New Anime Releases - 25/10/2015

I won't be getting any of these releases.

I do intend to get Outbreak Company on Blu-ray at some point, I don't think MVM have announced that they'll be doing one yet so if they haven't announced it in the next few months then I'll probably import.
Not interested in Naruto.

Would have picked up Outbreak Company if it had been released on Blu-ray.

Already have the CE Blu-ray of Tokyo Ghoul.
I'll get Outbreak Company at some point, it should be a fairly high priority for me but since it's only on DVD it can wait. To be honest it'll probably appear as DotW before I get around to buying it, that's what has been happening with most of the MVM DVD-only releases I'm interested in lately (Usagi Drop and Sankarea being good examples).

No interest in the other stuff.