Is the UK is going to hell faster and faster?

meh the whole world is messed, not just the UK

give it 30 more years and we'll be wiped off the face of the planet in 1 shape or another
Britain is getting worse and worse by the minute. I mean, look at these people... Kids thinking they are big and hard, drunken idiots who are outrageously violent, company paying illegal immigrants low low wages because they know they will work hard.

But let's face it... people in this country are lazy, so they turned to a person from a poor country because they can pay less... And to the immigrants from country like Poland or Pakistan, money like 50 quid is probably a lot to them.

Meh... if the country is getting worse and worse. I might as well move to Japan, it has one of the lowest crime rate and I won't have to listen to the 'chavs of britain'.
Yep. Britain is messed up.

I know this won't apply to all of us, but, I blame us, as humans. Its our responsibility to make sure we are bringing people up the way we are supposed to. Many of these people, will have been brought up that way, and that is how they think and act.

The UK is messed up. Its a place where it is apparently 'cool' to act stupid and violent towards others for no good reason.

If someone is throwing rocks at you, following you, etc, etc. Do something about it. Stand up for yourself. I'm pretty sure a smart thinking person can easily out-wit a half-drunk idiot. Or, tell your council, police or whatever about them.

People like them are ruining our country. They are giving and bad idea of our country.
Outside of the front page of The Mirror (and accounts from the streets of Planet AUKN), I never see these huge armies of drunken thugs terrifying the general public and throwing knives and needles at me.

Not that I'm doubting there's stuff like this going on, I'm just thankful I never come across it.

I'm a big fan of David Cameron BTW...funny how, whenever someone suggests voting Tory, people drone on about the "awful" job they did last time (YEARS AGO!), even though they've got nothing but complaints about the state of the country now. Do people really think Cameron would somehow be less effective than Brown (if that's even possible)?

Considering the absolute MUGGING Cameron has had from the media in general (and the negative view a lot of people have of the Tories), I find it very impressive they're doing so well in opinion polls and the like.

Maybe more people than you might think are ready for a change...
Its good to have a change but conservatives?.....Bleh no thanks. But i do see why people would vote for them, its always been a 2 party race anyway so we're inevitably going to go back to conservative whether we like it or not.

They're all as bad as one-another in my opinion, liberal democrats hold some interest to me but they're even wetter than labour in terms of crime so its a no go there.

Screw it, as soon as i get my degree im going to live in africa or a small rural village in asia. A nice simple life as a farmer is really appealing to me right now. Write a couple of books, watch the sunset in a old rickety chair and count the stars at night - get away from all this chaos.
People have been forecasting the downfall of society in every age of every country's history. Things are really no worse than they were in 'the good old days'. In fact, I'm shocked that so many young people here seem to think so.

And the whole chav-fear thing is something I've never understood. Violent, loutish people didn't just spring up overnight once they were given their latest label.
kupoartist said:
People have been forecasting the downfall of society in every age of every country's history. Things are really no worse than they were in 'the good old days'. In fact, I'm shocked that so many young people here seem to think so.

And the whole chav-fear thing is something I've never understood. Violent, loutish people didn't just spring up overnight once they were given their latest label.

Well actually things are noticably worse in todays world, very much so.
Violent behaviour has always been around that much is obvious but what is troubling is that in the last few years things just seem to have taken a nosedive. The main propblem is a lack of respect for authority. Be it police or teachers they don't command as much respect anymore because people know they can get away with it. Example. I used to take a short cut home from work every night by going through the town hall but I wouldn't dare do that now. It's since become a hotspot for violent attacks and this is in a well lit area with CCTV cameras all over the place. The police have been seen to do very little about this.

I think the shocking lack of Police action is more worrying than the violent attacks themselves.
The government trying to raise the age restrictions on certain things is yet another sign. I have heard rumours of them upping the legal drinking age to 21 and the legal age for sex to 18.
Maxon said:
The government trying to raise the age restrictions on certain things is yet another sign. I have heard rumours of them upping the legal drinking age to 21 and the legal age for sex to 18.

YAY! Y'know i've always said that the one bad thing about the UK - its just not quite like the US yet but give us those age limits, fling around a few cowboy hats and yeehaaa we've got ourselves a broken democracy *shoots pistols wildly into the air*

Seriously look at the US, they have a 21 limit on drinking and has that solved anything? They're the country that invented moonshine to get over alcohol limits ffs
Chrono Mizaki said:
But let's face it... people in this country are lazy, so they turned to a person from a poor country because they can pay less... And to the immigrants from country like Poland or Pakistan, money like 50 quid is probably a lot to them.

2 quid all you can eat restaurants... How I miss that... 10 quid would take you to a really good one and 20 is a gourmet dinner... The prices I've mention are sort of accurate, but now seriously. There are those whose intentions is to get some money and go back to their countries, but most of them want to stay here.

While I think that illegal immigrants should be sent back, the legal ones, should not be put on the same sack.
1 in 5 doctors are immigrants, 1 in 4 engineers are immigrant and I don't have exact figures, but I dare say one in 2 IT professional is immigrant.

And not only from poor countries such as Brazil, Poland or Pakistan, but also US, Australia, etc... At my work, in my team alone we have 3 australians, 1 kiwi, 2 indians, 1 scottish, 4 british and me...

Legal immigrants are good and helpful to society, we pay our taxes, and if we are not even european ones / rich country ones, we are even better, as we have virtually no rights and also have to go to the police station and complete an alien registration form. The word alien never ceases to amuse me =)

My passport has a stamp saying that I can't move home or change jobs without authorization. And if I play by the book, after 6 years paying taxes and all I can become a citizen.
I'll stop here... it's too late, I'm not thinking straight anymore...

Otaku-san said:
Liquid Skin said:
Maxon said:
fling around a few cowboy hats and yeehaaa we've got ourselves a broken democracy

It's not broken democracy, It's ****** up capitalism

Best Idea is when chaos goes back to Brazil, to fit a couple of us in his suitcase.

LOL :)

I've left Sao Paulo after it reach the mark of 5k+ murders in a year. You seriously wanna go? My sister and my brother in law have been mugged... My sister had a gun pointed to her head. My brother in law just got a beat up from armed thugs, two different situations.... I've also had a stereo stolen from my car and a the car itself on another day..

The guy who used to be game master when I played werewolf and vampire was shot, as robbers threatened his mother... Another guy who went to high school with me got shot over a watch.
No mate, UK is not going to hell, UK is like heaven

Situation in there seems to be getting better, but still is absurdly far from here. For you to play... The figures for Brazil seems accurate. It also shows something really interesting... US has a murder rate 5 times bgger than UK and i total numbers, it ammounts to 17k+ murders a year... ... icide_rate

I have mixed feelings for that place... I love it, but I can't stand it, I know, it's weird. Maybe I'm just too tired now =)
To Cuba then!!!

I'm sorry, I didn't know it was like that wow :eek:

well its that or Peru, Chile, Argentina ANYWERE but north US
From what I hear from people who actually visited Cuba, it's a nice place, only people over there is really poor. Have no idea about violence figures over there, as it's not published. Argentina ha the best beef in the world!!! and murder rate there is only twice the US and 5 times UK... =)

And their president is a woman that doesn't look so bad.

I wouldn't recommend Venezuela. Chavez seems to be completely crazy ....

And the best place in South America has to be Chile. The safest in there (has european levels of crime) and well educated.
chaos said:
And the best place in South America has to be Chile. The safest in there (has european levels of crime) and well educated.

should do now since they've got their new president there, and for such a small country, its quite prosperous
they got their stuff together after so many years under a dictatorship... Now latin america is moving towards democracy, the only thing left is finding good politicians who cares for its people and I believe that's the really hard part...
Thought I'd drop in as I'm free from revision for a bit! This is something that me and my freinds were talking about. the other day.

As far as society and people's behaviour goes, I think its always been pretty stupid and lets face it. There are idiots everywhere and there have always been people who will do bad things.

If there is an increase in bad attitude have you noticed how we don't try to change the attitude, we try to change the restrictions on a certain attitude. If we need to move foward you basically need to change the attitudes of people in general. To do that you basically need to change all of the messages sent out through all the major institutions (eg education, media). The problem with this is that not everyone will change to an attitude just because you present it and it would take decades for attitudes to change. Seeing as how thats unlikely to happen you've just got to make sure that the attitude doesn't affect you and make sure you still are a good person.

However, when it comes to things like the economy then who knows what will happen. I think a recession is likely but who knows what will come around the corner?