PC game recommendations

subedii said:
In any case, I was always more of a Freespace fan. Fresspace 2 was probably the best space combat game ever made (yes, I do rate it better than X-wing / Tie Fighter). You'd be very hard pressed to find it these days though.
Freespace 2 is considered by some to be abandonware so you can download it from the net... somewhere ... interestingly, the EULA that displays as you install the retail disc says that you can freely distribute the game among friends. Crazy!
kupoartist said:
Freespace 2 is considered by some to be abandonware so you can download it from the net... somewhere ... interestingly, the EULA that displays as you install the retail disc says that you can freely distribute the game among friends. Crazy!

Well abandonware is at best an iffy term in when talking about legality, but leaving that aside, there most certainly is a clause in the EULA allowing you to give it to friends. It was basically part of an attempt at differentiating European software distribution laws from those in the US. I don't really know the specifics beyond that.

@ Ryo Chan:
The release of source code doesn't make the whole software package itself 'freeware'. The course code is just that, the source code. It allows you to compile a version of the software using different art and sound and other resources which have NOT been made free for distribution (or using a copy of the game which you have already purchased and thus can theoretically make use of the resources from that). It's basically a way of making modding the game easier so that people who own it already can tweak it how they want.

However, with all that said, my understanding was that the cource code project and free distribution have an (unofficial) blessing from the game's creators. Volition Software's dead, and Interplay (the distributor) is a shambling zombie of a company. I'm not joking, try checking out the official interplay website sometime and see what it looks like. It's dead except for the fact that the management refuses to believe it, no staff, not even anyone to do a simple webpage. The subject of Interplay is a long one, their offices having been shut down back in 2004 for the fact they stopped paying their employees. Probably best summed up by Penny Arcade:


So yeah, I guess that even if you did "find" a copy on the internet, nobody would really care at this stage.
I don't have a gaming PC, nor have I had since it was an 8088 with a CGA colour monitor, goodness knows how long ago that was...

However, I'd enthusiastically point out these oldies:

Diablo 2 - still playable today, as ever.
Age of Empires 2 - I much prefer it to AOE3.
Chaos Legion - the PC version (last time I checked anyhow) has been floating around on ebay for a couple of quid brand new, this is a great Capcom game (though I expect you've played it on console already).
neptune2venus said:
Thanks for all the ideas! I think I'll look into Age of Empires 3 and Neverwinter nights.

I'll get Psychonauts for my Xbox - it's one of the games I'm waiting for to go dead cheap.

Oblivion is a tad overrated and I didn't really like Morrowind for my trusty Xbox!

Are there some underrated classic PC games? I don't mind what genre as long as they are good. I like a bit of obscurity :D

Wow i just saw this post... i should venture into other sections of the forums more often...

Ok well i know how you like things non-mainstream Neptune, and i think i have the perfect thing for you!

I made a post on this (in a hyper mood i must add...) a few days ago, but still...

There are a lot of FREE games that are just as good as any other games that are mainstream (such as UT2004 and FarCry etc and even WoW and EVE Online, which are all quite mainstream although EVE is on the verge of mainstream). These ones that are not mainstream are Korean MMORPG's or other MMO's (massively multiplayer online games if you didn't know), and they are absolutely excellent... I think the best way to describe them would be to take a helping of Final Fantasy... plugged into the Internet with a lot of different ideas... Of course mostly all these games have the anime-feel to them, which is why i'm recommending them because... we all love anime here!

Yeah, so some of these games to try out, absolutely free of course... you have to download them as well, but most are only the size of a few fansubs so it's no big deal, and they all update easily.

So for a little list for you to have a search round when you want, because there are a lot to choose from (and some you can pay to buy extra items... although these are usually 'cheating' items because they do extra special things that you would have to spend a long time doing on your own to get them...)... anyway!

There is FlyFF (Fly For Fun), which is a current addiction i have...
is the URL, and notice next to it another games, which is a flying game but has all the elements of an MMO in it, it's called Space Cowboy... although it's EP2 and i can't find EP1 lol.

Another to try is
I haven't played this myself, but will do after my exams...

Ragnarok Online has a 7 day free trial, (going against my FREE above lol)

From the same people as Ragnarok, this is called ROSE Online
Again with a 7-day trial

Then there is Priston Tale - free to level 40
With it's upcoming sequel - see that trailer!!!

This is only a taster for all the MMORPG delights lol, and you find out about more as you go along... These are also the more non-mainstream ones... others to try more mainstream would be WoW (World of Warcraft), Final Fantasy XI Online, and RF Online.

Oh and i nearly forgot... another non-mainstream is Anarchy Online

If you want to try any and need to some help setting up then we can talk later ^^ and anyone else for that matter! : D

EDIT: And how could i forget Silkroad Online! Shame on me!
