Maltos said:
Tachi- said:
plus, we all know we love Ikki Tousen for the storyline and meaning behind each fight :wink: not the fan service
Speak for yourself mate. :lol:
Hey, i
was trying to be good

we all know why Ikki Tousen is better.
Ryo Chan said:
shh227 said:
If you read the later manga volumes you would all realise that Negima has a very good story and the latest chapters of the manga looks like it came from a shonen genre like DBZ, naruto, Bleach or even Soul Eater. Basically the fanservice is secondary similer to errr... code geass you can say.
It kinda reminds me of Tenchi OVA sometimes (Harem, spinoffs, action, layed back sometimes).
atleast someone understands what the series is about :thumb:
But the thing is....why should it take that long for it to develope into something worth spending time on?
I know i sound like im ripping into Negima abit and im sorry, but after 4 hours of it and finding out
It doesn't get much better, i felt that after that amount of time it should come with a serious health warning sticker "warning....boring". If it is better as a manga then i'll check it out, but the anime was a tremendous let down and such a bore to watch, i might sound like i expect too much of it, but like you were comparing it to bleach and ect, bleach looks great from the beginning and doesn't take long for a brilliant storyline to develope. :/