Kill The Series

CitizenGeek said:
Lupus Inu said:
CitizenGeek said:
Lupus Inu said:
If it sells well why give up on it?

Like this series...

Final Fantasy

Reason? Fan base, enough said. No further detail needed.

FF? Seriously? Dude, if you think FF is the series that's most run stale or out of ideas, then you obviously haven't been playing enough games!

All the characters are the same every game, they just put new character designs on them, plus it deserves to be stopped with these ****** spin-offs. [Except Dissidia which looks ok.]

Nonsense! I'm sorry, but that is just nonsense! The characters are always distinctly different! The only thing that's common is that they are usually orphens, and lead characters are always male.

The spin-off haters are ridiculous! I mean wtf? Why are you 'hating on' the spin-offs? No one forces you to play them, Square Enix aren't taking the focus off it's core games for spin-offs - what's the big issue?

Motoko said:
The hype died down after FF-X quietened down

Like MTW already said, there was ots of hype around FFXII. And the game topped the UK charts for 2 weeks. FFX, on the other hand, only topped the charts for one week. FFXII sold 90,000 in the UK in about 4 days, which is the highest opening for any Final Fantasy in the UK ever. So, your theory, unforetunately for you, doesn't hold too much salt!

FFXII is the second most overrated game and the worst FF game I've ever seen in my life...

The FF series seriously need to die, and that is coming from a very Huge FF fan. But so far, Sakugchi (Father of FF) isn't part of it, and without him, FF is being ruined with pointless spin off (DOC is okayish, AC would've worked a lot better as a series, cause few of the characters didn't have character development)

The Chrono series really need to come back. Cause that needs another chance, FF have too many chance. Let FF die for godsake.

Also, lastly. The GTA series need to die, it is running out of ideas, like FF is.
i have to agree with most of the users here, the FF series must either Stop, or at least calm down with the constant FF games releases.

and with what ''Chrono Demon'' said, The Chrono series has to come back...the only one i played was Chrono Trigger and my GOD did that game own.

on a side note, some other series i personally dislike seeing all the time are the, Call of Duty/Medal of Honour games not sure which one of the two but one of them annoys me...
and ifnally, the Dynasty Warriors/samurai warriors series.....OMFG i think in the latest one there is like over 60 playable characters or's insane and the gameplay is repetitive as Hell.
Yeah i have to agree with the majority of the posts - Pokemon and Dynasty Warriors, especially GTA, that series tries to do too much and fails at most of it.

I don't think FF needs to die per se, 7,8, 9 (to a lesser extent as i never finished it) and 10 were great. They just need to calm down with the rate of releases.
At least the FF crew try to change the battle/leveling up system each game, its isn't just exactly the same game like Pokemon. Whats more they do at least try with a storyline, i liked the storylines of FF up to X (just not the abysmal voice acting which supplied it.)

Metal Gear....well 4 looks absolutely amazing so im kinda sad to hear if it really does die after that one, ah well end on a high at least.

I think WW2 games as an entire genre need to die, COD, Medal of Honour, all of them!

Oh and Sonic and Mario, please please please for the Love of God stop these series. For funsies look up on wiki how many games they've appeared/starred in, it will turn your stomach and put the "will they ever stop pumping out FF" remarks into some serious perspective.

EDIT: ... es_by_year ... ppearances

There you go......enjoy?
Chrono Demon said:
FFXII is the second most overrated game and the worst FF game I've ever seen in my life...

Well, it's unfortunate then, that the professionals - the people are paid to think about videogames, and who have played a lot, lot more than you or I - totally disagree with you, isn't it? You know, what with giving FFXII universally high scores? Applauding it as being a positive step forward for RPGs and all. Also, I'm pretty sure the fans disagree too. Because, you see, they've bought over 4 million copies of FFXII worldwide and FFXII merchandise is selling very well. So, I think it's safe to say that most people think you are wrong about FFXII ^_^

The FF series seriously need to die, and that is coming from a very Huge FF fan. But so far, Sakugchi (Father of FF) isn't part of it, and without him, FF is being ruined with pointless spin off (DOC is okayish, AC would've worked a lot better as a series, cause few of the characters didn't have character development)

Even when Sakaguchi was around, there were spin-offs (Chocobo's Dungeon, Chocobo Racing, Ehrgeiz) - at least now, most of the spin-offs are actually decent! Also, Sakaguchi made the Spirits Within movie, which is the mother of all spin-offs and, well, let's just say that Sakaguchi's spin-off completely bankrupted Square and forced them into being bought out by Enix.

Now, Chrono, if I recall correctly, you count FFVII, FFX and FFVI among your favorite FFs? Well, if this is so, I find it hard to believe that you blame Sakaguchi's departure for the apparent collapse in quality of FF titles. Sakaguchi took a hands-off approach after FFV, and Kitase and Nojima took over. So, I'm afraid to inform you, that the series actually got better and more successful after Sakaguchi took a more hands-off approach.

Espy said:

Calm down CitizenGeek, you've said it all before =P

I'm not the only person debating here, Espy. This is a forum, and if people are entitled to make ridiculous and false statements about Final Fantasy, without anything even remotely solid to back it up, then I am surely entitled to counter these 'arguments' am I not?

I could be apathetic and just ignore it, but why should I? I enjoy talking about Final Fantasy, and if people like Chrono Demon and Lupus Inu want to talk about FF, then I do too! :p
Lupus Inu said:
CitizenGeek said:
Lupus Inu said:
If it sells well why give up on it?

Like this series...

Final Fantasy

Reason? Fan base, enough said. No further detail needed.

FF? Seriously? Dude, if you think FF is the series that's most run stale or out of ideas, then you obviously haven't been playing enough games!

All the characters are the same every game, they just put new character designs on them, plus it deserves to be stopped with these ****** spin-offs. [Except Dissidia which looks ok.]

It's quite contradictive when you can say that about Final Fantasy yet defend the Pokemon franchise even though it's guilty of the same crimes. I'm not supporting Final Fantasy or Pokemon here, I just think if you have an opinion you should stick to it rather than switching to another perspective when the situation doesn't suit you. I agree the Final Fantasy series is becoming stale lately much like Pokemon, but also much like Pokemon you stated that as long as it's selling well then why should the developers stop? You see, your response works both ways.

PS. Wow, this topic's starting to really get on, but most people are listing the same games such as Pokemon, Final Fantasy and Grand Theft Auto. Come on AUKN, let's get some other titles included in the list.
Nemphtis said:
It's quite contradictive when you can say that about Final Fantasy yet defend the Pokemon franchise even though it's guilty of the same crimes. I'm not supporting Final Fantasy or Pokemon here, I just think if you have an opinion you should stick to it rather than switching to another perspective when the situation doesn't suit you.

Each generation of Pokémon games is so similiar to that which preceeded it, that it's unfair to call Pearl/Diamond a 'sequel' to Ruby/Sapphire - they're more like different versions of the same game. Edge said that in their review of Pokémon D/P, it's not my own theory - I borrowed it from them!

I agree the Final Fantasy series is becoming stale lately much like Pokemon, but also much like Pokemon you stated that as long as it's selling well then why should the developers stop? You see, your response works both ways. :]

Can you explain that, please? I just can't really understand how you can say that Final Fantasy is becoming stale after FFXII was such a huge departure from the rest of the series. FFXII, a game applauded for it's innovation almost universally, is the harbinger of FF's demise as a creative series? Are you serious? :roll:
CitizenGeek said:
I agree the Final Fantasy series is becoming stale lately much like Pokemon, but also much like Pokemon you stated that as long as it's selling well then why should the developers stop? You see, your response works both ways. :]

Can you explain that, please? I just can't really understand how you can say that Final Fantasy is becoming stale after FFXII was such a huge departure from the rest of the series. FFXII, a game applauded for it's innovation almost universally, is the harbinger of FF's demise as a creative series? Are you serious? :roll:

I never stated anything about FFXII or killing the franchise, I merely stated that I can agree the franchise has been getting stale lately. This is not due to FFXII, but the various spin-offs and re-makes that are being thrown at us from left right and center. I enjoyed many Final Fantasy games, and lord knows how many I've had to review which was good fun because I was lucky enough to end up playing the enjoyable ones. Still, we live in a period where there are quality games coming out at a steady pace, and people should branch out to new franchises.

I've never been to Japan but I remember reading a column once where a journalist was explaining how there are quite a number of gamers in Japan who play nothing but Final Fantasy games, I'd rather see their development teams focussing on one BIG Final Fantasy at a time, instead of splitting them into smaller groups to work on sub-games that are usually not as enjoyable.

Let's not look too deep into what others want to kill. I encourage you all to give your opinions about what others have wanted to see killed but let's not stray off the main topic and begin debating about any of the games mentioned too much, 'kay?
CitizenGeek said:
Each generation of Pokémon games is so similiar to that which preceeded it, that it's unfair to call Pearl/Diamond a 'sequel' to Ruby/Sapphire - they're more like different versions of the same game.

I've never seen them be called Sequel's, Because they are just not. I even like their term for it more [Generations]. But I personally would call them 'versions' Because it is the same format. Just re-done. But it still works In my 'humble' opinion.
Nemphtis said:
I never stated anything about FFXII or killing the franchise, I merely stated that I can agree the franchise has been getting stale lately. This is not due to FFXII, but the various spin-offs and re-makes that are being thrown at us from left right and center. I enjoyed many Final Fantasy games, and lord knows how many I've had to review which was good fun because I was lucky enough to end up playing the enjoyable ones. Still, we live in a period where there are quality games coming out at a steady pace, and people should branch out to new franchises.

Ah, well, I understand you more now. Final Fantasy was, as I understand, a byword for a quality videogame. But the recent spin-offs have dulled the reputation of the franchise, yes? I don't really agree, as I think there is a very real, identifiable distinction between Final Fantasy with a roman numeral, and one without one.

Jayme said:
I've never seen them be called Sequel's, Because they are just not. I even like their term for it more [Generations]. But I personally would call them 'versions' Because it is the same format. Just re-done. But it still works In my 'humble' opinion.

I would have to agree - Pokémon, the main series, is always fun and enjoyable!
I want Dr Kawashima to get lost, and take his "games" with him.

I wouldn't object to the Big Brain Academy being shut down by OFSTED either.

I don't care if they're ATTRACTING NEW PEOPLE WHO'VE NEVER PLAYED GAMES BEFORE...I'm sick of hearing about them, and seeing Nicole Kidman gawping at them.

I'm sure "the people" will stop caring about them sooner or later...then they can join sudoku and the Atkins diet in the bargain bin.
I'd like to see the Kingdom Hearts series disappear.

Now I know it's only, what, 3 games so far?

But there's the final mixes for 1&2, and then that remake for chains of memories for the PS2 (Is that right?) also, that are simply...remakes.
And it's just sequals, unlike most Final Fantasy's which are, a somewhat different story, different universe.

Of course this could just be my biased opinion on that I really don't like Kingdom Hearts, and there have been enough games.
Sami said:
I'd like to see the Kingdom Hearts series disappear.

Now I know it's only, what, 3 games so far?

But there's the final mixes for 1&2, and then that remake for chains of memories for the PS2 (Is that right?) also, that are simply...remakes.
And it's just sequals, unlike most Final Fantasy's which are, a somewhat different story, different universe.

Of course this could just be my biased opinion on that I really don't like Kingdom Hearts, and there have been enough games.

Kingdom hears is only meant to be a trilogy(i think, don't hold me to it) so if it is the case, it should end with KH3.

Dynasty warriors, yes has become one series which has just been more of the same over and over and over again, but from what i have seen, at least DW6 is meant to add a couple new elements to it.

CitizenGeek said:
Well, it's unfortunate then, that the professionals - the people are paid to think about videogames, and who have played a lot, lot more than you or I - totally disagree with you, isn't it? You know, what with giving FFXII universally high scores? Applauding it as being a positive step forward for RPGs and all. Also, I'm pretty sure the fans disagree too. Because, you see, they've bought over 4 million copies of FFXII worldwide and FFXII merchandise is selling very well. So, I think it's safe to say that most people think you are wrong about FFXII ^_^

i admit, i haven't actually played enough of FFXII to really say much, but i do think that the majority of that is all just opinionated. Chrono said that FFXII was one of the most overrated games HE has seen, so essentially its just his opinion, and i do think that there will be people who will no doubt agree with what he says, probably as many as those that would disagree.
CitizenGeek said:
I'm not the only person debating here, Espy. This is a forum, and if people are entitled to make ridiculous and false statements about Final Fantasy, without anything even remotely solid to back it up, then I am surely entitled to counter these 'arguments' am I not?

I could be apathetic and just ignore it, but why should I? I enjoy talking about Final Fantasy, and if people like Chrono Demon and Lupus Inu want to talk about FF, then I do too! :p

First of all, everything I say is generally tongue-in-cheek. Sometimes it doesn't turn out that way, so I apologise.

Second of all, every time someone says something negative about FF, especially the spin-offs (which is hardly an unpopular opinion), you jump in to defend it. Anyway, there's an FF debate thread now, so go and convince people Dirge of Cerberus was good in there =P (jk, I don't think even YOU can defend that!)

Liquid Skin said:
Oh and Sonic and Mario, please please please for the Love of God stop these series. For funsies look up on wiki how many games they've appeared/starred in, it will turn your stomach and put the "will they ever stop pumping out FF" remarks into some serious perspective.

EDIT: ... es_by_year ... ppearances

There you go......enjoy?

Sonic has been on the up recently, and there's been a few good Sonic games overshadowed by the pile of crap that was STH. Secret Rings was pretty good, the formula could definately be worked on in the future. Sonic Rush was great, and the sequel looks just as good. Sonic Rivals got decent reviews, though I haven't played it. And the Bioware RPG sounds like it'll be awesome! All the people who are like "Sonic doesn't work with a serious plot" should read the comics or watch SatAM. Sonic Riders doesn't need a sequel though, I'll admit that. I sold the first one on ebay the day after I bought it.

Yes, I am a hardcore Sonic fan. If anyone says something against my Sonic I'll kill them!
Hehe ok i respect that, I loved Sonic as a kid; never got into Mario but Sonic was the nuts. I've just never got into any of the games since it went 3D, Sonic - at least the original Sonic-esque gameplay we're all accustomed to - was never meant to be played in 3D.

I don't care one bit about the plot or look, both seem pretty meaningless to me, i never judge a game seriously by its plot unless its an RPG and the stigma tied with liking "kiddies games" is ridiculous, original Sonic at the time was amazing, anyone who says otherwise has no taste in games. I just hate how quickly they pump out shoddy games for both series, they had their chance and squandered it on cheap cash ins. But if what you say is true then ill have to look into it, especially the bioware game, iiiinteresting.

The last Sonic game i played was Heroes....nuff said. :)
Nemphtis said:
It's quite contradictive when you can say that about Final Fantasy yet defend the Pokemon franchise even though it's guilty of the same crimes.
No, not really, considering that I admitted that Pokémon is the same **** over and over.
Liquid Skin said:
I don't think FF needs to die per se, 7,8, 9 (to a lesser extent as i never finished it) and 10 were great. They just need to calm down with the rate of releases.
At least the FF crew try to change the battle/leveling up system each game, its isn't just exactly the same game like Pokemon. Whats more they do at least try with a storyline, i liked the storylines of FF up to X (just not the abysmal voice acting which supplied it.)

Ahem, They more like took a step back from the Sphere Grid in FFX.

I prefered FFX's sphere Grid a lot to the License Board in FFXII. And the Aeons in FFX were more customizable than FFXII.
Chrono Demon said:
Liquid Skin said:
I don't think FF needs to die per se, 7,8, 9 (to a lesser extent as i never finished it) and 10 were great. They just need to calm down with the rate of releases.
At least the FF crew try to change the battle/leveling up system each game, its isn't just exactly the same game like Pokemon. Whats more they do at least try with a storyline, i liked the storylines of FF up to X (just not the abysmal voice acting which supplied it.)

Ahem, They more like took a step back from the Sphere Grid in FFX.

I prefered FFX's sphere Grid a lot to the License Board in FFXII. And the Aeons in FFX were more customizable than FFXII. ... highlight=

Did i say i liked XII? :?
Liquid Skin said:
Chrono Demon said:
Liquid Skin said:
I don't think FF needs to die per se, 7,8, 9 (to a lesser extent as i never finished it) and 10 were great. They just need to calm down with the rate of releases.
At least the FF crew try to change the battle/leveling up system each game, its isn't just exactly the same game like Pokemon. Whats more they do at least try with a storyline, i liked the storylines of FF up to X (just not the abysmal voice acting which supplied it.)

Ahem, They more like took a step back from the Sphere Grid in FFX.

I prefered FFX's sphere Grid a lot to the License Board in FFXII. And the Aeons in FFX were more customizable than FFXII. ... highlight=

Did i say i liked XII? :?

Did I say you liked XII... *read it again* nope ^^