Completely Average High School Student
So basically I’ve finished watching Demon Slayer season 1 and also seen the Mugen Train film too. For now, I’m waiting for all the episodes of season 2 to be aired and then I’ll start watching it.
However, this is where I need help. I understand anime takes ages to make so even after I finish season 2, I’ll have to wait a long time until season 3 and actually all remaining seasons until the ending. I am very curious as to many things surrounding Demon Slayer such as why Tanjiro has a scar, who would fight Akaza etc. I am refraining from reading the manga although it is very tempting.
So the issue is, will it be worth waiting for however many years it would take for the anime to be released or is it best to just read the manga and do some research just to find the answers? I know at some point it’s possible that I’ll see spoilers and ruin it anyways that’s why I’m struggling to decide. The anime would be much better but it’ll take a long time before the ending will be aired right?
Life is really short and anything can happen the next minute so that’s why I’m thinking of reading the manga or doing some research for the many questions I have but then that’ll ruin the anime once it comes out eventually, and probably by then I’ll be really old and not remember what’s gone on in Demon Slayer
Anyone have any ideas or suggestions on what I should do? Personally I prefer to watch the anime and wait for the manga but there is no set date so I’ll be waiting indefinitely.
Thanks guys
p.s. please do not reveal any spoilers for me!
However, this is where I need help. I understand anime takes ages to make so even after I finish season 2, I’ll have to wait a long time until season 3 and actually all remaining seasons until the ending. I am very curious as to many things surrounding Demon Slayer such as why Tanjiro has a scar, who would fight Akaza etc. I am refraining from reading the manga although it is very tempting.
So the issue is, will it be worth waiting for however many years it would take for the anime to be released or is it best to just read the manga and do some research just to find the answers? I know at some point it’s possible that I’ll see spoilers and ruin it anyways that’s why I’m struggling to decide. The anime would be much better but it’ll take a long time before the ending will be aired right?
Life is really short and anything can happen the next minute so that’s why I’m thinking of reading the manga or doing some research for the many questions I have but then that’ll ruin the anime once it comes out eventually, and probably by then I’ll be really old and not remember what’s gone on in Demon Slayer
Anyone have any ideas or suggestions on what I should do? Personally I prefer to watch the anime and wait for the manga but there is no set date so I’ll be waiting indefinitely.
Thanks guys
p.s. please do not reveal any spoilers for me!