Episode 17: Saga of Marie the Evil
The energy in this shot is troubling. What is King even doing?
Other than that, I don't have much else to add. It's nice to see Hanson getting some character development though - even if he struck out with Electra, he clearly relishes the chance to be a mentor to Jean.
Episode 18
I think it's happened before, but the scene in the radar room got me wondering - @Neil.T can you shed any light on whether Electra's "It's. A. Secret!" tic is a Japanese pun? The way she counts on her fingers as she says it seems very specific.
Omake 4 - Ep16
Again, pretty spoilery, but this is by far and away the strangest one so far in terms of presentation. Puppet versions of King and Marie get a science lesson from a non-chibi Electra? Maybe it's referencing a kids' show of the time, but I got nothing...
The energy in this shot is troubling. What is King even doing?
Other than that, I don't have much else to add. It's nice to see Hanson getting some character development though - even if he struck out with Electra, he clearly relishes the chance to be a mentor to Jean.
Episode 18
I think it's happened before, but the scene in the radar room got me wondering - @Neil.T can you shed any light on whether Electra's "It's. A. Secret!" tic is a Japanese pun? The way she counts on her fingers as she says it seems very specific.
Omake 4 - Ep16
Again, pretty spoilery, but this is by far and away the strangest one so far in terms of presentation. Puppet versions of King and Marie get a science lesson from a non-chibi Electra? Maybe it's referencing a kids' show of the time, but I got nothing...