Looking back at this year's MCM Expo announcement, I have to say I'm disappointed once again...
Anime Limited made a strong 5 announcements, and I hope they'll have more announcements in the coming 2 weeks.
First of all, Andrew, if you read this, can you post an update with how many unannounced series and movies you have? I'd like to know what changed.
Also, I think that besides me a lot of people would like to get a formal update what Q3 is actually going to hold?
Catching up on sales charts? Perfecting some releases? Any Q4 releases moving forward?
→ CLASSIC MOVIE → The Wings of Honneamise (1987)
I haven't seen this movie before, and my initial reaction was the same as with Lupin III, Gatchaman, Akira, Perfect Blue, Ghost in the Shell (original movie), Ninja Scroll...
The older movies I really don't know about their worth/value... I have never seen them before and in this case I'm younger than the movie itself.
So I doubt their value and whether I'll like them by great lengths. Although, after some research I have to say Wings of Honneamise looks better than the 7 anime named above.
In other words, it got my attention and interest. I'm willing to check this one out.
Pre-order: probably not. More likely to snatch it up in a deal in all honesty. But we'll see.
→ NEWER MOVIE → Psychic School Wars (2012)
Well, it was one of the
three movies I showed great interest for to Andrew Partridge in a private message to him.
And I am greatly surprised to see Psychic School Wars announced before Aura. Either way I am pleased to hear this is getting released on dvd, blu-ray with a dub aboard.
BUT... what also surprised me is the flood of hate for the movie that caved in on me on Twitter. Yet, some constructive reviewers make it seem really awesome.
Even Reevothemusefan who gave it a 4 on this site actually made the movie sound good... Not sure how he did that whilst hating it.
And some theory of mine is that this is one of those movies that gets better after watching it a few times.
Either way, I haven't seen it yet and am interested in buying it. But I reckon there's no way Anime Ltd will get away with their regular collector's edition if the hate is true. We'll see.
Pre-order: Tough one... Tough one... I want to say yes, but it'll definitely depend on other releases within the same month of release a bit and on the price.
→ CLASSIC FRANCHISE → Full Metal Panic! (S1: winter & spring 2002 ; S2: fall 2003 ; S3: summer 2005)
FULL METAL ALCHE... ehhhmmm... CHAO... ehhhmmm.. Keep calm... and... PANIC! PANIC! PANIC!
A popular franchise I have been tempted to just buy the American BD sets of a few times already in fact. But I held off for some reason.
So in other words, I haven't seen it yet BUT I am more than definitely interested in watching and buying this series on Blu-Ray. I'm curious as to what will happen with this release:
- Will Anime Ltd author their own discs from scratch?
- Will Anime Ltd release each series with rigid packaging?
- Or will this be a case of choosing between 3 regular edition BDs and 1 complete collection holding all three seasons at once? (I saw the "depending on materials" comment though)
Pre-order: Another tough one.. We're talking about 3 seasons here, and the release format (as in "rigid edition"?) is still unconfirmed. So I'm not going to confirm or deny just yet.
→ NEW SERIES → Blood Lad (summer 2013)
I have great interest in watching this show. So I do most definitely approve of this acquisition!
The plot seems awesome, and given Andrew mentions he considers it an example of how a fighting anime should be done makes it even more interesting to watch it.
Pre-order: Very plausible! Assuming it'll be have an SRP of either £34.99 or £39.99, with rigid packaging I'll definitely give this priority over a good number of other titles. ^_^
→ FUTURE SERIES → Terror in Tokyo (summer 2014)
The two lines of plot seem interesting, that's for sure. I'll see what happens, but I think I'll want to buy this eventually.
Pre-order: Too early to tell. But reading the name "Watanabe" is a good thing. We'll see what I do closer to the home video release.
→ The Princess and The Pilot
The big interesting announcement from Manga Entertainment UK! I am happy to see a sub-only Blu-Ray release from them.
I hope they'll consider upgrading Black Rock Shooter to Blu-Ray!
Either way, about the movie... I definitely find it an interesting plot, so I'll eventually be buying this I reckon!
First of all it would be nice to see MangaUK license "The Pilot's Love Song" that belongs with this movie for Blu-Ray release.
→ Hellsing Ultimate IX & X
Finally... After all this time... Don't care about it myself, but found it annoying for the fans that it has taken so long to finally be announced. The end is nigh.
→ One Piece - Collections 9, 10, 11 and 12 & the movie packs
Good news for the fans, happy for them. Don't care about it myself.
→ Naruto Shippuden: Movie 5 - Blood Prison
Good news, I hope that when the sixth movie gets released they'll do a triple pack for movies 4, 5 & 6 as with 1, 2 & 3.
→ The Devil is a Part-Timer
Definitely interested in watching this! Cannot confirm or deny a pre-order since not the entire Q4 schedule is available yet.
But in all honesty, I don't think I'll be pre-ordering this. I think Anime Ltd will snatch my pre-order of the month during the entire Q4 schedule.
→ Berserk: Movie 3
More good news for the fans, and I am happy for them -even though they deserve better than a butchered Kaze release-. But I don't really care about Berserk.
→ Evangelion 3.33
I am annoyed by the situation. I understand it's not Manga's fault though. Now I wouldn't be surprised to see this slip to March 2015 or further actually.
→ Ghost in the Shell & Ghost in the Shell Arise
I mentioned something earlier, didn't I? Go scroll back up if you have no clue what I am talking about.
My sentiment about the movies is separated from my sentiment about Stand Alone Complex and Arise though. I would love to watch those. Especially S.A.C., on blu-ray. XD
Luckily, for my wallet and mind, that won't happen anytime soon.
→ Q3 Announcements
Already own Kokoro Connect on BD from Sentai Filmworks. I'm not interested in a dvd-only for Mysterious Girlfriend X. Might have to import I guess...
I am considering getting Bodacious Space Pirates on BD, but I have my doubts due to it being 1080i. Sentai Filmworks might re-author it to 1080p when they do their complete collection after all.
We'll see what UK reviews say and what Sentai Filmworks does. It might be something I'll get as a DOTW someday due to the 1080i. We'll see.
→ Familiar of Zero: Season 3: DVD & BD confirmed
The fact they had licensed Familiar of Zero season 2 & 3 is old news. It
already got announced at the previous MCM London Expo.
I hope the Blu-Ray release hints at a dub by Sentai Filmworks. Either way I have wanted to watch this franchise for a long time, in fact... It's one of the first franchises I considered when getting into anime.
→ Patlabor
Don't care about anything Patlabor at the time of speaking. This sentiment might change someday.
→ Garden of Sinners
A case of "YES... OH NO.. No way, José!", and that's mainly due to being dvd-only.
I am not interested in watching this on dvd, I don't like dvd subs at all.
→ Blast of Tempest
Not interested in a dvd-only. Neither am I excited for the sub-only part of it all.
It wouldn't surprise me if Aniplex would dub this next year though.
→ Bunny Drop
Pretty much the same as Garden of Sinners. I hate subs on dvd, and I expect it to be dvd-only.
→ Monogatari
Great news they have all of it! ^_~
→ Q → Anime that Jerome wants to get for MangaUK?
→ A → Knights of Sidonia, Terraformers, Captain Earth, Gatchaman Crowds, Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, Blazblue, SAO II and Black Butler III
There are a few interesting ones among those titles, but I will refrain from commenting on half of the titles for now.
I don't think I'll watch Gatchaman Crowds, thank Gatchaman I'm not interested in watching. Neither do I want to watch Jojo's Bizarre Adventure.
If SAO II gets released in the same fashion as SAO, then I won't be buying it. I would have preferred an Anime Ltd treatment release for it.
Black Butler III? I do want to watch Black Butler in the long term. Will take a while before I do probably.
→ Q → Could we see a UK release of Hyouka?
→ A → The odds are high of a release at some point, so it's likely a matter of "when" not "if".
Good to hear! I am definitely interested in watching this one! ^_^
→ Q → Thoughts on subtitle-only releases?
→ A → MVM Entertainment are happy to take on sub-only series after some recent successes like Bakemonogatari. Likewise from Manga Entertainment - if a sub-only release is worth taking a chance on with no dub likely then they'll do it. People asking about Bakemonogatari - we know that it has sold excellently for MVM, and Blu-Ray outsold DVD (which is very unusual).
First of all, BD outsold dvd? BOOM! Awesome. My explanation for this would
for one part be that I believe most people don't like the subs on a DVD.
Anyway, it's great to see sub-only BD-releases pop up in the UK, hope to see Ground Control to Psycho-Electric Girl on BD, preferably by Anime Ltd though.
And I would definitely love to buy Black Rock Shooter on Blu-Ray as that anime was awesome. Not as awesome as Clannad though.
→ Q → Tamako Market or Chunibyou to come to the UK?
→ A → "There's something in the works", says Manga Entertainment.
Interesting! I honestly would prefer to see Chu2Koi released by Anime Ltd... But it all comes down to me wanting a rigid case. :3
The annoying part in this all is that Sentai releases are getting locked to region A again. :/
Tamako Market would be a good announcement, but I wouldn't mind this being a barebones release, I think.