JapanEX London 21-22 July

Duskin said:
Aye it's this saturday making it all the way down from the north west :shock:

Hopefully will be good, i'll be on the look out for a dude with a camera then :lol: .

your going to be knackered before you even get there mate, lol.

and if you can really call my mobile phone a camera, that's fine by me, lol.

i'm sure guys won't be able to miss me, i'm 6' 8", have long blonde hair, and i'll probably be wearing either a metallica or cowboy beebop t-shirt.
(i'll let you guys what i'll be wearing nearer the time so it's easy to find me.)

see you all there.
Eeep, turns out my friend wants to cosplay with me..now she tells me :shock:
Hurrah for Saturday queues, I don't really know what to expect, hope its not too bad. :?
>>Xel<< said:
Eeep, turns out my friend wants to cosplay with me..now she tells me :shock:
Hurrah for Saturday queues, I don't really know what to expect, hope its not too bad. :?

The MCM queue 'looked' extremely long, but it went considerable fast. XD. its worth it in the end.
Folks, there has been a *slight* change of plan...

Instead of Light, I am now red haired Kira.

I will be wearing a white shirt, black blazer and black tie and black pants and will be carrying my trusty Death Note. Apple Bun is going to be my L, so we are a cosplaying pair!

My hair is bright red, so I should be easy to spot. Do say 'Hi' if you see us.

Looking forward to meeting you all.

Sparkleness as always,

M.G xx
Glad to see your getting to dress up for this convention, wish I could see it but will have to wait until the October Expo
Last minute as always, but the Costa Coffee place opposite the Chozen Noodle at 1 o'clock . Will stick up a sign in the nook next to it with Anime Uk News (don't poke the Hopeful Monster). Will sit there until about 13.30 (longer if people turn up) probably reading Harry Potter or what ever else I've bought. Will look something like the creature below
Expo shorts….

As mentioned earlier, I went to today’s expo as evil Kira and Apple Bun went as L (from Death Note). Below is a summary of things that happened today or over the last few days that we thought might amuse you…

Journey on the tube – getting about 70 people stare at us on the journey to Excel… that’s before we were even handcuffed together!

Comment by a stall rep who spotted my ‘Manga Girls’ badge on my blazer:
“ Does that mean you like Manga Girls?â€
Hey MG,
I was there on the Saturday for a while - think I spotted a likely L & Kira duo I thought might be you and Apple-Bun, couldn't be too sure – perhaps lacked the conviction (or was it courage?) to say hello :?
Oh well, not to worry.
(I’m never too great with big crowds of people though tbh)

Did mange to meet up with hopeful_monster mind, taking up on the costa-coffee offer – put a bit on that and other expo-experience on the other thread.
Hey Jimi-Jam

If you saw someone with red hair, that would have been me. I was the only red-haired Light. You should have come over and said 'Hi,' I would have let you sign my Death Note...

All in all a great Expo. The Death Note photo shoot was my highlight! which descended into silliness... but who cares! It was fun! :D

M.G xx
If I were to sign my real name in your Death Note, would that not be suicide?
I forget all the rules, but wouldn’t I then be the new owner, but then I’d be dead shortly afterwards – :shock: :? ...confusing...

I thought I saw somebody else with bright red hair wondering around – just possible it wasn’t actually a Light/Kira, it was all a bit of a blur – in any case they didn’t have an ‘L’ attached, apart from anything else.
So perhaps just lacked the courage in my suspicion – another time maybe.

Btw – when/where was this DN photo shoot thing? – I possibly didn’t stick around long enough to see it.