McIcy said:
brynthaboss said:
yes i meant october. lol
guess ur not a fan then mcfrost. u dont have to post if you dont like it
I was a fan but just got bored when every ep seemed to have 15mins of current info but the other 30mins was flash backs and it just seemed like the story wasn't progressing.
Yes I did have to post, sometimes I just feel the need to vent
The flashbacks are crucial to the story,
it gives background information on a very character driven series.
It shows how all the characters (in my opinion) are all linked eg having something to do with each other in the past.
I mean, how would we know that
Libbie was in the same psychiatric hospital as Hurley without it being revealed in his flashbacks?
Btw that spoiler is nothing new, if you've seen at least half of series 2 it won't spoil anything.