Sami said:
I'd like to see the Kingdom Hearts series disappear.
Now I know it's only, what, 3 games so far?
But there's the final mixes for 1&2, and then that remake for chains of memories for the PS2 (Is that right?) also, that are simply...remakes.
And it's just sequals, unlike most Final Fantasy's which are, a somewhat different story, different universe.
Of course this could just be my biased opinion on that I really don't like Kingdom Hearts, and there have been enough games.
Kingdom hears is only meant to be a trilogy(i think, don't hold me to it) so if it is the case, it should end with KH3.
Dynasty warriors, yes has become one series which has just been more of the same over and over and over again, but from what i have seen, at least DW6 is meant to add a couple new elements to it.
CitizenGeek said:
Well, it's unfortunate then, that the professionals - the people are paid to think about videogames, and who have played a lot, lot more than you or I - totally disagree with you, isn't it? You know, what with giving FFXII universally high scores? Applauding it as being a positive step forward for RPGs and all. Also, I'm pretty sure the fans disagree too. Because, you see, they've bought over 4 million copies of FFXII worldwide and FFXII merchandise is selling very well. So, I think it's safe to say that most people think you are wrong about FFXII ^_^
i admit, i haven't actually played enough of FFXII to really say much, but i do think that the majority of that is all just opinionated. Chrono said that FFXII was one of the most overrated games HE has seen, so essentially its just his opinion, and i do think that there will be people who will no doubt agree with what he says, probably as many as those that would disagree.