is this better?
