Manga Force - UK anime magazine hits national TV

Let me see now, if other publications of this type are anything to go by.... For 9 quid we'll probably get the usual bare bones, low quality disc of a really old Manga Entertainment release. The picture quality will be rubbish, there'll be no extras, it's doubtful the film will be split into chapters and you'll only be able to select the English dub. :?

(Ok I admit, there are a few old Manga Ent discs that I havn't bought yet, and there's nothing wrong with English dubs, some of them are actually rather good - but that's not the point.)

... Oh, but you do get a really glossy (and, again if other publications of this type are anything to go by highly inacurate,) magazine to go with it. :roll:

Think i'll pass on this. There are better things to spend my £9 on.

This may seem like a negative post but frankly, I think this magazine has the potential to do harm if it's handled wrong.
Why would the picture quality be bad? If anything it's probably just going to be the same version of the movie on the actual releases put on the disk with the dub but no extras. I don't see why the picture quality should be bad on any of them unless it's bad on the actual releases.
Spotted this ad on RTÉ which is Ireland's BBC so to speak. Must really be pushing it if they paid to advertise it there(seeing as if you have the choice you watch UK television).
I wouldn't get to excited i looked on the websites some of it's other titles are the secrets of knitting :roll:

Probably find they have a deal with a few tv channels and there gonna advertise it for another week and that will be it -.-
WTFDaveMustaine said:
Turtleheart said:
That and they even refuse to use the full title of Shin Seiki Evangelion.
That's because here we speak English.
No, it's not just that. I also meant that they've shortened the title in all references and logos to just 'Evangelion' instead of 'Neon Genesis Evangilion'. Probably some weird copyright issue with ADV. And they haven't specified it as 'The End of Evangilion' either, but presumably it will include Death & Rebirth and the End with separate issues.
I know I won't be subscribing, mostly, cause I have no need to! I already have all of those ones they showed on the advert(even have some on Japanese VHS & DVD imports... don't ask why). Heck, I just need the new ones that they release, I have the whole of their back catalogue!

Pity :(
I guess they could be calling it just Evangelion to seperate the movies from the series. Also Evangelion is a catchier name to remember than Neon Genesis Evangelion or Shin Seiki Evangelion (because that will stick in peoples minds).
If there are going to be 50 issues (can't see it surviving for that long, but hey) there should be at least one or two jems in there. keep thinking its just going to be most of the films they've showed on scifi though. Then again i still havent got blackjack yet. Or that weird one with the psychic girl and the man who didnt rape some girl and can throw pebbles like their bullets!
ShoulderDevil said:
Or that weird one with the psychic girl and the man who didnt rape some girl and can throw pebbles like their bullets!
You mean Perfect Blue? It's nothing like your description of it if that's what it is.
I get the impression that this isn't really aimed at people like us, but more at the newcomers, the ones just discovering anime. For those folks, this is a pretty good deal, as it's a good way to get a lot of anime quickly and relatively cheaply, with enough 'Must Watch' titles in the lineup to make it worthwhile.

On the other hand, for people such as ourselves, who likely have either seen of own much of Manga's back-catalogue, it's not so good. I don't particularly care for many of their previous releases either, so unless it's something particualrly old and gold that didn't get a DVD release (eg Roujin Z, Black Magic, Macross II...) I won't be picking it up.

Still, good to see it's pounding the airwaves as much as it is, hopefully enough people will sit up, take notice and starts subscribing to make it a success.
i think people r missing the point of this... its not for us its for people who dont know anything about anime or who r just new to it.

call me optimistic but i think this is gonna make a huge boom in the anime industry and although im not a fan of manga entertaint for many reasons, they deserve alot of credit for investing sooo much money in something that is very risky, but ultimately will only improve the market.
skikes said:
call me optimistic

Your optimistic

But in a good way, I too hope this inspires a new group of anime fans, I just hope they are the type of fans who will wanna see the full versions and not the usually hacked up versions that make it onto our screens like 'Naruto' has become.
While I may buy the odd issue would rather spend my money on Newtype USA, more up to date info and anime episodes (even if it is all in American). Damn begining to sound like Area88
do manga even have 50 licences now, i know they lost the licence to most of there old stuff and looking at there dvd range there doesnt look like there are 50 titles but i could be wrong.
if they releaese any dvd that isnt already in there dvd range i hope that i recieves a proper dvd release.
McIcy said:
skikes said:
call me optimistic

Your optimistic

But in a good way, I too hope this inspires a new group of anime fans, I just hope they are the type of fans who will wanna see the full versions and not the usually hacked up versions that make it onto our screens like 'Naruto' has become.

though i've always thought of most of Manga's old releases as giving image that the UK currently has of Anime

blood, sex and violence

heck if it hadn't of been for Sci-fi and Nadesico i'd of probually kept away from anime cause of manga

end of Evangelion doesn't really help that image :)
When people saw Perfect Blue on Sci-Fi most just saw the violence and the nudity and said 'yep that's anime!' which is a real crying shame because the movie is so much more than that.

Not really relevant but I just felt like saying that.
WTFDaveMustaine said:
When people saw Perfect Blue on Sci-Fi most just saw the violence and the nudity and said 'yep that's anime!' which is a real crying shame because the movie is so much more than that.

Not really relevant but I just felt like saying that.

i avoided that cause i was told Madonna features in it lol

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