Marvel vs Capcom 3

Right, i just watched the Gametrailers interview for the game, and during that, the developer did say that the character count at the moment is aiming for 30+, but didn't know how high above 30 it'll be. Makes that list seem a little less far fetched.
The more I see of this, the better it looks. Yes, I take anyone's point that it looks more TvC than MvC, but it's so far away from release that could change a fair bit.
where confirmed yesterday or the day before actually, but yeah, they are in it. Thor looks sluggish yet fairly strong, Amaterasu however looks fairly swift and has a fairly large array of moves i can't wait to use.
Hmm that list is looking more likely, still odd that Mr F is in it, since there was ANOTHER article on IGN stating that the Fan Four would not be playable after Skrull and Doom had been announced.

Pretty much the only characters I'd want not mentioned yet are; Leon (unlikely since Chris is the golden boy now), Krauser (massive long shot), PTX Hardballer from Lost Planet or similar (the one from Tatsunoko v Capcom) and from Marvel just Cyclops. He's my favourite character from x-men after Wolverine.
Well Capcom have gone ahead and put Dante in the game twice, might as well put Chris in the game twice too. I didn't have much hope for this game with all the recent characters revealed until Marvel messed up and leaked Thor and Amaterasu earlier than expected. No Power Stone characters is rather disappointing in all honesty, would like to see Samanosuke or Regina make an appearance.

EDIT: Also, Emma Frost, Punisher, Ghost Rider, F4, Gene from God Hand, Amingo, Power Stone and Rival Schools characters have all been ruled out.
i take it there's a Dante clone then...

i guess it must be Trish

but then again, we are talking about the guys who essentially put 5 different variations of Ryu in SFIV
Latest Characters to be announced are Dormammu and Viewtiful Joe. So i'm guessing with Domammu, that would make that leaked list wrong?
ilmaestro said:
Wesker looks pretty cool, his teleports actually make sense in this game compared to Resi 5.

I think of it more as super speed. He never teleports very far or outside of the same room, I think it's just ridiculous reflexes, still mad ,but hey it's resi
Hey...wait... whut =S 2 capcom characters at once? how odd

LOL @ Spencer though, seems like a joke character with "GET OVER HERE" and "BIONIC ARM" almost exactly like Falcon Punch. Also Iron Man quippage ftw =P

(btw when I say LOL I don't mean at his inclusion, just at the fact he's got funny moves =P)

I love how diverse the cast is now compared to MVC2 (aka X-men vs Street Fighter plus special guests) 9 series represented on each side now =3 (Assuming you count Iron Man, Thor, Cap and Hulk as separate, since Avengers is more a combination of pre-existing characters than a series in its own right, and Deadpool as his own entity, since he's not really much of an X-villain these days)

EDIT: Apparently MODOK and Magneto are confirmed too =D

EDITEDIT: Character demo vids =3 ... ot;title;4
Capcom side keeps getting better, Marvel side is getting progressively worse, MODOK? WHAT. Shuma-Gorath better still be in, do you want my money or not?

Arthur is an excellent addition, it's about time he gets in the spotlight.
Lupus said:
Capcom side keeps getting better, Marvel side is getting progressively worse, MODOK? WHAT. Shuma-Gorath better still be in, do you want my money or not?

Arthur is an excellent addition, it's about time he gets in the spotlight.

He has been in high demand but **** knows why...

MODOK that is