has any one

And I remember everything no matter how drunk I am. I'm under the impression that people use that as an excuse to do things they wouldn't normally do, then just say they were drunk and couldn't remember it.
I got bombed a few months back at my friends 18th, and his uncle wedgied me and literally TORE off my boxers.

It was a sad time for groin-kind.
I usually don't take enough money out with me to get me drunk, i have a strong tolerance for alcohol which is a right pain in the backside. In the last year or so i have never been utterly drunk to the point of falling over, that would take more money than it's worth and usually i'm the semi sensible one.

However i do remember when i was 15 one of my friends had a huge boxing day party and i killed half a bottle of Whyte and Mackay whiskey, never again. I was ill for two days afterwards. Carrying on from the drunken theme i have set myself on fire at parties, done the whole shaving peoples eyebrows off and such. This girl also decided to have a party and a few people i know went and moved all her furniature outside :lol:.

Oh the days of highschool parties, how i miss thee.
One time last year I had nothing to eat all day, then that night I went on one hell of a bender. Using a toilet seat as a pillow is very ******* uncomfortable, I'll tell you THAT. -_-
James James said:
One time last year I had nothing to eat all day, then that night I went on one hell of a bender. Using a toilet seat as a pillow is very ******* uncomfortable, I'll tell you THAT. -_-

Did you catch c00ties from the seat too?
Hyaku said:
James James said:
One time last year I had nothing to eat all day, then that night I went on one hell of a bender. Using a toilet seat as a pillow is very ******* uncomfortable, I'll tell you THAT. -_-

Did you catch c00ties from the seat too?
No, I think the smell of vodka, weed and other weird smells would have scared them all away.

But, of course, they could be loungin' in the old ear drum... :B
James James said:
Hyaku said:
James James said:
One time last year I had nothing to eat all day, then that night I went on one hell of a bender. Using a toilet seat as a pillow is very ******* uncomfortable, I'll tell you THAT. -_-

Did you catch c00ties from the seat too?
No, I think the smell of vodka, weed and other weird smells would have scared them all away.

But, of course, they could be loungin' in the old ear drum... :B

A mirthful sense of humour you have there. =P

So you slept on the pooper then? :lol:
Hyaku said:
James James said:
Hyaku said:
James James said:
One time last year I had nothing to eat all day, then that night I went on one hell of a bender. Using a toilet seat as a pillow is very ******* uncomfortable, I'll tell you THAT. -_-

Did you catch c00ties from the seat too?
No, I think the smell of vodka, weed and other weird smells would have scared them all away.

But, of course, they could be loungin' in the old ear drum... :B

A mirthful sense of humour you have there. =P

So you slept on the pooper then? :lol:
I'm unsure what to say. Thanks? I guess it beats the 'tasteless' remarks I've sadly gotten used to. :p

And I wouldn't say I slept on it, I just used it as something to rest my head on as I was bringing up most of my digestive system. :lol:
James James said:
Hyaku said:
James James said:
Hyaku said:
James James said:
One time last year I had nothing to eat all day, then that night I went on one hell of a bender. Using a toilet seat as a pillow is very ******* uncomfortable, I'll tell you THAT. -_-

Did you catch c00ties from the seat too?
No, I think the smell of vodka, weed and other weird smells would have scared them all away.

But, of course, they could be loungin' in the old ear drum... :B

A mirthful sense of humour you have there. =P

So you slept on the pooper then? :lol:
I'm unsure what to say. Thanks? I guess it beats the 'tasteless' remarks I've sadly gotten used to. :p

And I wouldn't say I slept on it, I just used it as something to rest my head on as I was bringing up most of my digestive system. :lol:

So how much of your oesophagus did you cough up? :p
On Opium I realised that life was worth living and after the experience I really started to study hard.

Seriously, drugs have only done good things for me.
Once I got so hammered I fell over in my bed room and cut all the skin off my hand up to my arm and then down my leg as I fell on a sharp edge. I then fell asleep int he shower with my covers over me (shower running), when I woke up I was soaking wet and had what looked like a 3rd arm growing out of my shoulder where the skin was hanging off
The thing that i mostly regret from being drunk is screaming im god in a public area and running around all over the place :D