Comic Book Guy
Intyrestin' crop of stuff, there!
Things that stand out to me:
Captain Earth.
Curious about the subs-only status of this release. Doesn't Sentai's US edition have a dub? Either way, will be very happy to shove my money at MVM for this.
Madoka and Railgun.
Shows I have only mild (Railgun) or no (Madoka) interest in. But I'm so pleased they've been picked up. People have been asking for these for an age! See what happens when you speak up and ask for nice things, kiddoes?
Knights of Sidonia.
YEEEEEESSSS-AAAHHH!! This is the insta-buy of the bunch for me, with Captain Earth a close second. Only detail I'm not so impresed by is the Blu Ray version being a collector's edition type affair. But I guess we'll just have to see how that turns out.
Curiosity of the bunch for me is Aldnoah Zero... not so much the fact that it got licensed, but BY ANIME LIMITED?! The show really ain't that great, in my humble opinion, and it sort of surprises me that they went for it.
Show I have the most mixed feelings about is Muv-Luv. The mecha designs of this show in what scant footage I'd seen of it really made the show look interesting, but since discovering it's fan-service-tastic jigglefest of a show, I think I'm leaning very heavily towards passing on it.
Showw I'm most pleased I have no interest in after today's announcements: Durarara x2. Multi part release has effectively killed what passing curiosity I had in it.
Biggest disappointment: No Gundam announced. With Andrew at Anime Limited teasing that some news might be forthcoming soon, and Turn A getting its first official North American release on June 2nd, I was sort of hoping we might hear something. But then, it's probably too soon for anything like that.
Oh yeah - GITS: SAC Blu Ray collection?
(See how badly I want that? It made me use ***s!)
Seriously - THIS is the kind of thing I'd happily pay top dollar for. A pristine quality, glitch free hi-def edition of one of the greatest sci fi shows in history. I know people who are ambivalent to anime who love this show. We ABSOLUTELY need this.
Things that stand out to me:
Captain Earth.
Curious about the subs-only status of this release. Doesn't Sentai's US edition have a dub? Either way, will be very happy to shove my money at MVM for this.
Madoka and Railgun.
Shows I have only mild (Railgun) or no (Madoka) interest in. But I'm so pleased they've been picked up. People have been asking for these for an age! See what happens when you speak up and ask for nice things, kiddoes?
Knights of Sidonia.
YEEEEEESSSS-AAAHHH!! This is the insta-buy of the bunch for me, with Captain Earth a close second. Only detail I'm not so impresed by is the Blu Ray version being a collector's edition type affair. But I guess we'll just have to see how that turns out.
Curiosity of the bunch for me is Aldnoah Zero... not so much the fact that it got licensed, but BY ANIME LIMITED?! The show really ain't that great, in my humble opinion, and it sort of surprises me that they went for it.
Show I have the most mixed feelings about is Muv-Luv. The mecha designs of this show in what scant footage I'd seen of it really made the show look interesting, but since discovering it's fan-service-tastic jigglefest of a show, I think I'm leaning very heavily towards passing on it.
Showw I'm most pleased I have no interest in after today's announcements: Durarara x2. Multi part release has effectively killed what passing curiosity I had in it.
Biggest disappointment: No Gundam announced. With Andrew at Anime Limited teasing that some news might be forthcoming soon, and Turn A getting its first official North American release on June 2nd, I was sort of hoping we might hear something. But then, it's probably too soon for anything like that.
Oh yeah - GITS: SAC Blu Ray collection?
(See how badly I want that? It made me use ***s!)
Seriously - THIS is the kind of thing I'd happily pay top dollar for. A pristine quality, glitch free hi-def edition of one of the greatest sci fi shows in history. I know people who are ambivalent to anime who love this show. We ABSOLUTELY need this.