Hollywood announces new live action Akira films

CitizenGeek said:
J_C_X said:
In all seriousness I'm against remakes of any type however I'm willing to give AKIRA a go, I think the changes are understandable.

But it's less Japanese now!!!!!111 >:/ What's the point in watching something that isn't Japanese?!

Your bitchy, melodramatic attitude is annoying. Stop being so whiny, we already get that you aren't a purist, that's enough, so quit arguing with everyone, constantly. It's tiring having to constantly justify everything to you.
Paul said:
It's tiring having to constantly justify everything to you.

But, like, you don't have to. If I ask a question, you don't have to answer it. I really wouldn't mind if you didn't bother justifying anything to me -- especially if it annoys you or something.
CitizenGeek said:
Paul said:
It's tiring having to constantly justify everything to you.

But, like, you don't have to. If I ask a question, you don't have to answer it. I really wouldn't mind if you didn't bother justifying anything to me -- especially if it annoys you or something.

Get this, I can see why the changes are happening that's all I'm trying to say.

The threat of nuclear attack on Japan can be changed to a threat of a massive terrorist attack on US soil. That could be used to explain New Manhattan, it's not difficult to see.

Another reason it's been moved to the US, is that the US is going to use white actors and that would look out of place in Neo-Tokyo and even in present day Tokyo, Japan is one of the most homogeonous countries in the world, while New York is the polar opposite so it doesn't limit the movie to just Asian actors.
CitizenGeek said:
Paul said:
It's tiring having to constantly justify everything to you.

But, like, you don't have to. If I ask a question, you don't have to answer it. I really wouldn't mind if you didn't bother justifying anything to me -- especially if it annoys you or something.
Being the admin, Paul is being polite and diplomatic. Here's my way of putting it: shut up.
This is rating quite high in the MEH catagory.

I'm worried that they will balls it up. It happens on such a regular basis that i'll only be supprised if they do a good job...

Whats the betting Kaneda will be driving a harley davidson?

Btw vaiglor,
I don’t think most people hate Americans on an individual basis, but the image which the US makes for itself and its citizens.
Hokum said:
I'm worried that they will balls it up. It happens on such a regular basis that i'll only be supprised if they do a good job...

It does?! Really? Could you give me a few examples ... actually, no, give me many examples -- that should be easy, seeing as it happens on such a "regular basis", right?
Ok, films which could of been great but not, based on good franchises.

Wow its like open season...

Ok beginning with Uwe Boll films...
Alone in the Dark (WHY WHY WHY AITD was an awesome game WHY!!!!)

AVP: Alien vs. Predator (i loved the graphic novel why such a rubbish film?)
The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (great graphic novels, rubbish film)
Catwoman (urgh, just eurgh! it was excrement on screen)
Batman & Robin (another travesty of comic book hero to big screen rubbish)
Howard the Duck (ok not a great comic but wow)
Captain America (not seen the whole thing, but the clips are bad enough)

Not film
Justice League of America (this was so bad it was shown on channel 5 i think?)

Want any more?
Hokum said:
Not film
Justice League of America (this was so bad it was shown on channel 5 i think?)

Want any more?

There's already a justice league film :? I thought the one they were planning was the first one ever...though they should of just made an animated justice league movie based off on the cartoon and got mark hamill to return as the voice of the joker
Hokum said:
Ok, films which could of been great but not, based on good franchises.

Wow its like open season...

Ok beginning with Uwe Boll films...
Alone in the Dark (WHY WHY WHY AITD was an awesome game WHY!!!!)

AVP: Alien vs. Predator (i loved the graphic novel why such a rubbish film?)
The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (great graphic novels, rubbish film)
Catwoman (urgh, just eurgh! it was excrement on screen)
Batman & Robin (another travesty of comic book hero to big screen rubbish)
Howard the Duck (ok not a great comic but wow)
Captain America (not seen the whole thing, but the clips are bad enough)

Not film
Justice League of America (this was so bad it was shown on channel 5 i think?)

Want any more?

Ah, you see, I thought you were talking about anime-to-Hollywood movie adaptations. But, obviously, you're not. In this case, there are many examples of good adaptations from good franchises:

- Batman movies (in general, they're great)
- Spiderman movies
- Battle Royale
- Sin City
- 300
- V For Vendetta
- X-Men movies
- The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
- Superman Returns
- Persepolis (this was nominated for an Oscar, even)
- Fantastic Four movies
- Blade movies
- The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen
- Stardust
- A History of Violence
- The Crow

.... and I could go on, but I think you get the point. So, saying that Akira will most likely be a failure quality-wise based on Hollywood's record is rather baseless.
It's all very subjective. Personally I thought The Fantastic Four movies, The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, A History of Violence, Superman Returns and The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy were all poor movies.

I think the localisation changes in Akira could work if done right. It has a Blade Runner-esque feel to it as it is.
Urrrghhh. X-Men ~shudders~
I'm not a big fan of marvel comics in general but the movies are even worse.

Hitchhiker's Guide was poor in comparisson to the book.

Never read V For Vendetta or 300 but i suppose i should as i enjoyed the movies.

The Crow is an excellent movie.

But when is someone gonna announce a Johnny the Homicidal Maniac film!? :p
Maltos said:
But when is someone gonna announce a Johnny the Homicidal Maniac film!? :p
******* NEVAR!

It would kill, KILL the story, No one could give such a person a voice, AT ALL. If it would be live action, Everyone would look so out of character in contrast to Vasquez' style of drawing anorexicly thin people. It would also fail hard if it was done in Tim Burton's stop-motion, animation style because NNY SHAN'T HAVE A VOICE!

Never, Never, For the Lord of all things Holy, PLEASE DON'T TOUCH JtHM!

I really, really, really hate the idea of this, People always mention it. I don't see it ever happening and thank God Jhonen dislikes all the ideas of doing something with it - He thinks of it in his "past" now and doesn't really care for it all to much. That makes me happy, It shall never get touched.
Jayme said:
Maltos said:
But when is someone gonna announce a Johnny the Homicidal Maniac film!? :p
******* NEVAR!

It would kill, KILL the story, No one could give such a person a voice, AT ALL. If it would be live action, Everyone would look so out of character in contrast to Vasquez' style of drawing anorexicly thin people. It would also fail hard if it was done in Tim Burton's stop-motion, animation style because NNY SHAN'T HAVE A VOICE!

Never, Never, For the Lord of all things Holy, PLEASE DON'T TOUCH JtHM!

I really, really, really hate the idea of this, People always mention it. I don't see it ever happening and thank God Jhonen dislikes all the ideas of doing something with it - He thinks of it in his "past" now and doesn't really care for it all to much. That makes me happy, It shall never get touched.

I was thinking [if at all] of an animated feature. But i agree. No one could do NNY's insane personality justice. I'm happy reading it again for the [insert extremely high number]th time.
CitizenGeek said:
Ah, you see, I thought you were talking about anime-to-Hollywood movie adaptations. But, obviously, you're not. In this case, there are many examples of good adaptations from good franchises:

- Batman movies (in general, they're great)
- Spiderman movies
- Battle Royale
- Sin City
- 300
- V For Vendetta
- X-Men movies
- The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
- Superman Returns
- Persepolis (this was nominated for an Oscar, even)
- Fantastic Four movies
- Blade movies
- The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen
- Stardust
- A History of Violence
- The Crow

.... and I could go on, but I think you get the point. So, saying that Akira will most likely be a failure quality-wise based on Hollywood's record is rather baseless.

I was referring to original material->hollywood "blockbuster"

Hmm i disagree and i think they miss more than hit, take Batman for example, the first two (Tim burton) where ok, and the Christoper Nolan one is very good but the rest are rubbish...

Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, i think could of been much better, it just didnt zing, like it used to.

The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, simply didnt have a clue, in fact it was disowned by Alan Moore.

But yes some of those you list are good movies and films in their own right.
Everyone’s having a go of Americas efforts of making a graphic novel into a movie (I think tank girl was their worst attempt), But has the UK done any better?
I'm having trouble thinking of any comic book movies we’ve made. :lol:
The truth is that fans of the graphic novel are always going to find faults
With any movie adaption of their fav comic, it’s best to go their without any expectations or your properly going to be disappointed.
What I don't understand about the Akira film is that if Japan didn’t think of making one (because they new it would be a bad idea) why do America want to?
Sammy said:
Everyone’s having a go of Americas efforts of making a graphic novel into a movie (I think tank girl was their worst attempt), But has the UK done any better?
I'm having trouble thinking of any comic book movies we’ve made. :lol:
The truth is that fans of the graphic novel are always going to find faults
With any movie adaption of their fav comic, it’s best to go their without any expectations or your properly going to be disappointed.
What I don't understand about the Akira film is that if Japan didn’t think of making one (because they new it would be a bad idea) why do America want to?
The UK isn't so big on comics in the first instance so there are not many UK adaptations of comics or graphic novels. Add to that the lack of much in the way of a UK movie industry, especially with respect to blockbuster movies and you notice that the UK doesn't provide that much in the way of such movies in the first instance. For that reason alone the argument is fairly pointless.

Having said that movie adaptations of comics, books and games are usually very hit-and-miss (not just US but worldwide) since there are always going to be compromises since some things are extremely hard to translate into a movie of 1.5 to 2hrs long. Things will be omitted due to there being too little time to fit in or being to difficult to convey in a primarily audio-visual medium. Other things are liable to be changed when trying to appeal to an audience that the original was not intended for. As an example, Howl's Moving Castle completely failed to make any mention of Howl's origin (he is welsh, if you read the book) since this would not make much sense to a Japanese audience but is something others would easily pick up on.
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how in the hell is this film going to work.
as long as it has tetsuo turning into a big nuclear expantion of bodyparts

i couldn't care less about this i'm more hyped for death
Considering I thought the animated version was pretty ****, I'm sure I'll LOVE the Hollywood version. -___-

At least it'll have good special effects...if nothing else.