Podcast presenters!

Awesome chats are awesome? To apply a cliche. Count me in to any future (informal) discussions. I'd appreciate it, though, if they were still themed, so we could have a focus.

As for the podcast, didn't Jaimii say that was the last free-for-all before the presenters get picked? So is AUKN now going to go live (figuratively meant) with an official podcast some time soon?
VivisQueen said:
Awesome chats are awesome? To apply a cliche. Count me in to any future (informal) discussions. I'd appreciate it, though, if they were still themed, so we could have a focus.

As for the podcast, didn't Jaimii say that was the last free-for-all before the presenters get picked? So is AUKN now going to go live (figuratively meant) with an official podcast some time soon?

I'd certainly hope so, i think the main bit we need to deal with first is shifting through all the content we got from the podcast/chat we just had, making something of that then moving on from there. Just wish i was at the flat, then i could make a start. Curse working from home =/
I think we'll announce the podcast people at some point next week. :)

We'll then have get everyone's hours, work around them, etc etc.
Hello! Just wondering if the recording for the last chat was available to download. And I hope decisions for the podcasting are going ahead okay.
VivisQueen said:
Hello! Just wondering if the recording for the last chat was available to download. And I hope decisions for the podcasting are going ahead okay.

I'm trying to get hold of Jaymii properly for once, but of course, he's never online when he needs to be. I'll push to get things up by the weeks end, for sure. If not, i'll just....muck about with Jaymiis profile name and rank a little...you know >.> I want this one up sooner rather than later.
Ha, conversely I rarely see you online lately. You're more than welcome to make the final judgements yourself if you wish though. I'm always available through Twitter (phone vibrates!) and Facebook too though.

Also, I'm struggling the upload stuff at the mo, annoyingly. I'll give it another go if someone knows anywhere good. I keep trying to up a film I produced to MegaUpload and my net disconnects during it. Urgh!

tl;dr - so sorry, I seriously suck.
Was kinda wondering if there'd been any movement on this myself. I've used podomatic a few times in the past, it seems to be pretty reliable if that's any help. There's a 500mb limit on free accounts, but it could always be a stopgap solution if nothing else.
Yeah, i think there i still a problem on Jaymiis end. He has the thing set to upload so i'll try and discuss with him later. I'd deal with it myself, but the problem is, i'm at home, so i don't have access to my recordings(all on me PC), and i'm away from wednesday to the US.
Listening to it now also, aha although still trying to guess who is who


Skipped randomly like an hour ahead, you were all talking about underage horse porn and homosexuality
Ha, its 4am and I'm clearly bored so I have downloaded your conversation. Thank you, its actually quite a good conversation from the parts I've heard.

I'm thinking I should try reading Pluto now as well.

But whos who, thats what I want to know, who was the the guy googling naked Matoko, come on now own up!
Jaymii said:
I wonder how well an "A Conversation With..." format would go down as opposed to a podcast... Ha.

Sounds good lol gives chance to have random people jump in and out on a weekly basis :p i vote arby for host though, asking the questions.
Jaymii said:
I wonder how well an "A Conversation With..." format would go down as opposed to a podcast... Ha.

Hmm, well whats the difference? this "podcast" is essentially just a conversation isn't it? Ah never mind, I'm bit like an old man with all these fangled new internet phrases. Either way good work peeps I enjoyed it.