New Anime Releases - 06/09/2015

Knights of Sidonia is one of those releases that has me saying 'yeah, I'm interested, but not at that price.'

12 - 13 episodes, dubious quality of animation and the fact that it's just the first part of a larger story really puts me off.
I really want to get into KoS, but every time I've tried to watch the first episode the animation has really put me off, the frame rate just looks terrible to me for CGI, and I find it too jarring to watch.
antonusklesk said:
I really want to get into KoS, but every time I've tried to watch the first episode the animation has really put me off, the frame rate just looks terrible to me for CGI, and I find it too jarring to watch.
I think that's because there's an attempt emulate the low frame count of traditional anime. Which begs the question, to me at least, of why not just use traditional animation.

I have the snazzy Sentai LE versions of Sidonia and Chunibyou. Sorry Animatsu. Nice to see they're making an effort with their packaging.
I already have Chunibyo, although the Blu-ray should be arriving today. (Does that work? Too subtle? Did I just ruin it?)

I probably won't be getting Knights of Sidonia, I think I'd at least watch it first and I doubt I'll get around to that.

I'm interested in Love Live but I'd probably wait for the Blu-ray release.

I'll most likely be getting the fancy Lull in the Sea Blu-ray.
Already own the import for all four of them, dang. Sorry UK distributors but even more the BBFC with their pesky logos.

put = but
wake-up call for myself
Kinda interested in Knights of Sidonia but in no hurry to be honest. Don't care about the others, although I wish I was interested in A Lull in the Sea to support their go at a fancy set, but while it looks visually bloody beautiful, I'm sure it would bore me to tears.
I really, really hope that when they dub it, they don't dub the songs, as that usually ends up sounding awful, no matter how good the English VAs are (and this is coming from someone who's a fan of dubs)
-Danielle- said:
I'll have to give in to a BluRay player by then then hehe.

Already on the look out for a fair priced one that's multi region.
There's always that much rumoured gift giving event towards the end of the year. That is, if you can bring yourself to wait for that long (and have someone you can convince to do the gifting).