MangaUK announce One piece and other licenses

Rui said:
Jeremy_Graves said:
Hey guys. As it stands, this individual DVD version of the HOTD OVA is a London Expo exclusive. Whether that changes after the event has yet to be determined.

Hey Jeremy, thanks for that - if it ends up being exclusive and there are some people here who can't attend, it will be fine for us to collect (and pay for) their discs on their behalf at Expo, right? :)


Hey, sorry for the delay in response. As far as I'm aware we're going to have lots of them on hand at expo, so I don'y see there being any issue.

That said, I wouldn't worry too much about it right now as we still have a couple of months before the event itself. Let's focus on this nearer the time, if that works for you guys?
Another one? xD

jesus... DBZ/Naruto/Bleach are filling up their pockets for sure lol

Regarding last exile, to be honest, just saw 1 or 2 episodes from the original series but didnt paid too much attention. Is it any good?