How to deal with anime haters?


Completely Average High School Student
I am currently having a problem with a house mate of mine, they don't seem to care too much for anime, mostly because they know nothing about it.

They have recently re-arranged the living room and lost my Soul Eater Part Two. You can probably guess I was annoyed!

So tell me, how do you deal with people like this? I am trying to convert them, starting with Ghibli and moving up.

Let me know!
Rather than being immature and showing annoyance, you should thank the person who lost 'lost' your Soul Eater set for you. Either watch Naruto or avoid mindless shounen violence; that's what a smart person, such as myself, would do.
Why do you feel the need to make them like anime in the first place, aren't they entitled to their own opinion? Unless of course they're being a dick about the fact that you like anime, in which case punch them in the face.
ayase said:
Why do you feel the need to make them like anime in the first place, aren't they entitled to their own opinion?

Why are you still here? Get with the anime fan program or GTFO. No real anime fan would accept those losers who opt not to watch animation in Japanese.
AnnaMay said:
I am currently having a problem with a house mate of mine, they don't seem to care too much for anime, mostly because they know nothing about it.

They have recently re-arranged the living room and lost my Soul Eater Part Two. You can probably guess I was annoyed!

So tell me, how do you deal with people like this? I am trying to convert them, starting with Ghibli and moving up.

Let me know!

Questions like this always puzzle me. You realise people have a right not to have any interest in anime. A bit like the way you, say, don't have any interest in stamp collecting and have survived perfectly fine without it. If he lost your Soul Eater DVD, tell him to pay you back or get over it and buy another.
the best approach to getting them to like something is to do what i do with my dad and music

i find a cool band, and i go to him "hey check this out, i think they're cool, you might like them", but don't try and shove it down their throats, because that just drives them further away in my opinion
Anime haters used to make me rage, however these days I can hardly be bothered to force it onto them.

I might suggest an anime film if I'm having a movie night with mates or possibly recommend a title to someone who might be interested, but those who follow the creed of 'cartoons are for kids' or 'it's all violent porn' don't seem worth arguing with (unless they are especially obnoxious and I feel like taking a stand for the sake of it) in most cases they're not likely to change their opinion short of brainwashing.

Some will simply never like anime, and just as I resent having genres I hate forced onto me, the same applies visa versa.

EDIT: However, if you are deadset on 'converting' them consider what sort of films and genre's the like in western cinema/TV and perhaps suggest an anime equivalent of some sort.
This depends...

If they keep saying "lol u watch japaneez anime pr0nz" even when you haven't brought it up, then ignore it.

If you keep talking like "kawaii desu~" and talk about anime all the time, then stop it. They don't care and it makes the rest of us look bad.
You would probably punch someone in the face if they insisted you should care what happened to Cheryl Cole on X Factor, right?

Also, do we really want chavs talking about the latest chapter of One Piece?
Cult shows and genres should stay cult, IMO
ilmaestro said:
I've met more than a couple of people who I would class as "haters" as opposed to simply not caring either way.
Out of curiosity, have they watched any then? Before I can begin to hate something, anything, I need to know enough about it to actively do that.
Jayme said:
Sparrowsabre7 said:
"It's Popular Now it Sucks" in action right here folks =P
Aww... I was looking forward to being productive this evening. :/
Who wants something niche they like to become popular with the masses?

Sure, the quality of discussion on AUKN might not exactly be top-tier currently; but imagine how much worse it would be if it was full of the kind of ill-informed idiots who comment on Yahoo News articles. Smaller communities are almost always better communities. Say no to popularity.
Oh I'm all for culty stuff, but there's a difference between "cult" and "underexposed" I think a lot of people could like anime if they gave it a chance, whereas something culty has a defined niche and is unlikely to get any fans outside of it regardless of popularity.

Or maybe I'm talking out my ass again, who knows.
Jayme said:
ilmaestro said:
I've met more than a couple of people who I would class as "haters" as opposed to simply not caring either way.
Out of curiosity, have they watched any then? Before I can begin to hate something, anything, I need to know enough about it to actively do that.
Hatred is usually bred from lack of knowledge/understanding, imo.

Sparrowsabre7 said:
Paradox295 said:
Cult shows and genres should stay cult, IMO

"It's Popular Now it Sucks" in action right here folks =P
I would say more like "it's popular, now the fanbase sucks".
ilmaestro said:
Hatred is usually bred from lack of knowledge/understanding, imo.
But then how can it get under there skin and become proper hatred? You don't need to reply, I just find these type of people baffling.
I had the experience recently of discussing anime as an art form online with a bunch of fanfic writers.

There was some interesting discussion, as well as a couple of imbecilic comments like 'OMGWTFBBQ! Anime is so moronic! Plot development like it came froma retarded 8 year old! How can you watch that crap!'

Which, of course, is rather uncalled for.

I asked a few of the participants to enlighten me as to what their specific problems with anime were, and the common threads were that:

ONE: They just hadn't seen much of it, and didn't like the idea of things like Naruto and Dragonball.

TWO: They looked down their noses at anime fans.

THREE: Their knowledge of anime and manga extended only to the stuff that always predictably gets dragged into the spotlight Yaoi. Tentacle rape. That sort of thing.

So really, all you can do is present as balanced a view of what manga and anime are to these people, if they're interested. And if they're not interested, that's cool.

We're not selling them religion, after all. Ho ho ho!