Ofcom grants Turner 'Adult Swim' licence

I think I read somewhere their website attracts around 80k different viewers a month. Of course the license doesn't necessarily confirm it's a formality it's going to launch just means they are definitely looking at it.

EDIT: I feel they're definitely a quite large audience that adult swim could attract in the UK, the 14-30 crowd could work, it really depends on what you want to run on the channel. If you go for that market and let's be honest only really BB3 and E4 goes for that crowd, and you could argue both slightly skewed toward the female demograph, theres a potentially large audience to go for and even more now since the demise of Bravo. I feel the comedy market is a little crowded in the UK (Dave, CC, Gold etc) so your going to have to make something different for your channel to stand out, an action block would suffice but I would possibly rule out anime in the short term, I'm not ruling it out altogether but I find it doubtful anime would be on the channel if it was still in it infancy.
ilmaestro said:
Paradox295 said:
ilmaestro said:
Could someone layman-ize the disussion you were having about what this channel might end up being?
Oh, Malcolm in the Middle and that won't be on there

Adult Swim UK will basically be this http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adult_Swim#Programming

Without Family Guy/American Dad
But not the anime stuff, either? The anime isn't a terrible list.
Depends, I would imagine they would have anime since they'd have a few hours to fill
I've post that link on Adult Swim UK's twitter page they haven't replied so far. What do they say about silence? I would love to see it launch but I really don't think it will happen anytime soon.
I've more or less been told it is a broadcasting license for a channel (not from Turner themselves though) but don't get your hopes up as some companies will often by the license as they're relatively cheap but never bother launching the channel...... Though this is supposedly quite rare....

You never know though.
Paradox295 said:
Since this is the latest TV thread. Posting this


Buy it nao!! Got a subscription to Digiguide until January 2013 for only a fiver. Which is what UK-TV-Guide.com uses for listings.

Plus you can search for anime and such :p

Or, if you love me enough, use my referral link and I get another 60 days free:


I read that Mediaboy on the forums had wrote Adult Swim (broadcasting soon) on his latest post.
J_C_X said:
Paradox295 said:
Since this is the latest TV thread. Posting this


Buy it nao!! Got a subscription to Digiguide until January 2013 for only a fiver. Which is what UK-TV-Guide.com uses for listings.

Plus you can search for anime and such :p

Or, if you love me enough, use my referral link and I get another 60 days free:


I read that Mediaboy on the forums had wrote Adult Swim (broadcasting soon) on his latest post.
Hm, it has changed to '(soon to start broadcasting)' :D
I'm gonna ask
J_C_X said:
Paradox295 said:
I expect a major PR from Turner soon..

http://licensing.ofcom.org.uk/tv-broadc ... tes/012011

The Turner channels have been moved from "Turner Entertainment Networks International Limited" to "Turner Broadcasting System Europe Limited"

I noticed that Adult Swim is conspicuously absent from the list though. :-(
Ahh, but look back at December's Updates
http://licensing.ofcom.org.uk/tv-broadc ... tes/122010

AS is listed as 'Turner Broadcasting System Europe Limited'

While the CN channels used to be 'Turner Entertainment Networks International Limited' which has now changed to TBSE

Which means they weren't lying because they didn't know about it in the first place because TBSE is running the channels now
Jayme said:
Paradox295 said:
J_C_X said:
Think there is going to be plenty of life left in this story yet.......


However I did find this little nugget, an aparrent slogan as well - A Place For Adults.

Is a channel not far away?
Ah, uh, yeah. Now that one definately was me :lol:
I just copy pasted the slogan and stuff from the American page
Wikipedias are srs busns. I cited my sources and everything 8)