Negima! the Manga (And the Anime to an extent) are 'interesting' certainly. The Manga for one is the only Manga series I have really collected. True it has far, far, far, far, far (and a few more fars for good measure) too much fanservice, which comes close to completely decapitating the series for me, but in turn it is simply fun, and the characters are very likable for the most part. But most of all, there is a story there. It takes ages to develop yes, but in a massive Manga you can do that, and it just about carries it. Yes I was on the point of vomiting early on at the crazy fanservice, but (thankfully!) it has been markedly reduced in more recent volumes which is to its benefit. So it is basically a harem anime + and actual story, which gets it above the 'throw up' level to 'pretty good in all with horrible moments' level
I have only seem scattered episodes of the (first) Anime, and generally it is quite good. Negi's voice actor is alright, though when put into Anime form it struggles to compete with the mountain of post Azumanga 'school' anime. Still it is pretty fun and does cut the fanservice right down from the start to more managable levels.
So I had to vote 'yes' but with reservations.
(EDIT: And for the record, Love Hina, lacking any story, is just utterly vile through and through. Story counts, fanservice doesn't)