Original Hellsing Ultimate DVD release cancelled

I don't think it's necessarily helpful to gauge the value of entertainment by running time alone. If someone offered me all of Love Hina for a fiver, I wouldn't consider that good value; I'd rather spend the money on, say, a kebab, because that way at least I'd get a few minutes of enjoyment :D
As the first person who referred to them as 'Mangle' in the thread it's only fair I should apologise. As the message from Jerome points out this is beyond their control and in all fairness Manga's releases have been of a higher standard lately. Like everyone I guess I'm just frustrated. :(
Paul said:
Mainly, I think this strategy is in place to guard against reverse importing. If we did get a better deal than the rest of the world, Japan and US based anime fans might start importing our release over investing in their own, and they rely on those markets to keep them afloat. We are just the "gravy" for them and that's definitely a shame, but I'm not surprised about it either, the only frustrating thing is that this wasn't in place from the day that Manga announced the release.
If it really is a reverse importing issue I'd be amazed at the producers "logic". I shop around on Asian import sites quite a bit - and like I said earlier, you can constantly get official HK, Taiwan and Korean DVD's with Japanese audio for less than a third of the price of the Japanese release. Surely this would be far more likely to damage the Japanese market than any UK release?
I LOVE MANGA ENT!!! Hope that cheers you up Jezza =]

In all seriousness tho, I used to buy a buttload of anime a month (talking bout importing around 15 dvd's/sets per calendar month0 but money dwindled and I am no longer in that situation, and if it wasn't for manga releasing death note, naruto, bleach and the likes in the format they have, then I doubt I'd have been purchasing any anime over the past year or so.

Here's hoping they can aqquire more quality shows and release them in the same format as they have done. Three years ago I never thought i'd say it, but MANGA UK are my favourite anime company =]
Sy, you deserve a slap for putting all the blame on me over Jerrie sending a serious business message to Paul. It ain't on.

Paul: Since Jerrie is chatty when it comes to you, could you ask him if he knows when the Death Note box set will coming out? I want it.
Aion said:
Sy, you deserve a slap for putting all the blame on me over Jerrie sending a serious business message to Paul. It ain't on.
Gah, well then I'm sorry. It's just that every time you post about Manga Entertainment it seems to be something negative.
I'll be very positive about them if they manage to not Mangle the Death Note releases and put together a nice box set once they're finished releasing the double volumes. If there are no issues, I'll even pre-order it to show my appreciation instead of waiting for the price to drop. :D
I admit to being in a bad mood when I posted my last comment and I overeacted slightly.

I've decided that if I can get it for £10, then I will buy it afterall.

As said, it's not Mangas fault, ( and I want it pointed out that I have never called them Mangle - at least, I don't think I have ), and £10 isn't too bad for what you get.
As Ayase was explaining, their logic doesn't really make sense considering R1s, R3HKs etc are all far cheaper than their own R2Js. They may as well turn around to every foreign anime company and request they all start to release DVDs with their business model in mind.

So telling Manga Ent., for such a small release, to not release it in 2-disc sets seems like a waste of time to me.

Well, whatever, I'll be getting it regardless.
Hellsing Ultimate - A retort to Aion

Aion, I'm here. Paul, good bloke that he is, has set me up on the forum. Thanks. So, I'm ready to step into the ring with you.
First things first, I never complained to Paul. I asked him to post my letter because I could not log myself onto the forum at the time. Why would I complain to Paul about what I have read on the site forums? That would be very uncool and make me look like a bit of dick. :)
I look forward to answering more questions for AnimeUKNews users in the future.

To Mohawk 52. If Manga is creating its own subtitle script from scratch we will make sure that signs, scripts and lyrics are correctly translated and displayed in the finished subtitles. However, when working off finished sub scripts supplied by the producers we cannot always guarantee that these items will be subtitled correctly. As we use a lot of Madman's DLTs, just as ADV and MVM do, I am confident that the standard of subs and dubs will remain fairly high.
As for your criticisms of Bandai Visual. I agree and it worries me that at a time were studios and licensors should be branching out into new markets we are seeing BV contract its operation and focus on a very specialist niche, that of the otaku. The dedicated Japanese collector's will continue to pay top dollar for less. Manga does not believe this stratgey works in the UK hence the value box sets for shows like Bleach, Naruto and Death Note. Price is always a barrier to bringing in new fans. If Manga did what BV is doing and just focused on catering to the hardcaore we would not have a business in a few more years. We need to constantly bring new fans in and keep the ones we have happy.
Ooh! An actual Manga person.

Hello Jerome!

I for one am very happy with where Manga Entertainment is at the moment, although there are always ways to improve. While I am disappointed by the Hellsing release changes, having seen the check discs, I still think that at the £10 discounted mark, they are great value, if not quite as delicious as before.

The one thing that I would like to see in Manga releases, is a seperate signs track. A default subtitle track for English dub viewers that would translate on screen text, lyrics and credits only. While of course both they and the script would be translated on the main subtitle track that would accompany the Japanese track. Your Death Note releases already do this, but it would be excellent if your releases were like this across the board.

It's how the other distros do it, and I'd like to think that it was a standard for anime releases.
Just Passing Through said:
Ooh! An actual Manga person.

The one thing that I would like to see in Manga releases, is a seperate signs track. A default subtitle track for English dub viewers that would translate on screen text, lyrics and credits only. While of course both they and the script would be translated on the main subtitle track that would accompany the Japanese track. Your Death Note releases already do this, but it would be excellent if your releases were like this across the board.

It's how the other distros do it, and I'd like to think that it was a standard for anime releases.
You just might want to slow down and read the posts before yours next time you're just passing through. You'll see that I suggested the same thing, to which Jerome very kindly replied to. This is what happens when one just skims through. Just a thought. :wink:

@Jerome: BV did more than just contract. They cease to exist. :wink:
Actually Mohawk, if you read Jerome's reply, he talks about the accuracy of the signs, scripts and lyrics in the finished subtitles.

And they are indeed there in the finished subtitles for most of Manga's releases. What I am asking about, and what I believe you asked about are seperate signs tracks aka a second subtitle stream on discs. I don't believe Jerome has answered that question, or if he has, I'd ask for a little more clarity, as it isn't clear if that is meant by his answer.
Re: Hellsing Ultimate - A retort to Aion

Jerome_Manga said:
Aion, I'm here. Paul, good bloke that he is, has set me up on the forum. Thanks. So, I'm ready to step into the ring with you.
First things first, I never complained to Paul. I asked him to post my letter because I could not log myself onto the forum at the time. Why would I complain to Paul about what I have read on the site forums? That would be very uncool and make me look like a bit of dick. :)
I look forward to answering more questions for AnimeUKNews users in the future.

First of all, I need you to prove your identity before we can converse. You could be Paul in disguise, testing me to see if I'd upset an employee of Manga Ent. Please scan and PM something that can prove to me that you are you.

Secondly, why could you not log in? I find this story highly suspicious. My theory is that you emailed Paul with the intent of getting me, a wonderful human being, banned from this forum for a second time. Such lies as "I could not log in" do not work on me.

Finally, you should ask Paul to make and sticky a Mangl...err, Manga Entertainment thread, where you get to spend hours of your time answering the same questions over and over for FREE. It's hard to turn down something like that, huh?

...erm, slightly more seriously, your first important question: Do you have any idea at the moment when the Death Note series box set will be out, what it will look like and what type of set it will be?
Re: Hellsing Ultimate - A retort to Aion

Aion said:
First of all, I need you to prove your identity before we can converse. You could be Paul in disguise, testing me to see if I'd upset an employee of Manga Ent. Please scan and PM something that can prove to me that you are you.

This reminds me of the time when Chris Patton posted on AUKN.. I doubt anyone would bother going to the trouble of impersonating Jerome, and if they did - it would quickly become apparent when their answers mismatch Manga's PRs.
I find it quite unfair that manga get all the stick all the time like that the other anime companies don't get wrong at all:

Beez release of gunbuster 2 missing subtitles, crest of the stars having no separate sign track.
ADV poor complete box sets which always break, releasing poor shows that would never sell and not finish series off like red garden.
Revelation massive delays on titles.
MVM using cheap boxes it uses and no inserts.

All companies have various problems but Manga always takes the brunt when they offer the best value for money in the UK.

Jerome just wondering if Manga are considering bring One Piece over here, I am holding out importing at the moment in hope that Manga are going to release the series over here someday.