One Piece Chapter Discussion

stuart-says-yes said:
he's used up all his energy and he is in mental shock , silly man if your brother was killed in front of you how would you feel

LOL, you know shonen manga are never meant to be realistic other wise Luffy have been killed ages ago, he survived by being impaled by crocodile hook as example of this. Look at Whitebeard is going around with multiply sword wounds and half face missing and it aren't even slowing him down. With Luffy going to be pirate king some day if just collapses like this without even an tempted fight back it makes look unworthy for the title of Pirate king.
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575 onwards...

I think that what Luffy should do is basically gets his act together, because of everything he gained from Ace's sacrifice. Be it run away or beat Blackbeard.
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stuart-says-yes said:
Dave said:
stuart-says-yes said:
he's used up all his energy and he is in mental shock , silly man if your brother was killed in front of you how would you feel

LOL, you know shonen manga are never meant to be realistic other wise Luffy have been killed ages ago, he survived by being impaled by crocodile hook as example of this. Look at Whitebeard is going around with multiply sword wounds and half face missing and it aren't even slowing him down. With Luffy going to be pirate king some day if just collapses like this without even an tempted fight back it makes look unworthy for the title of Pirate king.
what your saying is that he should just get over his brother's death , after all it is only "HIS BROTHER" who saved his life
With Ace gone Luffy is mean't to be take his place as the shiny hope in future to be the next Pirate King. With him just collapsing and stay like that will possible leave the arc at a dissapointing end. You need to have some hope at the end of the arc otherwise everything was for nothing. At least Luffy leaving with his life, Whitebeard looks likely to die and his crew are near destruction you don't see Whitebeard collasping when he sacrificed everything and is going to lose everything. He has lost his adopted son who he spent a great deal of his life to become the next Pirate King.

If it going to end like this I have little interest investing time watching something like 100 anime episodes to get to such anti climax. For me only luffy geting back up for one last fight back will save the arc for me.
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I agree with Dave. While Luffy might not be ale to take on an admiral, he might be able to take blackbeard. Or at least I hop so.
I think with how blackbeard is being bulit up, until Luffy is reuinted with his crew I can't see him fighting Blackbeard to a victory just at the moment and I guess that fight would be saved towards the end of the manga. They may have small tussle now but I can't really see it myself.

Funnily enough with how Devil fruits work against each other while Luffy would be more suited to fight Blackbeard now than an admiral, I can only see Blackbeard been victorious aganist any of the admirals. Logia fruits have one major weakness and its the user not taking damaging. Their lack tolerance to absorb damage and reflex to avoid blows because relying on the logia ablity.
Someone like Blackbeard who can nullify there defence would absolutely rip the Admirals apart.
stuart-says-yes said:
I dunno , aren't we supposed to be writing whitebeard out so shouldn't it be whitebeard this time to fight him, I think Luffy and BB will clash in an arc or 2 once he gets his crew back so it will be crew vs crew

Fair enough it should be Whitebeard to close the arc. But Luffy should at least had one massive moment to shine after losing Ace by going toe to toe with Akainu for just a moment. So even though they lost Ace they have gain and seen the future in Luffy so the arc end in bittersweet moment. A bit like my fave arc Enies lobby eventhough they lost Going Merry it death was not in vain as it saved the crew.
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well, stuart scenario is very likely as well. I wonder if the whitebeard crew left will actually teach Luffy to use his haki (?) - and also the rest of the straw-hat pirates, otherwise all Luffy's crew would become too weak compared to him.
Well it could be hancock that may teach Luffy if haki is something that you can actual teach. Not all straw hats need to learn haki for example ussop could be quite dangerous if ever got some sea stone ammunition with his speed, shooting range and running stamina.
Blackbeard's Devil fruit is definitely powerful, but I can't see him beating one of the admirals. It's basically relying on Blackbeard's stamina in the hopes that he can take everything the enemy throws at him and then some (he said takes more damage than usualy because of his Devil Fruit). But I agree, Luffy's definitely the best match-up for him
Logia user simply aren't able to take a pounding once they lose the advantage of logia defence. Look how quickly Smoker was subdude by hancock and Akainu was defeated with two haki blow from whitebeard. Once Blackbeard gets hold of one the admirals they would lose their defence and the ablity to attack with the logia, he would obliterate them. I think some who doesn't have Devil Fruit like Garp would stand the best chance against blackbeard currently.
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With 2 admirals closing on Luffy in recent chapter it looks like that my wish for him to get back up to face them is more likely to happen. After giving Akainu a beat down Luffy should give Blackbeard stare down before departing Hopefully.
Dave said:
With 2 admirals closing on Luffy in recent chapter it looks like that my wish for him to get back up to face them is more likely to happen. After giving Akainu a beat down Luffy should give Blackbeard stare down before departing Hopefully.

I hope, and don't think that will happen tbh, infact I don't see Luffy recovering at all untill after the war. I think someone like Iva or any other Haki user could beat Akainu in his current state if they're careful :D. -What I think will happen- is that Luffy will be taking to a ship to rest and Blackbeard's rampage will continue and will force the Marines to retreat to the Marine HQ taking Aokiji along with them. Finally Blackbeard will get reckless with the Gura-Gura fruit ability and accidentally destroy some ice and free a path but will allow the pirates to escape and leave them with a cold message
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With the world watching and seeing the now the self declared Pirate King show himself. The time is now Luffy to get up and become the shiny hope to fight against tyrant blackbeard and truly be worthy of the title of pirate king.

If Luffy doesn't get back up the sacrifice in these arc would have been for nothing and I can't see an arc end in one piece in complete failure without some light at the end of it.
Source: Arlong Park Forums
Verification: Confirmed
Credits: Aohige_AP, Battle Franky

The script for this week's One Piece has been translated, the following is basically summing up each page

Scene changes to a ship
[To go to these lengths]
It is unclear who is speaking, until Kizaru appears in a frame


pic 1
Chapter 579: The Courageous Seconds

Marine: It's Trafalgar Law!! A rookie from the North Blue!!!
He's the co-perpetrator of Strawhat Luffy of the incident on Shabondy, and it seems he has come to rescue him on his submarine!!

Law: Hurry!! Get both of them aboard!!
(too blurry to read the rest, it seems that marines are going to focus on
capturing Luffy and defeating Blackbeard. Marines are coming out of the ground,
there's a passageway there now, and Law's ship is being attacked by marine battleship)

Teach: Zehahahaha!!! What an awesome power!!
*Marines panicing*
Teach: Come on, Sengoku the Buddha!! The Hero Garp!! Can you stop me!?
Your era will end along with Whitebeard's!!

Pirate: The Pacifistas have come over the crack in the plaza!!

*Tashigi worried about another marine*
Smoker: Get a hang of yourself!! You'll still live!! You just have to be tended...
VA?: LEAVE HIM BE! We're still in middle of a war!!
Corner the pirates!!! Crush every last one of them!!
Tashigi: Their spirits is still high!! Marines morale are higher, since they completed their objective....!

Tashigi: (Even in victory... they thirst for more!!)
Akainu: Do not forgive this evil called "Piracy"!!!

Teach: No one can stop me now!! I'll destroy everything, and swallow everything!!
Buggy: eh!?

Kizaru: Leave Strawhat Luffy behind~~!!
Law: It's Kizaru!!

Buggy: Alright!! You take care of them!! (throws Jinbei and Luffy over)
Law: (blur) Jean-Paul!(blur) Let's submerge!!
(blur blurblur blurblurblur bulr)
*Kizaru teleports next to Law*
Law: Damn it..!

???: Hold right there!!!
Kizaru: .....!?
Marco: .... more marine!?
Akainu: ?

Coby?: Let's stop this!!! Let's stop this fighting!!
This is... a waste of lives!!
(Every single one of these soldiers have a family to go back to...!)
Our objective is done!! To keep fighting against enemies who have no more intention to fight back.... and pursuing a war that can be ended already...!!
Abandoning soldiers that may still live if they are tended right away...!!
And increasing even more casualties on top of it...!!
The soldiers that's going to die from now.... this is sheer stupidity!!
(blurblurblur Akainu's speech about not needing a soldier who doesn't walk in the way of justice, and attacks Coby)
Coby: AAAAAaaa!!!!

Shanks: ....well done, green marine.
(blurblurblur) The few seconds you bought with your courage...
May have decided the future of the world!!

Crowd: That.. that ship is...!!! Why is it here!?
Pirates: It's the red-haired Shanks!!!
Shanks: I came to end this war!!

...... :D:D:D!

[Edit: Don't link to scans (rules on illegal stuff); when I edit your post I see the spoilers! Grr -Rui]
Agree. I had tears in my eyes when I've finished reading this.
Coby will become the next Garp as Luffy becomes the next Gol D Roger. That much seems very clear to me, ending scene is going to be like Vegeta vs Goku at the end of DBZ.

And now... finally Shanks arrive! The man who would challenge Whitebeard on his own ship and by himself.

I did remember them a bit more ruthless back then, like shooting first, talking later kind of ruthless. I've expected Shanks first mate to at least hurt or startle Kizaru without warning.

And dammit, I know it's done for drama's sake, but if Shanks arrived earlier, would there have been the war in the first place? What will happen to Luffy and more importantly, what are the rest of the straw hat crew doing? When will they reunite again? Arrghh ! So many questions!
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chaos said:
Agree. I had tears in my eyes when I've finished reading this.
Coby will become the next Garp as Luffy becomes the next Gol D Roger. That much seems very clear to me, ending scene is going to be like Vegeta vs Goku at the end of DBZ.

And now... finally Shanks arrive! The man who would challenge Whitebeard on his own ship and by himself.

I did remember them a bit more ruthless back then, like shooting first, talking later kind of ruthless. I've expected Shanks first mate to at least hurt or startle Kizaru without warning.

And dammit, I know it's done for drama's sake, but if Shanks arrived earlier, would there have been the war in the first place? What will happen to Luffy and more importantly, what are the rest of the straw hat crew doing? When will they reunite again? Arrghh ! So many questions!

I think Luffy and his crew will definitely meet again, however Luffy won't have his hat! The submarine submerged unwater with Luffy and Shanks, still on the island, picked it up... unless Luffy bumps into Shanks and takes the hat back before he's ruinited with his crew again. ON the subject of Shanks getting there, we were told he got into a fight with Kaidou, one of the other Yonkou, while Whitebeard had to get to the execution a few hours early, so it sort of makes sense for him to turn up now. Atleast we aren't left any plot holes!

Coby definitely impressed me with this chapter and I agree he'll become the next "Hero of the Marines"! I'm just curious about what's going to happen to the Blackbeard Pirates after this.

Last thing, Buggy's reaction to Kizaru <3, he never fails to get a LOL... this would be the first time Shanks and Buggy have seen each other since they disbanded from Roger's ship!
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Will-O'-The-Wisp said:
I think Luffy and his crew will definitely meet again, however Luffy won't have his hat! The submarine submerged unwater with Luffy and Shanks, still on the island, picked it up... unless Luffy bumps into Shanks and takes the hat back before he's ruinited with his crew again. ON the subject of Shanks getting there, we were told he got into a fight with Kaidou, one of the other Yonkou, while Whitebeard had to get to the execution a few hours early, so it sort of makes sense for him to turn up now. Atleast we aren't left any plot holes!

Coby definitely impressed me with this chapter and I agree he'll become the next "Hero of the Marines"! I'm just curious about what's going to happen to the Blackbeard Pirates after this.

Last thing, Buggy's reaction to Kizaru <3, he never fails to get a LOL... this would be the first time Shanks and Buggy have seen each other since they disbanded from Roger's ship!

Nah, I don't believe Shanks will take the straw hat back, even though it was the original promise.
I guess the info on him being fighting someone else went over my head when I've first seen it, also, so much happened and it's been so long I wouldn't ahve rememberd anyway, unless I've read that back to back.

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Not really over joyed with shanks appearance in this arc. With this Arc being about Whitebeard & Ace last stands and passing their destiny of Pirate King to Luffy. Shank's apperance has put end to any possible Luffy re-emergence and over shadow all the achievements of people present at the same time.

Even if Luffy got back up I wouldn't want it happen as I would like Luffy & Shank meeting to be kept as fair as possible towards the end to make there evantual meeting all the more sweeter.

All I wanted before Luffy collapsed was at least a small speech from him proclaiming that Ace will be his last person he would lose and that he would get his crew back and become pirate king. At least small positive moment instead we got Luffy collapsing with out even a cross word and possibly ending the Arc with no positives at all.
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