London expo

Will be hoping to make it to the Expo on sunday as long as:

A) I sober up from Saturday night
B) Weather is ok as I'll be on my bike
C) I can kick house guests out early in the morning
Hopeful, what exactly do we do with that badge image? Also I’m planning to attend on both Saturday and Sunday, so which day is this meetup actually being set up on?
Is it that time again?

I'll be going on my own :(, all my friends couldn't come this time which is a first.

I'll be sure to look out for some of you.
Yup, I bought a few neat things and got some money left over to probably buy a few cheap Final Fantasy and Evangelion figurines I noticed. Shame I couldn't get to Costa in time, but if anyone saw a skinny guy in glasses walking around with a big Domo-kun, that was me. This was my first anime expo and it was kind of creepy yet awesome, everyone kept pointing at my Domo-kun or at my bag, and they'd ask me where I bought them from. Honestly, if you're a big enough fan to attend the expo, surely you'd know some stores which sell that kind of ****.

Some people told me the expo would be a nice way of getting anime and manga for cheap, I didn't find the prices that cheap at all, in fact most of the manga on sale can be bought cheaper online. The expo helped me realise how much I hate people who fit the anime otaku stereotype perfectly. When I look at gamers I always see people into games, but in their own way. When I looked at the majority of anime fans (not all, majority) it felt like there's a factory out there somewhere just cloning the same personality onto people.

Oh and Street ******* Fighter IV, awesome. I'm going to purely whore SFIV tomorrow, if you win ten games you get a T-shirt so I'll see if I can grab a couple of those.
I didn't attend the meeting, but did anyone see me? I was the Osaka cosplayer with that weird anti-pigtail sign. (I think more people paid attention to that sign than my actual cosplay :roll: )

Was a lot of fun, hope I can go to the next one.
I attended the MCM expo on the sunday and it was my first time experiencing it.

My opinion... It's actually very fun. Well, it would've been boring on my own, but I met an online friend there and we had great fun with the animu goodies and such. (Though she keeps looking at the Cloud plushes =P)

The cosplay weren't that bad. Though the mickey mouse one raped our childhood. And some of them were really good. Sadly, it was either Naruto or KH =P

It was an excellent experience and I wouldn't mind doing it again ^^
Went on the Saturday and the first thing that stuck me was just how many people turned up so early. Got there at 9.30 and the main queue was to the end of the building and all free goody bags already dispensed. When i got in found one of my friends from my anime club who said that they had gotten there over an hour before me and got one of the last ones (not that there was anything interesting in them.
This time they opened up 2 halls for it so there was a lot more open space around the place (but still piss all space in the 'corridors' between stands) to the extent they were able to but bean bag around he place. Stall were the same as usual, and had nice chats with they guys at most of the stalls.
The meet up was quite and little meh as it was the central hall was absolutely PACKED. As not only was the expo there was the Peace and Unity event, so they were lots of people in full burqa's next to people wearing less material than a handkerchief.
The anime industry talk was interesting as it gave us a clue as to what to look forward to but there are many posts about that already. The Q&A gave some intreseting answers. There was talk about Blu Ray disc's with the general thought that yes but not yet as even for best regular shows/movies take up is less than 6% of the DVD market, and with the large number of zero's needed to master a disc we aren't going to see many for a while. And what few we will will be in the form of world wide releases of new titles with multiple partners rather than rehashes of older series
Only other thing of note was during one of my extended chats with Andrew at Beez. Which basically boiled down to the statments that the LE editions of Haaruhi had done well enough to warrant simlarly styled releases, and that they would hope to do similar things with Gurren Largen and other future releases he can't talk about.... He also said he was trying togo for more UK/Europe exclusive content to discourage people from buying the US releases or buying both.
I was there both days, working behind the Sweatdrop Stand ^_^

Most surprisingly though, I was not in my usual Gothic/Lolita wear but... I was in cosplay!! (for the first time in seven years XD). Abel Nightroad, from Trinity Blood.

I think I had the most amount of fun I've had at an Expo in a very long time. Good company, great stuff to buy, buzzing atmosphere (I was mobbed a fair bit on Saturday by quite a few fangirls, haha!), no drama. ^_^

Oh, except for the horrendous road works that were going on at the time. And I was slightly uncomfortable dressed as a Vatican Warrior Priest whilst there was a conference in the next hall with so many Muslim attendees XD although that said, I'm sure that the more skimpily dressed cosplayers caused more of a stir, haha. (Kind of reminded me of last year, when there was a Women in Business/Empowerment conference, with anime maids and catgirls running around XD)

Roll on the next event ^_^
hopeful_monster said:
...The meet up was quite and little meh as it was the central hall was absolutely PACKED...
You're truly nice.... I think it was really lame this time, it was pretty uncomfortable to chat there. The only good thing was attaching a face to Jamye... Too bad it was so lame, as he seemed to be really looking forward to it.

hopeful_monster said:
Only other thing of note was during one of my extended chats with Andrew at Beez. Which basically boiled down to the statments that the LE editions of Haaruhi had done well enough to warrant simlarly styled releases, and that they would hope to do similar things with Gurren Largen and other future releases he can't talk about.... He also said he was trying togo for more UK/Europe exclusive content to discourage people from buying the US releases or buying both.
That's some really greeat news ! I'm eagerly awaiting for the lucky star release and having a nice Gurren Laggan release might be nice as well.

sonia_leong said:
...Most surprisingly though, I was not in my usual Gothic/Lolita wear but... I was in cosplay!! (for the first time in seven years XD). Abel Nightroad, from Trinity Blood.
I've seem you there, awesome cosplay.