Most annoying advert on TV at the moment

'We buy any car .com'

I change the channel whenever that advert comes on, it is so annoying. If I wanted to head some chav rapping I'd beat my head against a wall until I was better again.
I find the new ads for Film4's Fright Fest to be insanely irritating!Its just constant screaming!No one reacts that badly to a horror movie unless its inducing flashbacks of a similar experience you once had whilst attempting to shoot your student film on an old town legend in the middle of the woods for three days(or something like that).If you're going to react like that,I wouldn't be watching a horror film if I were you.-__-;
evangelion rocks said:
I find the new ads for Film4's Fright Fest to be insanely irritating!Its just constant screaming!No one reacts that badly to a horror movie unless its inducing flashbacks of a similar experience you once had whilst attempting to shoot your student film on an old town legend in the middle of the woods for three days(or something like that).If you're going to react like that,I wouldn't be watching a horror film if I were you.-__-;

those are the typical over-exagertations that most marketing people do when advertising horror movies, the "watch this as it will scare you like these people" deals.
BlackWolf said:
those are the typical over-exagertations that most marketing people do when advertising horror movies, the "watch this as it will scare you like these people" deals.
Or, A Christmas Carol. :D
<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
Who's ever watched 'Save-Style UK' adverts? They sell windows and doors.


its a totally absurd advert but its pretty funny. :)
Anyone else noticed the sickening trend of recent banking adverts featuring sickeningly happy customer service assistants attaining unprecedented levels of human joy by helping their customers secure their futures? It started out with those Halifax adverts with the Halifax workers building bridges and human pyramids to allow people to fall in love, and move into new homes and all that bile, but now Natwest are in on the game with reps talking about how excited they are to be working there today, meeting a variety of 'awww, cute' customers (wah! wittle wady gonna have her first widdle baby!) and just generally stretching their mouths into Wallace-sized grins of epic proportion.

All because, of course, we're supposed to focus on how lovely the public face of banking is compared to the incompetent sacks of **** that form the hideous machine the little dears are rattling around in. I'd tip my hat to them, but I don't own one (aha! the recession strikes again!) and they've dressed themselves in so much puke inducing fluff that my only hope for communication would be to blow raspberries into their bellies and play peek-aboo from behind the fuzziest bunnykins imaginable.
Ryo pointed out one for me. It was an airfreshner advert aimed for bathrooms. it stars a kid and his mom:
K - "Mummy, I'm going to Daves."
M - "Alright then."
K - "Mummy, I need to go poop."
M - "Ok then let's go.." *Leads to bathroom*
K - "NO! I'm going to Daves to go poop."


What ... The ... F-?! Not got enough toilet tissue to wipe your ****, kid?!

I hate the following types of adverts:

Compensation claims
TV License
Junk food

So pretty much everything.
I've noticed a lot of ads have had "challenges" recently. Y'know, like Pantene Challenge, Special K Challenge, Weetabix Challenge etc.

I'm guessing this is the new craze in advertising?

Thing is though, the Challenge is always "Use this product every day for a week/2 weeks etc." Hardly a challenge is it? Unless you're allergic to it or something.

These challenges need to be more challenging. The Weetabix challenge should be building a full-size skyscraper using nothing but Weetabix within half and hour or less.
Kezwick_Osaka said:
The Weetabix challenge should be building a full-size skyscraper using nothing but Weetabix within half and hour or less.
That's a bit of a tall order. English Heritage wouldn't let such a scheme see the light of day.
How about a game of golf with a single weetabix instead of a ball? The debris would be bio-degradable!
Kezwick_Osaka said:
Thing is though, the Challenge is always "Use this product every day for a week/2 weeks etc." Hardly a challenge is it? Unless you're allergic to it or something.
You raise an interesting point actually. It's like they're saying that their reputations are so bad that they have to force some kind of incentive on people to get them to use their products. That seems to be a strange position to sell from to me.