Captain Karen
animefreak17 said:<_< school life anime.
Can't we ever get anything that isn't school life
Knights of Cydonia doesn't look like School Life...
animefreak17 said:<_< school life anime.
Can't we ever get anything that isn't school life
I think that's because there's an attempt emulate the low frame count of traditional anime. Which begs the question, to me at least, of why not just use traditional animation.antonusklesk said:I really want to get into KoS, but every time I've tried to watch the first episode the animation has really put me off, the frame rate just looks terrible to me for CGI, and I find it too jarring to watch.
-Danielle- said:Love Live isn't dubbed is it. Dammit! I need something to fill the void K-On has left.
There's always that much rumoured gift giving event towards the end of the year. That is, if you can bring yourself to wait for that long (and have someone you can convince to do the gifting).-Danielle- said:I'll have to give in to a BluRay player by then then hehe.
Already on the look out for a fair priced one that's multi region.