Hollywood adaptation of Death Note confirmed, MW live action


Ghost of Animes
Another live action adaptation of <strong><em>Death Note</em></strong> is in the works, but this time, <a href="http://www.animenation.net/blog/2008/06/03/american-death-note-movie-in-development/">it's a Hollywood-based project</a>. The rights have been snapped up by movie producers Vertigo Entertainment, famous for their involvement in the many US adaptations of Asian horror movies (including the popular remakes of the <em>Grudge </em>and the <em>Departed </em>(a remake of <em>Infernal Affairs</em>)). The two names attached to the project so far are writers Vlas and Charles Parlapanides, neither of which have much experience.

Also, earlier in the week, another live action adaptation <a href="http://samehat.blogspot.com/2008/06/tezukas-mw-being-made-into-movie.html">was announced</a>, though this one will be in Japanese; Osamu Tezuka's <strong><em>MW</em></strong>. Many will associate Tezuka's work with the famous children's TV series <em>Astro Boy</em>, but <em>MW </em>is for adults-only. It involves rape, sadism, murder; all kinds of controversial, dark and disturbing subject matter.

Finally, an extended clip spliced from the <strong><em>20th Century Boys</em></strong> live action movie <a href="http://twitchfilm.net/site/view/armageddon-furry-animal-suit-worried-faces-its-20th-century-boys-new-clip/">been posted on Twitch</a>. This is an adaptation of Naoki ("Monster") Urasawa's popular sci-fi/mystery manga.

Confirmed for Light Yagami.
Lupus Inu said:
Confirmed for Light Yagami.
I want that to happen, srsly.

Anyway, When I read about this the other day, For some odd reason I woke up a bit (considering it was the early hours of the morning). Its no surprise that its happening, But I sort've want it to work. Meh, I want all of these adaptations to work.

Confirmed for Misa.
As long as they don't mess with the story, I think Death Note can work really well in live action. It's not like there are any tough special effects either, rather the acting and tone of the movie will be key, hence I hope they don't cast people just because they look like their manga counterparts. Similarity in looks does not a good actor make.
I really need to get around to watching Death Note, this just highlights that matter.

Incidentally i heard a rumour that they hollywood was doing an adaptation of Monster. Is this old news?
Miley Cyrus would make a bad Misa, I think, but I reckon Zac Efron would make a great Light! :]

Paul said:
Also, earlier in the week, another live action adaptation <a href="http://samehat.blogspot.com/2008/06/tezukas-mw-being-made-into-movie.html">was announced</a>, though this one will be in Japanese; Osamu Tezuka's <strong><em>MW</em></strong>. Many will associate Tezuka's work with the famous children's TV series <em>Astro Boy</em>, but <em>MW </em>is for adults-only. It involves rape, sadism, murder; all kinds of controversial, dark and disturbing subject matter.

OMG! OMG! OMG! How did I miss this news until now!?

MW (pronounced 'Moo' to those not in the know!) is absolutely fantastic and up there with Ode to Kirihito as one of my all-time favourite manga. The guy playing Yuki looks pretty perfect, too! I think Fr. Garai's actor is probably too young, but he still looks awesome! I hope they don't edit out all the gay (and I can't imagine they will; it's pretty central to the whole story) but you never know with Japan, they're not exactly the most gay-friendly of people. In any case, I'm well hyped for this movie!
I feel the same way about Hollywood doing Death-Note as any other adaption; it could work, but my hopes are low. If the Hollywood grinder screws it up I'll just do exactly what I did with Hitman, AvP and the third X-Men film. Pretend it doesn't exist :cry:
CitizenGeek said:
but I reckon Zac Efron would make a great Light! :]
Ok, seriously, how the hell did everyone know who that Zac fellow was? I'd never seen or heard anything about him til I saw his pic on /a/...

I'm pretty much with Paul on this one, could be quite good unless Hollywood decide to mess around with the story (beyond the usual localisation bits).
I think a US live action of Death Note could be pretty well done. It can't be any worse than the other live action.
Who is hanna montana? Who is Zac Effron? Who is that guy confirmed for Light? I'm lost here...

Sy said:
I think a US live action of Death Note could be pretty well done. It can't be any worse than the other live action.
I love your optmism ;D
Lupus Inu said:

Confirmed for Light Yagami.

The Fangirls will surely go angry over his 'evilness' =D which will result in less fangirls.


Actually... since people are posting pictures...


I think Russel Brand would make a great Ryuk.

I'm not seriously joking... I even imagined a British Series adaption of Death Note would go down well in my twisted mind >.>
Just to clear everything up: Zac Efron and Miley Cyrus are two of the biggest Disney stars, right now. Zac being the "heart-throb" from the High School Musical franchise and Miley being the main singer of the musical show, Hannah Montana.

I like them both.. Woe is me.

I hope we're all on the same page now, as well.
CitizenGeek said:
Miley Cyrus would make a bad Misa, I think, but I reckon Zac Efron would make a great Light! :]

Paul said:
Also, earlier in the week, another live action adaptation <a href="http://samehat.blogspot.com/2008/06/tezukas-mw-being-made-into-movie.html">was announced</a>, though this one will be in Japanese; Osamu Tezuka's <strong><em>MW</em></strong>. Many will associate Tezuka's work with the famous children's TV series <em>Astro Boy</em>, but <em>MW </em>is for adults-only. It involves rape, sadism, murder; all kinds of controversial, dark and disturbing subject matter.

OMG! OMG! OMG! How did I miss this news until now!?

MW (pronounced 'Moo' to those not in the know!) is absolutely fantastic and up there with Ode to Kirihito as one of my all-time favourite manga. The guy playing Yuki looks pretty perfect, too! I think Fr. Garai's actor is probably too young, but he still looks awesome! I hope they don't edit out all the gay (and I can't imagine they will; it's pretty central to the whole story) but you never know with Japan, they're not exactly the most gay-friendly of people. In any case, I'm well hyped for this movie!

I just ordered the MW manga along with Apollo's Song and Town of Evening Calm, Country of Cherry Blossoms. I'm looking forward to reading some really great manga over the next month or so! :) I've never read anything by Osamu Tezuka, so I'm especially interested to see what he's like.
Paul said:
I just ordered the MW manga along with Apollo's Song and Town of Evening Calm, Country of Cherry Blossoms. I'm looking forward to reading some really great manga over the next month or so! :) I've never read anything by Osamu Tezuka, so I'm especially interested to see what he's like.

Nice; Apollo's Song and MW are fantastic and I've heard great things about Town of Evening Calm, Country of Cherry Blossoms. They're all handy single-volume releases, too!

I'm sure you'll love Osamu Tezuka - he really deserves his enviable reputation. MW is the better of the two, but I think you'd best start with Apollo's Song as I think that would make the better introduction to Tezuka. Enjoy! ;]
*waits for live actions of bleach,naruto and one piece and i will be happy

first dragon ball, then akira and GiTs now death note, the next 10 years will be hopefully great
pneboy said:
*waits for live actions of bleach,naruto and one piece and i will be happy

first dragon ball, then akira and GiTs now death note, the next 10 years will be hopefully great

I admire your optimism, or sarcasm, which ever you were going for there lol.

Most hollywood live actions i'm dead against and just cannot see crossing over well in terms of anime to live action and Jap to Hollywood. Yet i can see Death Note working, just because it's such a great premise and so well directed anyway. I feel because apart from Ryuk and the death God angle it's realistic and could be portrayed and transferred to American culture so so well. It's a great premise and i'm not suprised it got snapped up. Just needs a good director and i'm certain this will be worthwhile, unless they go down the cheap horror remake route.
Seriously, Zac Efron and Miley Cyrus. Doesn't anyone see this as a incredibly bad casting? Do we really want chipper, all singing, all dancing Disney puppets? I just hope they can set the mood right, although so far all i can see is dancing and singing. Guess i'll just have to wait and see.