Is the UK is going to hell faster and faster?


Today is just one of those days where I was at work pondering over what is becoming of the UK. This might be just me but over a mere 5 years this country appears to have become more violent and dangerous to live in. For some reason kids as young as 8 years old are becoming abusive and overall social decency has just collapsed.

This isn't just what I've seen in the news, I see this everyday. Groups of people hanging around public places doing nothing except being bored and poking fun at passers by usually drinking white lighting or something. Less and less people seem to go out in the evenings because of people just simply beating people up for the sake of it. Public drunkeness seems to be at an all time high and people just don't seem to know when to stop. When I go out and see a group of people slumped all over each other each clutching a bottle of VK I just have to sigh.

Sport is the same. It seems we can't deal with competitive sports as a country. We seem to be the ones always starting fights and causing trouble. It's no wonder one of the main british stereotypes now is that we are a bunch of drunken hooligans. There are even people that just go to football matches with the intention of starting fist fights.

Police are so bogged down in paperwork that they become sloppy in their jobs and only seem to deal with crimes when they are forced into it. For instance a friend of mine was beaten up in the street for no reason, they werent even trying to mug him. The police turned up 3 days later and the best they could say was 'we probably wont catch them'. Same thing when my garage was broken into, I even found the tool they used to break into it with. Pretty much same response. It's no wonder over 15% of the UK is being treated for ddepression.

Is it just me imagining all of this and more or is the state of decline in the UK hurrying along more quickly?
It sounds like the rest of the country is getting worse but my little village is still a pretty nice place sort of.
I can't pin point one major reason why the country would get worse Lack of deterrents(police can barely move and that target system is useless),education system being a mess or the fact money is freely avaliable(benifit system).
People where I live are bored and in love with drinking themselves into a stupor (or using alternative drugs for the same effect) and terrorising everyone around them. They either don't remember or don't care when the effects wear off, if they are allowed to wear off at all...I do wonder with some folks. A strange man waits for me on my way home now, obviously addled, following me and ignoring my requests for him to leave. His intentions are obviously not friendly but he won't stop, so I now take a different bus to try to lose him. He's not the first.

There are plenty of great people around too but we shouldn't have to feel like someone's planning on stealing our bag/raping us/killing us every time a stranger approaches to ask for directions. And the random groups of strange teenagers/20somethings* who hang around public places deliberately causing trouble for entertainment are very unpleasant :(


* - generalising somewhat here, there are the occasional older griefers too but the vast majority seem to be younger people in mobs, almost certainly because they have been turfed out of their homes to hang out with friends and have found nothing better to do than heckle passing human beings
Rui said:
People where I live are bored and in love with drinking themselves into a stupor (or using alternative drugs for the same effect) and terrorising everyone around them. They either don't remember or don't care when the effects wear off, if they are allowed to wear off at all...I do wonder with some folks. A strange man waits for me on my way home now, obviously addled, following me and ignoring my requests for him to leave. His intentions are obviously not friendly but he won't stop, so I now take a different bus to try to lose him. He's not the first.

There are plenty of great people around too but we shouldn't have to feel like someone's planning on stealing our bag/raping us/killing us every time a stranger approaches to ask for directions. And the random groups of strange teenagers/20somethings* who hang around public places deliberately causing trouble for entertainment are very unpleasant :(


* - generalising somewhat here, there are the occasional older griefers too but the vast majority seem to be younger people in mobs, almost certainly because they have been turfed out of their homes to hang out with friends and have found nothing better to do than heckle passing human beings

I hope nothing bad comes of you being followed...

As for the bit in general - what did people of this age do a decade ago? Internet wasn't such a big thing then, so they can't of spent their time indoors? Did they spend all evening doing sports/going to social centres, or is it because the law made it so drinking hours at pubs are much longer? Or what.. I need to find some conclusion to this to get away from the constant media hype.
I'm all for a multi cultural society but is the country getting overcrowded? Are we letting too many people into the country with too much ease? It's becoming harder and harder to get work and could this overcrowding be contributing to the tension? Lots of minumum wage companies are getting greedier and greedier. They don't want people who can actually do the job anymore they just want to find people who will accept the lowest wage. Thanks to the miniumum wage law in the UK people under 22 can get legally paid nearly a pound less for doing the same work as people over 22.

These shows on TV that expose street crime are a terrible idea. After what some kids said to me after I stopped them from vandalising somebody garden gate he said to me 'YOU CAN'T GET RID OF ME OFF THIS STREET! I KNOW MY RIGHTS! I SAW IT ON TV!"(basically). So after theat they just hung around on the street. Those programs let them know EXACTLY what they can get away with.

Youth Clubs are a waste of time as well. They are meant to keep kids off the streets by entertaining them but even though that might work for a while they always seem to quickly turns into clubhouses for gangs. It's true, I've seen it happen lots of times. A waste of time and money for all concerned.

And by the way I refuse to vote. I see no reason why I should be looked down upon for choosing not to vote for candidates that I don't agree with. Where is the democracy in voting for the lesser evil.

Sorry I just need to vent a little. :p
I agree Sy to an extent, kids that young over here in Ireland are increasingly like that and I think yes, there has been a sharp rise in kids like this in the last five years or so.

I have friends who only recently got beaten up at the drop of a hat and this happens all to regularly.

Its like theres a dumbing down of the population going on (though thats getting into conspiracy territory)

That said I think theres more than enough decent people to at least keep things balanced out.
Sy said:
I'm all for a multi cultural society but is the country getting overcrowded? Are we letting too many people into the country with too much ease? It's becoming harder and harder to get work and could this overcrowding be contributing to the tension? Lots of minumum wage companies are getting greedier and greedier. They don't want people who can actually do the job anymore they just want to find people who will accept the lowest wage. Thanks to the miniumum wage law in the UK people under 22 can get legally paid nearly a pound less for doing the same work as people over 22.

These shows on TV that expose street crime are a terrible idea. After what some kids said to me after I stopped them from vandalising somebody garden gate he said to me 'YOU CAN'T GET RID OF ME OFF THIS STREET! I KNOW MY RIGHTS! I SAW IT ON TV!"(basically). So after theat they just hung around on the street. Those programs let them know EXACTLY what they can get away with.

Youth Clubs are a waste of time as well. They are meant to keep kids off the streets by entertaining them but even though that might work for a while they always seem to quickly turns into clubhouses for gangs. It's true, I've seen it happen lots of times. A waste of time and money for all concerned.

And by the way I refuse to vote. I see no reason why I should be looked down upon for choosing not to vote for candidates that I don't agree with. Where is the democracy in voting for the lesser evil.

Sorry I just need to vent a little. :p

Again I agree, Ive seen this happen to youth clubs too in my area.
And I dont vote either, I just couldint be arsed with politics tbh.

Most of the bigwig politicians are bs`ers anyway.
Its been happening for ages, I've heard from american people that they consider their country to be going down the drain, as well. I can't give a good judgement, But no-one really seems to be bothered about anything, anymore. Its a country of lethargic people. ;/

If Kamina were real, He'd break through the heavens and be the ruler of this world. No doubt, whatsoever.
Solution: Let the BR Act take place within the United Kingdom.

Am I right, guys?


[Although I'm joking, I do actually see how ****** Britian has gotten as of late.]
I had a techie dad so can't say for sure what people did before the internet - when not tinkering I read books or went to a friend's house and had fun. I was a Guide too which is pretty much a youth club. I assume they're still going.

There seems to be a bit of a lost generation where both parents work until evening and the offspring end up roaming the streets full of anger and angst (whatever their age) instead of enjoying life and having boundaries. It's sad on both sides. Though as a victim of the antisocial behaviour I'd say it's likely more upsetting for the victims of the layabouts minding their own business than for them :evil:

Ah yes, I came home from living in America for a while, and I was a quite glad at first to be back, I mean, I missed the UK (Scotland) quite a fair bit.

I was walking to work the other day when 2 guys decided it'd be fun to try and knock me out with some rocks (And I mean, fairly big, and they were trying to hit me, as a few barely missed my head, this was also at 6am, I mean ...what?), and I think 'Oh wait, this was a large part of the reason I was glad to leave'.

It's just ..What the hell society? What happened? :(
Something went wrong a long time ago it seems, it would be a useless gesture to try and find the source as it could be too many things. As for the politcal thing, i voted labour last time, not sure if i will even vote this time, Gordon Brown just isn't cut out for the job and i don't think any of the other parties will solve this problem, in fact i'm sure they will end up making it worse somehow...Of course the only thing that may make me vote is to keep the BNP out of power.