Hollywood announces new live action Akira films

melonpan said:
Judging from every other Japanese story turned American Hollywood film (Transformers, Dragonball (which is clearly Americanised judging from the pictures), this will be exactly the same.

Transformers was American to begin with.
Jayme said:
Where did you lot hear Leonardo was acting in it.. Like, Source-wise. I've only heard its his film company that are producing it and that's the end of with DiCaprio's involvement. To be honest, I really haven't seen him in many films (Only Titanic and Romeo and Juliet come to mind) and even though he has that air of being a bit "OTT Hollywood" as some other actors have, Like Tom Cruise. He still seems to be a perfectly viable choice of Kaneda.

Yeah i only realised that after i posted earlier :p Still we will have a while to wait till we see if there is anything else being amercanised within the movie
If I watch this film and it has shot after shot of iconic New York attractions being destoyed, I will leave the cinema. The fact that it's in two parts is slightly promising, it wont just follow the formula of introducing the charcters in a light hearted way, presenting the dilemma ( oh look, I have uncontrollable powers), and ending with the climax. Hopefully it'll retain some of the intrigue, and unique, surreal atmosphere that was Akira in manga and anime. From past hollywood experiences, this has more a chance of being a dire joke to Akira fans anywhere, than it does being a cross between blade runner and the city of God, let alone being something uniquely brilliant in itself. Sure, we may be asking too much, but I'd rather see an admirable adaptation than a butchering blockbuster.
=) Sorry, should have used anything to indicate irony... The changed the name of the city, they are likely to change characters name (but I would find it rather curious to see Leo di caprio as kaneda) , so I guess the only thing left is to change the name of the movie as well ^_^
I would just like to reply as a member of the USA. I am an American. I am a yank or what ever more derogatory term would be appropriate. I love anime, and I adore the many different cultures of the world. I completely understand the hate so many citizens of other fine countries have in for us. So many of my fellow Americans are completely oblivious of other countries and their long standing amazing cultures. I am not one of those Americans. Any time I can learn something new about another country or it's people I relish and appreciate it.

I like many of you am terrified of the potential butchering of the classic that is "Akira". Michael Bay or some other Hollywood producer/director will probably destroy the beauty that is the animated film "Akira". I plan on living in other countries across the globe in the next couple of years, and I really hope that I will not have to put up with what seems to be the world's overwhelming dislike of Americans. "Akira" is an amazing film that should be mentioned in the same context as any great film be it animated or not.

I apologize for the ignorance of many of my fellow Americans, and I hope that perhaps you will look upon us in a better light in the future.
^ Whoa, Vaiglor, I think you're reading too much into this. Besides, the rest of the world doesn't hate Americans -- we watch your TV shows, we love your actors etc. -- I think most people just don't like George W. Bush and what his government has done to the world ;]

chaos said:
=) Sorry, should have used anything to indicate irony... The changed the name of the city, they are likely to change characters name (but I would find it rather curious to see Leo di caprio as kaneda) , so I guess the only thing left is to change the name of the movie as well ^_^

Eh, changing the location and the character names (which probably won't even happen) is going to completely alter Akira? Don't you think that's a little over the top?
CitizenGeek said:
chaos said:
=) Sorry, should have used anything to indicate irony... The changed the name of the city, they are likely to change characters name (but I would find it rather curious to see Leo di caprio as kaneda) , so I guess the only thing left is to change the name of the movie as well ^_^

Eh, changing the location and the character names (which probably won't even happen) is going to completely alter Akira? Don't you think that's a little over the top?

No, given it's a film about Japan's post-war fears of nuclear holocausts, taking it out of Japan is quite a fundamental change.
Well if they do decide to change the location to New York then they will obvious have to Americanize the characters names as well. It could get quite ugly. I will say one thing though. It would be intriguing to see a take on the "Akira" story with an actor as talented as Dicaprio. For some reason, in America most hardcore movie fans are not big fans of Leonardo Dicaprio. I have always found this to be an odd thing due to the fact that he is an incredibly talented actor and has a great deal of range for many different roles. If I had to guess, it probably has to do with the fact that every prepubescent girl in the United States had a crush on him from the whole "Titanic" thing.
vaiglor said:
I would just like to reply as a member of the USA. I am an American. I am a yank or what ever more derogatory term would be appropriate. I love anime, and I adore the many different cultures of the world. I completely understand the hate so many citizens of other fine countries have in for us. So many of my fellow Americans are completely oblivious of other countries and their long standing amazing cultures. I am not one of those Americans. Any time I can learn something new about another country or it's people I relish and appreciate it.

Hi Vaglor, no problems with America or americans and hwo doyou know I'm not american myself? I've moved to UK recently as wel. So far, this has been a great move for me.

My problem is with the greedy Holywood executives, that don't even think twice and murder things fans hold dearly. It's gonna be a good movie? I'm not sure. It might end up been a very pleasant surprise. Is it going to be Katsuhiro Otomo's Akira? mmm, I don't think so.

I admit I'm a bit too pessimistic, but holywood adaptations made me feel like that. Even japanese adaptations didn't live up to my expectations, as Tales of Earthsea for instance... A great anime, no doubt, but it feels different from Le Guin's books.
Paul said:
CitizenGeek said:
chaos said:
=) Sorry, should have used anything to indicate irony... The changed the name of the city, they are likely to change characters name (but I would find it rather curious to see Leo di caprio as kaneda) , so I guess the only thing left is to change the name of the movie as well ^_^

Eh, changing the location and the character names (which probably won't even happen) is going to completely alter Akira? Don't you think that's a little over the top?

No, given it's a film about Japan's post-war fears of nuclear holocausts, taking it out of Japan is quite a fundamental change.

To be fair that could be changed to suit America's anxiety of post 9/11.
Man I leave for a few days and I find out this happens! ooooo I do not like the sound of this one bit - DiCraprio as Kaneda?! - I'm expecting the worst from this - as said earlier I'm surprised that hollywood is even aware of the existence of such great material such as the Akira story.
Paul said:
No, given it's a film about Japan's post-war fears of nuclear holocausts, taking it out of Japan is quite a fundamental change.

It's only about that if you're Japanese and you can put that context on it. It's not a fundamental aspect to Akira, it's not like it's even that obvious and Westerners still enjoyed Akira an awful lot. I think you're blowing the change completely and utterly out of all proportions; and I fear that is because something is becoming less Japanese. Sheesh, it's not like Japan is the only country in the world.
CitizenGeek said:
Sheesh, it's not like Japan is the only country in the world.

It isnt!? When did this happen!?!?

Back to the point. I think loosing the japanese eliment of Akira will change the feel of the film. I think if you look at it as a film in it's own right, it has the potential to be a decent movie; but as an adaptation of the manga [of which I'm yet too read], only time will tell whether they change it to the extent that it barely resembles the books or anime.
vaiglor said:
I apologize for the ignorance of many of my fellow Americans, and I hope that perhaps you will look upon us in a better light in the future.
People don't hate Americans (unless they're anti-american muslim countries who are just fanatical anyway) just there greed and there over americanization of everything. I happen to hate that they get games first too but whatever.

The movie should be in Japan and whoever said that 'To be fair that could be changed to suit America's anxiety of post 9/11.' should realise a post apocalyptic world ravaged in gang warfare and corrupt government with abusive police and highly danger top secret scientific studies of alien races after an atomic bomb hit the country is hardly comparable to a little anxiety over two buildings being blown up and a little fear that it could happen again.

If there's anything wrong with the movie it's changing the location, names barely matter but the location heavily affects the story.
"Americanization" irony.

In all seriousness I'm against remakes of any type however I'm willing to give AKIRA a go, I think the changes are understandable.
J_C_X said:
In all seriousness I'm against remakes of any type however I'm willing to give AKIRA a go, I think the changes are understandable.

But it's less Japanese now!!!!!111 >:/ What's the point in watching something that isn't Japanese?!