Most annoying advert on TV at the moment

Venting time, yay!

"Some women believe skipping breakfast makes them slimmer".

Dunno about you, but they don't even look like they need to be slimmer.
What's with ads featuring women who are already-slim/a healthy weight dieting and trying to lose weight?

Just getting it off my chest and all.
That Cash4Gold(?) advert where you see the snobs running around grabbing piles of gold throughout their manor and sticking it into one of those bags.

My god that advert really p!sses me off.... I'm not over exagerating, I would happily take a shotgun to their smug little face.
the optiplex one in a morning when i'm watching gmtv....every morning the stupid music and the ugly people reading off of scripts.

its slow and dreary, the last thing i want to see in a morning thats likely to make me depressed.

and the claims direct. or lawyers4you or whatever it is, the one with the guy who used to be in eastenders.

the "i want to do a poo" kid is annoying too,
especially when i'm about to eat my dinner, or during eating even.
Tachi- said:
the "i want to do a poo" kid is annoying too,
*begins hearling things around the room*

Damn Tachi, watch your language. :p

That advert tends to get me violent. I'm not one for hitting kids but...

lmao i agree, that kid deserves all the hate people have towards him.

we don't want to hear about it. yes its a natural thing and all BUT NOT WHEN I'M EATING DAMN IT! :evil:
the go compare ad! the one with the oprah guys singing is the most annoying thing!! also the ads with the people talking about how "great" the site is, its so put on.