New Anime Releases - 07/06/2015

Only just realised that only the first season of Familiar of Zero was dubbed, so that's a bit of a turn-off for me for the other seasons, as I thought it was a pretty decent dub they had for season one.
Lutga said:
Only just realised that only the first season of Familiar of Zero was dubbed, so that's a bit of a turn-off for me for the other seasons, as I thought it was a pretty decent dub they had for season one.

I might be wrong but looking at the posts on Sentai's page I've gathered that the dub on season 1 was produced ages ago thus it was unlikely they'd be able to get the same voice actors to dub the others, which may have been one reason why they haven't dubbed the rest? I cannot imagine it's a big seller either & throwing down dub money on a further 36 episodes may not have been financially viable. It's a shame though, many must've got into the story and now they can't continue as they struggle with subs (ala two 1 star reviews for the set on Amazon)

They seem to have received a whole lot of stick for not dubbing the other seasons, even on posts unrelated to 'Zero.
I could be wrong but I think it was Funimation that dubbed and released the first season originally.

While I do have sympathy for people who watch dubs for one reason or another, Familiar of Zero is a Rie Kugimiya show so it's not all bad if you're forced to listen to the Japanese. As a side effect, knowing the Japanese for "shut up" and "idiot" will probably let you watch a good deal of the show without even needing the subtitles.