New ADV Films license

Another strange, C-list license from ADV. It will be interesting to see how much of this stuff makes it to the UK - I can't imagine the likes of Gokujou Seitokai would sell well over here.
I don't know anyone who watched it. You would have to dig deep on blogsuki or the fansubbers forums. But its a wierd one.

However its a JC Staff anime. They are practically the specialists in this field.
I reckon its because of the length. I suppose it makes it more difficult to market consistently. Then again, why don't they just release it in larger volumes like naruto? That's over 100 eps and its still going!
I suppose it might to best if they cut up the series into 3 seasons with about 26 episodes each and released each season as a thinpack boxset. That might make the length of the series seem a little less daunting to people.
Wildcard said:
I reckon its because of the length. I suppose it makes it more difficult to market consistently. Then again, why don't they just release it in larger volumes like naruto? That's over 100 eps and its still going!
Naruto has mass-market appeal and can be fairly safely expected to give returns on large episode counts, which Monster, despite its popularity, cannot be proven to offer. The demographic for Monster, which appeals wholly to a mature audience, is considerably smaller and more tightly packed than that of Naruto. Also consider that it would be difficult to show Monster on prime-time TV, even in the US, which has undoubtedly helped boost Naruto's sales and market share. The two, despite the fact that they are long-running are not really very comparable and what works for the one would not necessarily work the same with the other.
I am actually pretty excited about Gokujou Seitokai, I enjoyed it on fansubs months ago and while it's hardly outstanding it rather weird sense of humour and the fact the lead is a glove puppet make things somewhat different.