New Anime Releases - 07/06/2015

Isn't it a little redundant to say you're not buying anything? I mean people will probably assume you're not buying something unless you state otherwise so saying you're not buying something when everyone already assumes you're not seems quite pointless. Maybe that's just me.
Received the Blu-Ray a week or so ago.

IncendiaryLemon said:
Isn't it a little redundant to say you're not buying anything? I mean people will probably assume you're not buying something unless you state otherwise so saying you're not buying something when everyone already assumes your not seems quite pointless. Maybe that's just me.

I dunno, I find it interesting but that's just cause I'm a nosy cow ;)
IncendiaryLemon said:
Isn't it a little redundant to say you're not buying anything? I mean people will probably assume you're not buying something unless you state otherwise so saying you're not buying something when everyone already assumes you're not seems quite pointless. Maybe that's just me.

I find it interesting to see what people are interested in and what they aren't. It's an interesting measure of popularity. People's reasons are interesting too, no BluRay, already got the US release etc etc.
st_owly said:
IncendiaryLemon said:
Isn't it a little redundant to say you're not buying anything? I mean people will probably assume you're not buying something unless you state otherwise so saying you're not buying something when everyone already assumes you're not seems quite pointless. Maybe that's just me.

I find it interesting to see what people are interested in and what they aren't. It's an interesting measure of popularity. People's reasons are interesting too, no BluRay, already got the US release etc etc.

That's a fair point.
I'm only interested in Zero, no familiar for me... Oh that's a different discussion.

I was going to go for the "Just Familiar of Zero for me" joke, maybe that would have been better. Oh well.

I've got the Blu-ray, need to get around to watching it at some point but just before I got it I had to go and start watching Hidamari Sketch again. "I'll watch other things in-between!" I said, foolish me.
Smeelia said:
I was going to go for the "Just Familiar of Zero for me" joke, maybe that would have been better. Oh well.
For future reference, it would have been. :p (I still chuckled a bit, so all is not lost)
This anime was so mediocre for me. Like Chaos Head level. I will get Season 2 when the price drops vastly since I got Season 1 when it was the DOTW and I kinda like to finish "collections" haha.