Hot or Not


That's whassername from Utawarerumono innit? I'm going to have to say "not" on account of the freakishly large ears.


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fabricatedlunatic said:

That's whassername from Utawarerumono innit? I'm going to have to say "not" on account of the freakishly large ears.
Yeah, Touka. And she's gonna kill you for insulting the Evankuruga. (Sp?)
Erm, no.


Jayme said:
What an odd picture. Hmm... not. Not at all.
Surely you jest? I'm not familiar with the character but she has a definite air of delicious evil... Therefore (according to the patented ayase hotness indicators) she is inherently hot:

The Five Hotness Indicators:
1. Androgyny
2. Stoicism
3. Strength of Will
4. Delicious Evil
5. Intensity Bordering on Insanity

Characters do not have to be in possession of all these characteristics (indeed it would be near impossible to posses traits 2 and 5 simultaneously) but must exhibit at least one. So for example: Kino 1 & 2, Kurau Amami 1 & 3, Haman Khan 2-4, Revy 3 & 5. If a character does not have a single one of these characteristics, they cannot be classified as hot.
ayase said:
Surely you jest? I'm not familiar with the character but she has a definite air of delicious evil...
It looks like if the shot panned back, she'd have a body of a four year old. I'm also scared she might be a wolf or something.
Delphine... I'm gonna have to go with Not. That particular picture of Mio and Ritsu, I would also have to say Not.

I appreciate ayase's forthrightness, I shall not follow suit though as I would neither like to confirm nor deny certain opinions that anyone may hold of me. ^^;

I will however provide a picture:

Gotta love those Akamatsu character designs. Hot.

Can't find an ideal picture of Maya from a short search and not at home to take a screenshot, so this will have to do:
