hello all!

Hi-ho Fun3. :)
Welcome to the forums. Glad to see another member join, but we would like to know a little more about you, if you dont mind. Things like Fav+ genres and shows, collect manga/anime/both, hobbies, etc.

Just be careful when adding new threads to certain forums. Some of the threads posted in the "Gaming" section would be better in the "Ever Enduring Forum Games" section. The Gaming part is for talking about Consoles/PCs and their games really (I.e. Street Fighter, Call of Duty etc.) No biggy though. :)

Well, enjoy the stay.
I guess you like fun =) Welcome to AUKN. We hope you enjoy your stay, emergency exits are located here, here and at the back of the website, life jackets are located under your profile.
Fun? Three? Would boys be involved?

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Greetings Fun3! I've decided that Chaz chose the best short hand so that's what you'll be known by from here on in. Tell us a little more about what series you enjoy. Otherwise, I'll see you around the threads. ^__^