Pics, everyone

Voddas said:
Me with my brother-in-law about to commence my best friends Stag night! Good night... I think :S

I appear to be snarling at some one...

EDIT/ Nice cosplay Sonia!
You look like my flatmate from when I was in first year of college in Edinburgh. Also, kudos on the Foos tee.
My sister had a Fancy Dress Party this Fiday so I went all out...

The only downside was that I had to shave off my beard for the full affect. :cry:
What's that bright flash behind y... :eek:

"When you hear the air attack warning, you and your family must take cover."
Keeping anything in front of a window, fully exposed to the glare of the sun, is a bad thing to do. Ask my Harry Potter books.
lmao go for it :lol: , i have been called 'the crimson chin' from fairly odd parents by my friends many a time!
lol its not quite that extreme :p

it is something that makes you unique :)

i might bother to post a pic soon....hmmm... maybe not drunken pics from facebook :p
lmao the chin is more of a burden than anything else, you guys be thankful you don't have one!

i bet you never get into fights....

if you put on a pissed off face i'm pretty sure you'd convey the whole "i'm as hard as nails" look.