Porn Virus Forces Hentai Fans to Cough Up Money

Genkina Hito

Download illegal copies of games? Then watch out!

If you use the web service Winni to illegally download Hentai games then you'll get an installer that will ask you for personal information (if you are downloading illegal versions of a game, would you really give personal information?).

Anyway, whilst you dutifully type your information, the trojan grabs all sorts of information and publishes it on a public site. You then get an e-mail demand for 1500 Yen (£10).

The virus is known as Kenzero and 5500 very embarrassed people have admitted to being caught out.

Now that's interesting. XD
Do you pay up and hope for the best that they'll actually keep their word (as pirate vigilantes...?), or get caught out with illegal hentai and have your info displayed everywhere (coaxing you out of money and blackmail material)?

Well, you could keep your PC on that message for 1/2 the day, transfer all your money into a new account and lock the old account, then agree to it... that way you might be able to trick the system/virus... But who knows.